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Terry's Midwest Trip TR

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When I'm on vacation, I can't stay serious for too long! Or sober!


Case in point: I have another video!


It's a bit more lowkey, but I don't think anyone's posted a TPR of the bumper cars, which I had the best time! This video is sponsored by Corona and this it the only time it's cool to drink and drive! I bet you can't guess who I am...

TPR Bumper Car Takeover.wmv

Got 3 minutes to waste? Well how about checking out the TPR takeover of the bumper cars during Indiana Beach ERT!

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OH MY LAUNDRY!!!! THAT MOUSE VIDEO WAS THE FUNNIEST THING!!!! I heart hearing Gary laugh hysterically and Jenn cuss up a storm, but EVERYTIME I hear you say "YEEEEHN!" I cannot stop cracking up!!!


I heart you guys!


BTW, Terry thanks for making me ride Dragster!!! You really made a huge difference for me on the trip!! I am forever grateful!


chuck "Can't wait to hear you say "YEEEHN" on a coaster AGAIN!" garcia

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I could only imagine how frequent or loud the yeehns would have been on a ride like TTD.


There was only one YEEHN. Gary hit a note so high on the launch I stopped and looked at him... see?


PS: You're welcome Chuck! If I do my New Years party trip to L.A., maybe we'll meet up and I'll do more sound effects at the parks!


TTD got Gary feeling emotions...

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Is my language really that foul?


Sure looks that way.


Well I finished resizing pics for Wisconsin Dells, but I have a few video surprises to finish for our guest star of my next installment:


Say hi to your mom Bryan! Yep it's Bryan's (AKA 'Not for Sale') "It's all about me day" coming up!


(Doesn't he look wore out? I annoyed the hell out of him that day!)

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T-boo - thanks for posting these. I'm right back on the trip (although I'm really sitting in my office, staring out the window, thinking about next year's trip.)


I have to mention that Terrance was the BEST ROOMATE EVER!!! Besides being a great and fun guy, he is HILARIOUS!!!!


Take care



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David: Thanks! And it was great having you for a roommate!!!


Loco: Thanks! I try but it's hard work to exercise and put in a 40+ hour week! I have to lose this amusement park fat though!


Now back to your program currently in progress...


I still haven't done those videos (left my files at home), but I figured I'll give you a part one and add the videos later!


Let's get started...


Hmpf. Save your money. It was only cute when Bo Derrick did it, and how many decades was that ago? Exactly. And you might wind up with some of that weave from Beech Bend! Anyway, more Bryan at Riverview Park later! TTFN!


Zeus Credit. He told my fortune and I was trying to get him back for it!


Don't run! Don't Run!


Looky, looky! Another credit to be had! Ahhh!


Having a problem, boo?


Seems like everyone one wanted to "serve" and "pooch" for the camera. Work it Evan!


After the first train departs during the Hades ERT, it get stuck getting back to the station! Get that woods still a bit wet! We did overshoot the station on Zeus and had to ride it again... double ouch!


Bryan Credit!


"I'm only 17", Bryan whispered. Poor thing.


"Shut up and take it" I said. ;)


Yep he became a statue credit on the trip. The first of many.


Let's jump to day 2. And the star of the show. Everyone say hi to Bryan! When Robb announce the "Take photos of bryan" since he complained, I knew he was in trouble since I'm quite dangerous with the camera! This is before we found out about his mom posting, but let's pretend you didn't know...


Now this is just ridiculous. Mt Olympus, fix your cars! It's not like you're hurting for money! But then I looked and i don't think they have transfer tracks for replacements! But still I held on to the bar just in case... but you see from this pic, it may have been in vain!


There's only two pics from the first day worth posting, since we rushed to get coasters in so the second day would be more relaxed. Anyway, I'm sure everyone has talked about their coaster trains; this is how they are supposed to look.

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How about a few video clips for part 2 of Wisconsin Dells?


As a setup, I guess I'd better give a brief recap of the events leading up to this pictorial. During the trip there was a post from member "Not for Sale" (aka Bryan) about seeing the same 10 people in Robbs mini updates. Of course this started a lot of drama on the boards... then I figured out that Not For Sale was actually on the midwest trip... that night in the hotel lobby after the failed ERT (serious rain storm!), a group of people talked with Robb and he said he would think of something...


The next day, Robb announced that he was having a contest to see who could take the most pictures of Bryan... and the fun began!


Little did anyone one know, including Bryan, that it was actually Bryan's mom posting under his account while under the influence of some meds! So while Bryan was scrambling to find out what happened, we were taking his pictures left and right! It wasn't until later that day until Robb found out the truth while talking to his mom... there was also some cute beer-induced footage with me talking to her as well (I want to see that film btw!).


Anyway, we put Bryan through hell, and he was a good sport about it... I was shopping later and found the "It's all about me" T-shirt and gave it to him, via Robb, for making our day enjoyable!


Anyway, enjoy the video clips and I'll post the rest later today!



Bothering Bryan.wmv

I'm not bothering you am I?

