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Cat set on fire by 2 teenage girls

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The Associated Press

Thursday, July 19, 2007; 1:20 AM



COTATI, Calif. -- A 3-month-old cat is clinging to life at a Sonoma County animal hospital after having been set on fire by two teenage girls who now face charges of animal cruelty.


The kitten, named Adam by hospital staff, has undergone two surgeries and had its tail and the tips of its ears amputated. The skin on its back was burned off in the attack, leaving nothing but raw tissue.


"The degree of injury is greater than our normal level of trauma that we care for," said Katheryn Hinkle, the head veterinarian and owner of the Animal Hospital of Cotati. "He's our most critical patient, and we're watching him constantly."


The cat, one of several feral felines trapped for spaying and neutering, was in a cage outside an apartment in Santa Rosa when two 15-year-old girls allegedly poured flammable liquid on the animal and set it on fire last month.


An 11-year-old boy and his friend saw the smoke and heard the cat, then eight weeks old, shrieking while the girls laughed. The girls, whose names have not been released, were charged with cruelty to animals in Sonoma County Juvenile Court last week.


With so much exposed skin, the cat is vulnerable to infection, Hinkle said. It cannot leave its cage and must be handled only with gloves. It will need several more surgeries to cover the wound on its back with skin.


The kitten was among six wild litter mates and a male cat captured by a trapper on a farm. The plan was to have the cats spayed and neutered and then released back to the farm. The cages with the kittens were stolen and only Adam has been found.


According to Hinkle, the bill to keep the kitten alive could run between $20,000 and $30,000 even though the vet performing its surgeries has donated her services. The community's concern for the cat has prompted anger in some Sonoma County residents, who complain that the slaying of a 16-year-old boy in the same neighborhood last year did not receive as much attention.



Wow. What the hell did the cat do to deserve this????

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Hmm...as punishment, someone should pour gasoline over one of them and light them with a match and see how funny they think it is. Not so funny now, is it?


Agreed. And as stated, since they were laughing, whoever lights these girls on fire should stand by and laugh. I would.


Animal cruelty like this just sickens me and the humans who do it deserve worse. (I have a very negative outlook on the human race)

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Hmm...as punishment, someone should pour gasoline over one of them and light them with a match and see how funny they think it is. Not so funny now, is it?


Agreed. And as stated, since they were laughing, whoever lights these girls on fire should stand by and laugh. I would.


Animal cruelty like this just sickens me and the humans who do it deserve worse. (I have a very negative outlook on the human race)


That's just my thoughts.... I think it's one of the worst things, people can do. Animals such as cats and dogs can't defence themselfs, so it's just really mean and cruel do to that kind of stuff.

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I know i used to be cruel to kittens when i was little, but never to this extreme. This is just plain horrible. And why so much just to keep a kitten alive?? Unfortunately, I see it better just to put it to sleep. Its a hell of a lot cheaper and it'll take the poor kitty out of its misery.

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Oh my God. This is just terrible.


I can't believe this world. People who are so young doing such a horrible thing to the poor cat. And them laughing? They should see someone they love die slowly and painfully, then they'll see who's laughing.


I realize that some of you are saying that they should have put the cat out of its misery. I think the veterinarians did the right thing, keeping it alive. Sure it was just another unfortunate soul, but remember, we only live once. Sure the cat would go through a lot of pain, but it would all end up fine, hopefully.


Wow, I have to learn to stop ranting so much.

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