jray21 Posted January 23, 2013 Share Posted January 23, 2013 ^^While I'm really excited for all those, they are way too far out to get excited for. Maybe by the time Zelda comes out they will have lowered the price a bunch so I can get the system! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maximo37 Posted January 24, 2013 Share Posted January 24, 2013 Wow wow WOW!!! Â My head nearly exploded (still holding it together) with all the Nintendo Direct WiiU news!! New Wonderful 101 footage... "Yoshi Yarn" (or whatever they will call it)... Wii Party U (I am a big fan of the original Wii Party!)... MarioKart U mention (screen shots to appear at E3)... Wind Waker HD (only tinkered with the original... no time like the present to dive right in!)... all of the MiiVerse enhancements and Virtual Console intergration! IT STARTED ALREADY! Take advantage of the NES Classic Balloon Fight for only $.30 (29 more days available at that price). Its so much fun comparing scores using MiiVerse! Â I know WiiU is getting off to a slow start. Being a launch day owner, I am itching for any news, games and enhancements Nintendo has to offer. And yesterdays Nintendo Direct is proving that the future looks bright for "Big N's" new machine!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SoCalCoasters Posted January 26, 2013 Share Posted January 26, 2013 Diablo III clone that's better than Diablo II, and free? And has the most advanced RPG skill system ever? Sign me up! Â http://www.pathofexile.com/ Â It's just opened up for open beta, and it's awesome. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SoCalCoasters Posted February 5, 2013 Share Posted February 5, 2013 Went out to get myself a copy of Fire Emblem Awakening today. I was super excited...  Well, at least until I saw this....  Here's an interesting twist to the release of Fire Emblem: Awakening, which has an advertised release date of today - you're going to have a tough time buying it anywhere other than the 3DS eShop. Though hardly scientific or comprehensive, a quick search on Amazon, Best Buy (site and stores) and local GameStop stores yields the same result - the game isn't available yet. Our local GameStop store told us that the game is due to arrive tomorrow, while Amazon itself blames delays on "manufacturer shipping delays."  A quick trip to Twitter yielded clear signs of confusion, with many replying that no store near them carried the game. Reasons ranged from a 'pulled release date' to some store employees insisting the release date was something entirely different than February 4. Some stores claim to have copies of the game in stock, but reports of anyone actually being able to purchase the game today are few and far between. (A few readers have said they were able to secure copies that were in a store's inventory but not out on display yet.)  Nintendo itself is being vague, with the following statement:  "Nintendo makes every effort to make sure its games and systems are available at retail stores nationwide on launch day. Sometimes, because of the variables of shipping, different retailers receive their shipments on different days. Fire Emblem Awakening can be purchased right now from the Nintendo eShop for Nintendo 3DS."  All of this comes on the heels of multiple reports claiming Canadian stores broke the Fire Emblem embargo days ago.  Have you been able to find Fire Emblem: Awakening in a store? Help your fellow Nintendo fans and let people know in the comments below. With any luck someone somewhere will be able to buy this game on its release date.  Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zem Posted February 5, 2013 Share Posted February 5, 2013 ^I heard somewhere that Fire Emblem is doing a crossover with Shin Megami Tensei. I've never played either series but I am a huge fan of the Shin Megami Tesei: Persona games. As of lately I've been playing some Antichamber which is one of my favorite puzzle games I've ever played. It does stuff I've never seen in a game before which is really refreshing. Â Antichamber QuickLook: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DCA_Chris Posted February 11, 2013 Share Posted February 11, 2013 Currently majorly obsessed with Reflec Beat. Â Can AAA+ FC all songs except for the 10+'s, which are just too crazy to accurately read for me right now. Â Here's an example of some gameplay: [youtu_be] [/youtu_be] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Erik Johnson Posted February 12, 2013 Share Posted February 12, 2013 I ended up picking up a Wii U. I was kind if on the fence about it, but so far I have been really enjoying it so far. Once I got to play around with everything for a few hours I have begun to understand how cool the hand held tablet is. I really like the social network aspect so far among other Wii U users. The new Mario game is probably my favorite 2D Mario since the one for the SNES. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AllenA07 Posted February 12, 2013 Share Posted February 12, 2013 I've been hearing good things about the new Mario game. Granted Super Mario World will always be the greatest game ever created in my eyes, but I think that may have a touch of sentimental value coming from me. Â As for me I picked up the Resistance collection the other day and am about a third of the way through the first game. I've been enjoying it so far. Honestly I'm just trying to bridge the gap between now and the release of The Last of Us. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chemical_echo Posted February 12, 2013 Share Posted February 12, 2013 Working through my backlog of PS3 games at the moment. Â Just beat Assassin's Creed 2 (got to 100% except for the DLC) Now working on Duke Nukem Forever. Â Also in the list: Dragon Age Origions Twisted Metal Uncharted 2 Infamous Bioshock Infinite (that will most likely move to the top of the list once I get it) Â It'll be easier to play more once my room mate moves out and I don't have to share the TV. