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Goliath vs. Expedition Geforce

Goliath or Expedition Geforce?  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. Goliath or Expedition Geforce?

    • Goliath (Walibi World, Netherlands)
    • Expedtion Geforce

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^^ because it's fun!!


Goliath for me every time. EGF just didn't have the same out of your seat airtime that Goliath has and the pacing on Goliath is as near perfect as you can get. EGF also seemed, well not rough in comparison but, not as smooth as Goliath.

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Well, I've ridden neither of these coasters and I am kinda stunned at how close this vote actually is. Goliath is just a few votes from tying GeForce in this poll. I figured an overwhelming majority would go for GeForce given the reviews and general word of mouth about the coaster that I have seen/read.


I think they both look really good, but the layout and design of GeForce just looks mindblowingly-awesome. That and Goliath looks a bit more "generic" if you will while GeForce looks more modern and somewhat more innovative.


Just from the onride look alone I'd more likely make a trip to go on GeForce rather than Goliath. But I'd still make a trip to see both regardless.

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Well, I've ridden neither of these coasters and I am kinda stunned at how close this vote actually is.

But yet you voted in the poll! WHY?!?!?!


I'm not sure I understand how people can vote for something they've never experienced. It just produces false information.


Again, just another reason why many of these internet polls are pointless.


The only one that I really put any faith in is Mitch's poll, but then again, there are certain tools who have proven they'll also go through the trouble to fuck that one up too!


Seriously, out of all of you who have voted, who's actually been on BOTH rides:

















Calaway Park


coaster mad





kitsch transporter








If you haven't been on both...WHY did you vote!?!?!? I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that TheArchfiend, CP_RULES, DarkStitch626, dorneyparkfreak, Calaway Park, PKI ManJZ haven't been on either of them! If not, let me know so I can remove your votes.


People bitch about internet polls not matching up to realistic expectations and then you see that it's because most of the people who participate are the ones causing that to happen. And then I'm willing to also bet that these are the same people who bitch about the polls!


--Robb "This is one of my pet peeves that frustrates me to no end...." Alvey

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Well, I've ridden neither of these coasters and I am kinda stunned at how close this vote actually is.

But yet you voted in the poll! WHY?!?!?!


I'm not sure I understand how people can vote for something they've never experienced. It just produces false information.


Again, just another reason why many of these internet polls are pointless.


The only one that I really put any faith in is Mitch's poll, but then again, there are certain tools who have proven they'll also go through the trouble to fudge that one up too!


Seriously, out of all of you who have voted, who's actually been on BOTH rides:

















Calaway Park


coaster mad





kitsch transporter








If you haven't been on both...WHY did you vote!?!?!? I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that TheArchfiend, CP_RULES, DarkStitch626, dorneyparkfreak, Calaway Park, PKI ManJZ haven't been on either of them! If not, let me know so I can remove your votes.


People bitch about internet polls not matching up to realistic expectations and then you see that it's because most of the people who participate are the ones causing that to happen. And then I'm willing to also bet that these are the same people who bitch about the polls!


--Robb "This is one of my pet peeves that frustrates me to no end...." Alvey


I just voted based on POV's and what I've heard about the rides. If thats unacceptable, it won't happen again.

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I just voted based on POV's and what I've heard about the rides. If thats unacceptable, it won't happen again.


Voting based on what someone else says just makes you a sheep.


Who said I got it all from one person? I also said I based it off POVs, but whatever, think what you want.

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Well, I've ridden neither of these coasters and I am kinda stunned at how close this vote actually is.

But yet you voted in the poll! WHY?!?!?!



Ummm.... I didn't vote in the poll. Where did I say that I did?


I just checked this thread for the first time and clicked "view results" and was a little stunned thus I commented on it.


But for $5 I'll tally my vote for whoever you want.


Trust me Robb, it is a pet peeve of mine as well when polls like these are swerved by flawed voting. I've got a bachelor's degree in Political Science and a 4 year career in politics/working for politicians to know just how much one can hate innacurate voting.

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I´ve been on both and I gave my vote to EGF. However, it is by far not my favourite steel coaster. S:RoS NE and MF still hold higher places on my imaginary list.


The first drop on EGF is its money shot, there is no question about it. But after that I really miss that the layout does not allow sections that get closer to the ground. After the first overbank its a bit like a Minetrain on stilts.


However, it has a very good flow and there are some moments where Team Stengel really showed what they can do: Take that downhill section after the station turnaround, here you decend towards the river rapids and the track swivels to the sides. Its like riding a suspended coaster!


Then there is the EGF-Flip, which has just enough power to give you a surprising twist when you don´t expect it. I am pretty sure that the first trim is there to take off some speed for this element.


If you sit in the back of the train you really notice the trims. Since the are located on a decent, it takes away a bit of the drive and the exitement.



I always thought (and still do) that the "Goliath" rides had a design that was more about positive forces than airtime. The two Gios have the killer helices and not much airtime apart from the floater hill. SFOG is more a traditional out´n back but it does have an impressive helix too. I have not ridden this, so I don´t know about the forces in that element.


