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Re-Organizaing TPR's Front Page

What do you think of the re-organized TPR front page?  

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  1. 1. What do you think of the re-organized TPR front page?

    • I like it!
    • I like it, but I have suggestions (see my post below)
    • I like the old version better.

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I definitely like the two column look to the page. But I'm still having the problem of the text looking huge I'm using Firefox in Vista at 1028 X 768 so it shouldn't look strange, so I'm not sure what my issue is. If I change the font size on the main page, it makes the text in the forum absolutely microscopic! I seem to be the only one having that issue though. Might be a Vista/Firefox issue.



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^^ Is anyone else having the same problem that Julie is having with the font being HUGE?


I've tested it on IE and Firefox and using the "default" font settings it looks fine.


I can only think it has to be something in your browser settings as no one else has reported this problem all night.


Anyone else having this problem?



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^ You'll get used to it!


Honestly, that final version really is not THAT much different. I've really just made two tables now instead of one, and all the frequent updates you're used to seeing are now on the right hand side.


IMO, it's still a "minor" change.



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^ Yeah, that was really kind of the whole point. Is that some of our really "big" content updates were totally buried.


Not that the daily updates aren't important too, but some people come to the site specifically looking for things like the UK Tour, 2005 Europe, and 2004 Japan updates.


Now they are more accessible.



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  Swoosh said:
It is better than the old style, but way too busy for me. I think you need to stick to the KISS principle.

I agree! That has ALWAYS been my thought process.


Basically, the site has more information going on, and the updates are now split into different categories (forum updates and TPR updates) and both updates were competing against themselves, so a re-org WAS needed.


IMO, this is the most "simple" version of that re-org.


Maybe not as simple as it was before, I agree, but it's still as simple as I can get it and still make sure everyone sees all the different updates clearly.


I mean, when you look at it, it's not THAT much of a change. The top of the page is still the same, the "announcements" section hasn't changed other than getting a title, and the only real significant change is having two columns of updates other than one.


I've seen sites do re-orgs where all of a sudden you have tons of menus, tables, ads, things to click on, etc, etc.


For most people coming to the site on a daily basis, all the most current information will either be in the left or right hand column very clearly marked and dated.


If someone can come up with a more simple solution that gets the same job done, I'M ALL EARS!!!




EDIT: The other thing to keep in mind is, if you want the REALLY simple version of the front page, just go to the "what's new" page and that's a text listing of every update we've done (forum and TPR) since 2001:



Perhaps if you're not "feeling" the new front page, you could bookmark the What's New page?

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Yes-- I liked that you maintained the original feel and just reorganized some stuff.


The worst redo I've ever seen is Mouseplanet.com. They totally lost the feel of the site, made it less fun and too cluttered. I went from daily visits to nearly never.

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