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I'm Kurt.

I'm living in Zemst (Belgium)(between Brussels and Antwerp).

I love funfairs and theme parks.

Each year I visit funfairs in Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, France,...

And I try to do so many theme parks as possible.

This year i already visited Walibi Belgium, Phantasialand, and the 30 a 31th of may i 'll visit Europa park.

My favorite theme park is Europa Park.

I'm also addicted to rct 2 and rct 3.


Sorry for my english, it's not so good.




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Hello people, i'm very far in Europe and is very complicated to contact with us in person for me,i like to be a member of this assosiation but is very complicated for me because i'm very far, i see videos anb photos of us arround America and it's really very fun but i don't know what can i do for be with us in person.



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Hey everyone, my name is Andrew from Saint Cloud, Minnesota. I love roller coasters but had to take last year off because money was tight. I was only able to make it to the homepark Valleyfair. But this summer I got the money issuses figured out and planning on a taking a trip.

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Hi Guys,


I live in Alton Village and obviously my name is connected with best B&M inverter in the world. Nemesis at Alton Towers


I have been visiting TPR for about a year and i have only just round to joining.


I hope to come along to one of the meet ups the next time you lot are in Alton Towers.


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I am neither a cyborg nor an alpaca. I am, in fact, human. Many moons ago I was a child who looked upon the russian mountains of The Old Country and knew they were meant for me to study... and one day, climb! I became a man once... then again... and over and over as the dreams of youth became the waking moments of my existence... guarding lives, taming waves, surfing snow, scribing history, sampling sounds, editing film, photographing distant shores, broadcasting over airwaves, backpacking rugged terrain, taming domestic beasts, conversing over shisha, manhandling heavy machinery, patrolling frozen winterlands, operating jungle falls, consoling the dying, marketing felled timber. Then... one day... while waiting on Elohim... it happened! I drove into an ocean storm and reached the summit of a Hurricane. I had, indeed, scaled my russian mountain! I had realized that dream, inspired by my visits to The Old Country, exploring the ravines surrounding Loch Ness so many years before. These ventures and many, many more fill the tomes of my early, adolescent, and young adult years. Now, past the threshold where 20's and 30's crossfade into middle life... many more adventures remain!


There you have it... sooo... what's up?

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Been a member of most of the major roller coaster and/or theme-park websites for a couple years but never got around to joining this one.

So... I did.

Just now.

In case you didn't notice.



For a background on me:


I have many, and am interested in many things. I could go on for pages about my interests, but I will keep it somewhat brief for your sake.

One of my main interests is roller coasters (and theme parks in general) *coughobviouslycough* lol, I have used nolimits for around 4 years now. Very avid in this interest and hobby, and have been for as long as I can remember.

Another interest of mine is music, I love it. I write and compose music to the best of my abilities. I can play the piano, drums, a tiny bit of guitar, and several different percussion instruments. I play by ear as well. I like most genres. Two Steps from Hell is my favorite group of composers.

My other main interest is CG (Computer Graphics). Essentially, I love Video Editing and Directing, 3d Modeling, Design, Art (computer and non computer), and animating. And other things along those lines.

Some not so main interests of mine, but I do love and are interested in are... animals, the outdoors, art, and space.

I took art classes for years when I was younger, and I prefer pencils, if I am doing non-digital art but I use most medians.


I don't want to make this overly long, so I'll stop there. ;]

Okay here are the main programs I use to design my rides and do other things...

Adobe Photoshop (any version)

Adobe After Effects

Adobe Flash

Adobe Image Ready

Nolimits Roller Coaster Simulator/Editor/Terraformer/and the tools

Sony Vegas Pro 10.0 Platinum Edition

3D Studio Max

Google Sketch-Up Pro



Cedar Point is my homepark. Live about an hour or so from it, and go there all the time.



So... yerp. haha

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Hey guys, I'm Chas. I live on St. Pete Beach Fl. (only an hour away from Busch Gardens Tampa) I've been on 64 roller coasters (including my favorite, Drachen Fire ) and I love roller coasters, Indycar, and running. This (Thanks to Robb and Elissa) is the best site for roller coaster enthusiasts ever!

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Hi, I'm Jessi. I haven't been on too many roller coasters for many reasons, but I've been obsessed with them since I was six years old. I'm going to a couple good theme parks this summer and I'm looking forwards to it. I nerd over a lot of things, like RCT3, roller coasters, Harry Potter, the Call of Duty games (or any historic FPS)and music.

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Hey guys, I'm Chas. I live on St. Pete Beach Fl. (only an hour away from Busch Gardens Tampa) I've been on 64 roller coasters (including my favorite, Drachen Fire ) and I love roller coasters, Indycar, and running. This (Thanks to Robb and Elissa) is the best site for roller coaster enthusiasts ever!


Awesome man! I'm in the Tampa Area to! Great to see another entusiast in the area!


Welcome to TPR!

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I'm Evanaj15. I'm new to TPR, i want to learn the ropes. Since i just joined, can everyone be so kind to teach me anything i need to know, so i can be less of a GP? thanks. Feel free to post anything and everything to do with theme parks, and TPR.

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Hey Guys!


Welcome to the TPR Forums!


Kevin, its great to see members from other sites join TPR! I try to be active on some other site, TPR seems to dominate them all!


Evanaj15, Its great to see that you want to enter the kingdom of Coaster Nerdom! The main purpose of TPR is too have fun, but as I've found, I've met some great friends (Fun to hang out with at the parks) and found a great place! I really hope you enjoy it! Post often, and really just soak it all in! Its a great experience and I'm sure you'll enjoy it!


Again, Welcome and Have fun!

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Hey everyone!!


I have been following TPR for years now - with no account. I have always been interested in the amusement park industry - although I still haven't overcome my fear of big coasters (which I hope to do next Friday at Thorpe Park!).


--- Grant

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Hey everyone!!


I have been following TPR for years now - with no account. --- Grant







My G-REX account was hacked.


My GuhDuhGuh account was disused as I dislike the name.


The DoubleG96's password was forgotten.


And grantgillingham was my first account that I never use. Is it against the rules to have duplicate accounts? If so I am sorry.


---- Grant

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Hello hello!


I'm 25, in the UK and have been a fairly avid coaster enthusiast & ECC member for about the last 14 years. The Voyage is my favourite coaster so far, but closer to home it's Nemesis. Count's 260 so far. Once upon a time I was rather into NoLimits, and I went by the name coasterteddy on weeweeslap.com (or coastercrazy.com). NL's honestly something I hope to get back into at some point. I thought I'd better start up posting on here since I've followed TPR for time and am full of opinions, especially so on all things coaster.

I also really like my music, guitar, films & ps3.

And I'm slightly mad. Of course.


Happy Coasting!!

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Well i've been 'lurking' around this site for about 5 years so I thought it about time I register as my addiction to theme parks and rollercoasters is only becoming stronger with age! My name is James, i'm 23 and I currently live in the midlands, UK. I grew up in the beautiful south of the country and truely my home park would be Chessington WOA. That being the theme park I most visited when I was younger, although i've been lucky enough to travel to some of the best theme parks in the world over the later years of my teens and early twenties and now Alton Towers is not far from me which is great.


So... howdy?!

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