Walibis Goliath is a total frontseat ride IMO. The second hill has this unnatural jolt of ejector air, that i found rather ridiculous. The best moment here is clearly the Stengel dive. Don´t blink, or you´ll miss it. This is best appreciated in the front seat too.


After this, the ride doesn´t do much for me anymore. The helices, despite the nice location get boring fast and the EGF-Flips are really missing some "oomph".


Anyway, Goliath is located in the WAY better park! I even like the SLC Prototype and Robin Hood is the best ride in the whole park!

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Who said I got it all from one person? I also said I based it off POVs, but whatever, think what you want.


Doesn't matter how many people you got it from, or how many POVs that you watched. You're still making a blind decision on something you have never experienced.


It's not that hard to understand.

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Ummm.... I didn't vote in the poll. Where did I say that I did?


I just checked this thread for the first time and clicked "view results" and was a little stunned thus I commented on it.


But for $5 I'll tally my vote for whoever you want.


Trust me Robb, it is a pet peeve of mine as well when polls like these are swerved by flawed voting. I've got a bachelor's degree in Political Science and a 4 year career in politics/working for politicians to know just how much one can hate innacurate voting.

Not sure what to say. The database says you voted:


Goliath (Walibi World, Netherlands)


There isn't any way for someone else to vote using your screen name. Not even as an admin or a mod can you change the data.


and to Calaway, yeah, if you voted based on watching videos....yup, you're a sheep!


I just don't understand how someone can have such a strong opinion of something enough to vote in a poll when you've never experienced it.


--Robb "I honestly don't care about the overall results of the poll as long as the information going into it is VALID!" Alvey

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Ummm.... I didn't vote in the poll. Where did I say that I did?


I just checked this thread for the first time and clicked "view results" and was a little stunned thus I commented on it.


But for $5 I'll tally my vote for whoever you want.


Trust me Robb, it is a pet peeve of mine as well when polls like these are swerved by flawed voting. I've got a bachelor's degree in Political Science and a 4 year career in politics/working for politicians to know just how much one can hate innacurate voting.

Not sure what to say. The database says you voted:


Goliath (Walibi World, Netherlands)


There isn't any way for someone else to vote using your screen name. Not even as an admin or a mod can you change the data.

and to Calaway, yeah, if you voted based on watching videos....yup, you're a sheep!


I just don't understand how someone can have such a strong opinion of something enough to vote in a poll when you've never experienced it.


--Robb "I honestly don't care about the overall results of the poll as long as the information going into it is VALID!" Alvey


Bah! I disagr.....



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Ummm.... I didn't vote in the poll. Where did I say that I did?


I just checked this thread for the first time and clicked "view results" and was a little stunned thus I commented on it.


But for $5 I'll tally my vote for whoever you want.


Trust me Robb, it is a pet peeve of mine as well when polls like these are swerved by flawed voting. I've got a bachelor's degree in Political Science and a 4 year career in politics/working for politicians to know just how much one can hate innacurate voting.

Not sure what to say. The database says you voted:


Goliath (Walibi World, Netherlands)


There isn't any way for someone else to vote using your screen name.


I can't imagine hitting it by mistake but it's possible. There is a community computer in my household that I sometimes leave this page up on and there is another coaster enthusiast in the house but she knows better than to do anything under my screen name. There's a chance someone used my computer at work as I sometimes check this page from there but I doubt that too.


Anywho, you may absolutely strip that vote out of the system. If anything, I'd rather my vote go for GeForce given my opinion of the two but I still don't want to tally a vote for either.

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First of all, I've been on both coasters & voted for Goliath.

I will also say I went on both in 2004 & have'nt since, So my opinion of them may have be 'clouded' overtime.


I would also say there both awesome coasters.


When I went on Goliath in 2003, it just blew me away !! for a loooong time Nemesis was my #1 coaster. I cant explain well enough why I loved Goliath. Maybe it's layout or the almost inversion (what ever its called) I just dunno.


Being very honest here, I was a liitle bit disappointed with EGF .. yes it's a awesome coaster there is no denying that on my part. The first drop is just WOW! . I personally did notice the trim brakes and that may of affected my judgement of it.


Seeing Robb's & Elissa's brilliant clip of Holiday World from there ACE European trip made me decide there & then I had to ride EGF.


Maybe because I rode Golaith first, my expectations of EGF may of been too high ?. I certainly want to go back to both parks at some point in the future.


Out of 6 of us or so who go to parks together , I'd say it's 50:50 on who prefers what coaster.


If we all like the samething, this world be very boring.

Thinking about this discussion a little more, to me it's like asking everyone on TPR, do you prefer Pepsi or Coke, or even Vanilla or Chocolate Icecream.


Paul C

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^ I totally agree. And I can completely accept anyone's open and honest opinion. That's what makes things interesting.


It's when people try to convince you otherwise or go on some crusade that just gets obnoxious.


--Robb "Who likes Goliath more than most coasters in the US!" Alvey

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