Bryan Explains.wmv

I took a minute, after harassing him with the camera, to tell his side of the story about.

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Ok, now let's post the next installment of the Dells pics! Riverview! Yay!!!


As you know by now, it's coaster-lite, considering you've already know what coasters are already there!


Let's bother Bryan instead!


"Ready to ride Avalanche, Bryan?"


(You guys know he's loving the attention now... wait until he gets to Timber Falls! I got him modeling! He does the drag queens proud!)


Do you think Bryan is feeling like he's being stalked?


"Err... where ya going?"


(no rest for the weary)


"Whatcha Lookin' At?"


Getting the truck together...


They're resting up, and I'm taking pictures with a beer in my hand. "Hi! Bye!" ;)


Yep, it's more bryan! When I took it, I was thinking "This will teach ya to complain!"


2pts! Bryan and statue-credit-a-trois!


Don't hide! C'mon down here!


Looks like the spinning frenzy took its toll on Gary. You're looking kinda green there! (Another Bryan picture point)


We need a price check at register 3! Oh, really... it's not in the system? Well mark it for a fast sale!


Ohh, oh yeah!


And no update would be complete without a statue credit... Froggie style! That poor kid didn't know what to do!


You still doing ok, Bryan! (Yep, still bothering him)


I have video of this pic as well... that poor kiddie coaster! It was barely making the hill! I was waiting for the coaster to roll back and valley!

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Lord, NOT a fan of the spinning dragon from hell. I was green. I would've been okay had it not been 2 billion degrees in there. Spinning=fine Spinning+2 billion degree heat=FAIL I'm normally laid back but this made me yell at the people I was riding with. Sorry. I was sick and pissy for the rest of the day. From now on, this will be me when I see a spinning dragon ride...


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^^Sick and pissy?? Understatement of the FREAKING YEAR!! I'm just kidding - if someone didn't know you, they would just think you were tired; but WE KNEW BETTER! Was this the same evening as the Steak-n-Shake debacle???


Miss you guys still






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^Actually that was when we were in Chicago and the White Castle was closed to walk ins (WTF???). You know he was even madder when my happy butt just trots in the restaurant, orders and GETS it within 10 minutes! Maybe it was just because I was getting takeout. But you know me, I would have tore the waitress a new one!


Well while I have a little lunch hour time (yep, this late... but I programmed until I didn't want to see the screen anymore), I'll do another update:


And finally for this update we have Chuck channelling Maria Conchita Alonso coming out of the shower in Extreme Prejudice (staring Nick Nolte) ;). Work the wrap! Give us the pristine damsel! Next we're off to Six Flags Great America!


And of course this finally leaves to Robb giving Bryan the gift for being such a good sport... and for also making the Wisconsin Dells TPR so special!


And today's Human Biology class lesson is...


Clinton giving fortunes?!? He should have read his own tea leaves that said "If you see a chick in a blue dress, put her a$$ out of the white house and leave her alone! And hide your cigars!" Makes a good statue credit though!


This was the cheap dinosaur that didn't move or make a sound! The only sound was that lady giving the tour flappin her trap! What, you can't see the dinosaur? Doesn't matter. ;)


No, cheap rock creature, you can't have Bryan's gift! But I'll make you my statue credit!


We went inside the "Top Secret" to find out what the secret was. I'll tell you: they take your money with a cheap, tired, and ramshackle production! If you thought Mt Olympus had problems with the coaster trains, just imagine that nothing kills an illusion more than aliens with broken fingers! And the girl giving the tour got on my LAST nerve... I was looking for an emergency exit!


After Timber Falls I found a little shop next to this haunted house, where I snapped my next credit...


And in honor of "Hairspray"...


I got Bryan channeling a little impromptu Tracy Turnblad at the snack bar!


Between pooching and makeshift wig pictures, I bet Bryan's definitely gonna log off his account when he's not around!


(Hey I may not win with the most pictures of Bryan, but I've definitely got it in the inventive use of subject matter!)




(after beer #4 I'm in rare form)


For the last time, I'm not buying you liquor! You just leave the drinking to the grown folks! Don't hate!


We've certainly gotten our share of battle scars on this trip! My thighs are all bruised up from the lap bars at SOB! Luckily I can hide 'em with shorts!


Hey gal! Smile!


Ok, get your ride in and I'll bother you later!


You got the hang of it Bryan! Serve! Sell it!


The second shot... just a little blurry... (sigh).. I need a new cameraman!


Of course with the operators manually dispatching the cars at Timber Falls, we had a little time to mess around in the line... of course I had to teach Bryan the art of "pooching"... the first shot didn't come out because of all this biatches with camera got in my way! I had to read: "This is my shot! My shot! Back up out of the frame b*tches!"

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^^Sick and pissy?? Understatement of the FREAKING YEAR!! I'm just kidding - if someone didn't know you, they would just think you were tired; but WE KNEW BETTER! Was this the same evening as the Steak-n-Shake debacle???


Miss you guys still







Yeah the spinning dragon had NOTHING on Steak n Shake. I've not been that mad in a LONG time. I was so mad I almost cried.

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