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Elissa's Random Thought of the Day!

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As someone who has worked night shifts for many years, I have to say that the whole circadian rhythm thing is absolutely correct. Working overnights really messes with your body - even when you are used to doing it.


I have to black out my windows, use white noise, and take meds to sleep properly during the day, and I still get very sleepy around 3-4 AM at work - most of us on the night shift do. It's not at all unusual to see people nodding off at the computers in the nurses' station during those hours.


Of course, I think people with day jobs get sleepy in the afternoon, too. I think maybe we all need siesta time!


Hope KT gets her days and nights straightened out again, soon. Christian is almost 7 and Rhiannon is 4, and they both still have occasional nights when they are wide awake and ready to party in the wee hours. *sigh*

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Sorry for the lack of random thoughts! The trips had me way busier this summer than I ever thought!!!


Ok, so...here we go...




I was very skeptical of this. I did it as a kid, barely remember it, but made lifelong friends from this first 3 year old playgroup. Now flash forward to today and they offer programs for newborns! I didn't see the point in signing KT up until now, since she now sits up and interacts with people and toys.


So KT went to her first Gymboree class today and really liked it! She's the youngest in the class so it was a bit sad that she was the only one who couldn't crawl, but at the same time she was watching the other babies and it made her try even harder to crawl! I think it will be really good for her, teach her to interact with other kids, and motivate her to learn stuff early from all these older kids.


Also, it wasn't as annoying and dumb as I thought. I didnt' sing along or anything and it seemed like you didn't really have to, the teacher lady did enough. The teacher chick was also very good and remembered KT's name for the whole class and would give her some personal attention. This Gymboree also includes two 'open gyms' a week so we'll definitely be going back to play! Did I mention that it's like 200 feet from our apartment!???


Finally, and the best...KT has now been asleep 90 minutes!!! This is her longest nap in weeks! I think Gymboree tired her out! I wish we could go every day!


Next time I'll take some pictures and post them!


So yeah I'm a happy mom today!!!

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That's great that Kristen's getting other interaction to do, besides us and coasters/themeparks, lolol.


And 90 minutes asleep, huh?


Hope you treasured that time, heh heh.


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Quick Gymboree update before moving to my next random thought...


Went to open gym today. There were no babies her age, or even like within 3 months of her age but it was still great. All of the older kids would bring stuff over to her, she would try to communicate with them, it was great!


I was realizing that we don't really have any friends with kids, and I don't see that happening any time soon. In the last 7 months the only interaction she's had with babies was saying hi to a baby at Kennywood, and one at Lotte World! It's really got to be good for her just to at least go three times a week and see other kids.


Okay, next post will be my random thought!

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Thomas Town at SFMM


Ok, so this has been officially announced. I just wish I could get excited but I can't. The press release pretty much killed all hope I had. They announced a train ride, a meet and greet, and a shop!!!! Seriously, Thomas Town that does not make.


As much as I rip Fuji-Q apart, the nicest best place in that craphole is their Thomas Town, which is amazing! I'm thinking it has at least 12 actual rides. All really nicely themed to the story. Plus KidTums was able to ride half of them, and loved all the bright colors and nice music. They even had a dark ride with a switch track in it!


I knew deep down that SFMM would never get something that nice (I mean come on, SFMM getting a dark ride!) but I guess I at least thought they'd get an actual 'area' and fill it with themed rides. Harold the Helicopter ride, Bertie the Bus, Mini-Log Flume, Kiddie Credit, Tambourine Ride, etc.


I guess I should be used to getting disappointed by SFMM by this point, but I thought everything was looking really good!


Some things that have upset me about the park lately:


- Not being allowed in one hour before closing! What is this ridiculous new policy!?!!? Seriously, we wait till it gets cooler and darker so we can take KT out safely. Now we can't anymore? This needs to be changed ASAP. Especially since it's nowhere to be found on the ticket booths, parking gate, website, etc.

- Thomas Town.

- Taking out Granny Grand Prix

- Hurricane Harbor closed for the season (I know this isn't like a bad disappointing thing, but I love that park and hate that it's closed!)

- Metro still closed.


Yeah, that felt good. I need a good SFMM Rant every once in awhile.


PS anyone from SFMM reading this...change the 'no new people allowed in one hour before closing' policy NOW.

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I do agree that the Thomas Town area at Fuji-Q looked great. I was rushing around to get the coaster credit (any credit, after the &^%$# lineup at Eeeeej) and managed to grab the one at Thomas Town.


And I caught a glimpse of Elissa and KT enjoying the train-turny ride. She looked so happy riding it. So did Kristen, too.


And then, I rushed through Thomas Town to get back to the entrance, for the re-scheduled meeting time. And Dipping Dots! (my first Dots ever, yum)


It looked really nice, Thomas Town did, from what I remembered seeing. So why again, can't SFMM put something like this in, instead of a schlock couple of rides at best?


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