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Religious Beliefs


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I've recently got into religion and have decided to be Baptised. According to the Bible and some other Christians I've been speaking to, the only way for somebody to go to heaven is if they accept Jesus as their saviour. I have been a bit worried about this as I have loads of Athiest friends and my Mum believes that simply being good will be enough to go to heaven. I'm really worried about my friends and family.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

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Touchy subject here. Obey the ten commandments, accept Jesus as the saviour and confess to gof when you pray that you are a sinner, and that Jesus died for your sins.


That should get you into heaven, according to the chaplin at our school. And the bible.

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This really, really, really, really depends on what type of Christian you are.

Of course, I would push you toward Lutheranism simply because I enjoy and beleive it. It really is not difficult to get into heaven as a Lutheran. All that is asked is that you are baptized and that you believe in God. None of the confessional stuff you'll get into as a Catholic.

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I'm more worried for my parents and fiends than myself. My dad's an Athiest and my mum disagree's with what I have read. So I'm worried as I don't like the thuoght of my family being condemned.


I tend to stay out of religious conversation, at least I don't express my own views, but I'm curious as to what has sparked your interest in religion? Often, a person finds an interest and wants to be baptised or whetever because of a family member, I'm just curious if your family haven't instigated what you're doing, what did?

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Well it was a website I came accross which gave me all of this information about heaven and hell. So, if what I heard was correct, then anyone who is either an athiest or hasn't been Baptised will go to hell. Although I have accepted Jesus I don't understand why baptism is nessicary to get into heaven.

I want to be baptised, but I will feel awful for my parents if they are condemned.

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^ I am a Christian myself (*gasp* I know) and I have had many of the same concerns. When you love or care about somebody you obviously won't like the thought of them going to hell. However, I have learned that you will drive yourself crazy if you focus on this all of the time.


Also, you can't shove religion down people's throats. If you do, they will only end up resenting you for it. It's okay to talk with the people you care about and express to them your concerns but you will only end up hurting yourself (and possibly the relationship with that person) if you go into the conversation with a "my views are right, you're wrong and going to hell" attitude. You will only come across as what I like to call the "scary Christian." I have some friends who are "scary Christians" and when they get going sometimes all I can think is "Please shut the f*ck up!"


You also have to understand that sometimes to someone who is an atheist/agnostic/evolutionist/insert some other religions here that you can come across as a raving lunatic if you take it to far. Let's face it... trying to tell someone that you are a follower of some dead dude who walked on water and raised the dead can sound a little bit on the odd side


Christianity also says to accept everyone. In my opinion, this also includes their beliefs (religious or not) and lifestyle choices. Just as some examples, I love my gay friends and atheist friends just as much as I love my Christian friends (I actually love some of them more because they're not as uptight. LOL



Laura "no better way to make someone uncomfortable then to talk about religion" Huls

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Thanks guys.


The question concerning the wars. This is just my opinion, but I believe that God doesn't want wars. It's people that make wars. God wants this to be a peaceful world. But I respect your opinion, this is just my belief.

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Ok...Robb told me that I'm getting in the habit of posting long posts, so I'll TRY and keep this short...







First, you need to be very careful on your crusade to convert people. As told thousands of years ago by Plato's Cave (look it up, if you're bored) or a few months ago, in "How to Save a Life", by the Fray, people will begin to resent you. If you are trying to change something about someone, you are essentially saying that they are currently wrong. And NOBODY wants to be told they are wrong. So be careful! I personally lost my best friendship last year when we grew close enough to where she began to show concern for my soul. As open as I was to everything, we sort of slowly went downhill from there.


I sugguest not even pressing it. Wait and hope that they have the openness to ask YOU about it and when they do, slowly begin to talk to them about it.



Whoops...I'm reaching my post limit here, so I gotta stop talking!



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I believe god is a dragon.


I was so waiting for someone to post that but I wasn't about to be the one to do it.


I sugguest not even pressing it. Wait and hope that they have the openness to ask YOU about it and when they do, slowly begin to talk to them about it.


I could not agree with you more.

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I think some very smart things have been said so far. Even though I am atheist, I'm happy to hear about your excitement towards Christianity. The only advice I have is to not think that your friends and family are going to be condemned to hell. It's no way to think about the people you care about most. Just because Christianity is good for you does not mean that it is good for your friends or family. All religions and beliefs are equal, and just have faith that your friends and family know what is best for them.

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I guess you can call me a "Christian".


I believe in God and Jesus and the Holy Trinity and all that stuff.


I used to be heavily involved in the church when I was in HS and College. I was even going to school to become a Youth Minister.


But, once I started seeing the way alot of churches practice (or should I say, don't practice what they preach) I got turned off to the whole church thing.


And these days, since the Religious Right pretty much doesn't include anything I stand for politically, I choose to not be associated with any organized religion.


It's my opinion that any politics don't belong in church and until I feel that Politics and Church are two seperate things, you won't see me in one.

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Although I have accepted Jesus I don't understand why baptism is nessicary to get into heaven.


Technically it's not required. It's just really a public statement of your faith. Don't think of it as some magical ceremony that is going to get you to heaven.


I wish you luck in your faith. Christianity is not something that is easy going. You will be tested.

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