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DCA_Chris Posted February 12, 2013 Share Posted February 12, 2013 I wish I still had interests in normal next-gen gaming.. Working in the industry kind of kills that for you. Â Anyway, here's another of the games I'm currently playing. Jubeat! Â [youtu_be]http://youtu.be/mtv6-xrHPLU[/youtu_be] Â Definitely not me playing, as my arcade hasn't upgraded to Jubeat Saucer yet. We're still on fully-locked Jubeat Copious like cavemen savages :C Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SingleRiderCam Posted February 13, 2013 Share Posted February 13, 2013 I completed Sly Cooper Thieves in Time and I am now focusing on collecting everything and getting the platinum trophy. This game is #2 on my top PlayStation 3 games with Ratchet & Clank Future A Crack in Time at #1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Her0ofLime Posted February 13, 2013 Share Posted February 13, 2013 LOZ Skyward Sword on Hero Mode, currently in the middle of your first visit to Eldin Volcano. Of course, being in Hero Mode, I already know where to go and what to do, so i'll just be in, out, and on to Lanyaru Desert. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jray21 Posted February 14, 2013 Share Posted February 14, 2013 I still need to finish that game. I played it quite a while ago, and got sidetracked with the holidays and some races. I do like it, but I'll have to try and remember where I am in the game and what I need to do next! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astrojack Posted February 22, 2013 Share Posted February 22, 2013 I played through Killzone 1-3 and really enjoyed the series. Still been playing Ragnarok Odyssey trying to collect all the cards to 100% the game. Only need 4 more cards, but they refuse to drop. I have a big backlog of games I need to finish. I keep downloading free games from PS+, but never get around to them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Angry_Gumball Posted February 23, 2013 Share Posted February 23, 2013 Just downloaded Google's Wii Street U app, pretty neat! Your tablet pretty much acts as a view finder and feels pretty realistic looking around...especially inside your home park  Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
onewheeled999 Posted February 23, 2013 Share Posted February 23, 2013 Played my first two games of Dota 2 tonight with a full team of friends. That game is HARD, but I think I like it. We lost the first due to us having one disconnect from the beginning, and it was really obvious we weren't against people that had 1 win like their profiles said. We won the second, though, that one was a lot more fun. Â Funny story, though. I'm an idiot when it comes to spells. I was playing Vengeful Spirit second game, and was getting a grip on her Nether Swap ability, which switches the places of you and a chosen ally/enemy within a certain range. In a frantic battle I was caught smack in the middle of, I acted before thinking and swapped with the closest entity... which just happened to be Juggernaut on my team, my lane partner, wounded and running away from the fight. I swapped. I escaped. He died. He RAGED. HARD. It was actually kind of entertaining, and since we ended up winning anyway, it didn't matter at all. Â I'm gonna stick with this game, though. It's really rewarding. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maximo37 Posted February 24, 2013 Share Posted February 24, 2013 After ignoring, from being "stuck" a few months back... I restarted ZombiU (WiiU)... Actually started off worse than my first attempt. But being stubborn (and calling sick to work one night, for *cough* extra playtime) I was able to muscle through the entire game... All on "Chicken" mode, mind you! All I have to say is, WOW! What an amamzing, if not a bit unsettling, experience! I know a few of you out there have a WiiU (or even interested in one), I HIGHLY recommend ZombiU... that is assuming you enjoy a "classic" survival horror game... None of the "actiony" RE 5/6... this is intentionally a slow paced INTENSE game! And I loved it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Randomman295 Posted February 28, 2013 Share Posted February 28, 2013 I just found out about this today. This may very well be the greatest release of 2012 as well as gaming history as a whole. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Angry_Gumball Posted March 10, 2013 Share Posted March 10, 2013 Just remembered the new Tomb Raider game was recently released. I used to play TR a lot back in their heyday (PS1) so naturally a new TR game seems like a must. Game play-wise I hear it is a bit more action-based but still has exploration and puzzles (my favorite aspect of the series). So today I picked up a copy of it and am looking forward to playing it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maximo37 Posted March 11, 2013 Share Posted March 11, 2013 We also just got the new Tomb Raider yesterday... My partner is a HUGE TR fan. I always liked the idea, but generally hated the clunky over complicated controls. Good news. The controls are very easy to understand/handle! My partner played about 5 hrs so far. Game play/story telling wise, its much more akin to the Uncharted series on PS3. I loved the Uncharted titles, and know they borrowed heavily from the Tomb Raider ideas... Well Tomb Raider borrowed them right back. So yeah, a bit more action and story telling. It could benefit from a bit more exploration... but overall a great game so far. Welcome back Lara Croft. Hopefully this reboot is the start of a great "new" series.  On the WiiU front, I've been playing Tank!Tank!Tank! some more. So addictive. Very goofy. I love it!  Anybody with WiiU/360/PS3/PC... if you haven't yet, download "bit.trip presents RUNNER2:Future Legend of Rhythm Alien“... I enjoyed most of the WiiWare bit.trip titles, but Runner in particular. Runner2 is undescribable "classic" video game goodness! A great $15 purchase!  And patiently awaiting Lego City Undercover for WiiU. My preorder is in with Amazon. One more week until a Lego style GTA game hits us like a ton of bricks (see what I did there?!... no?!... cricket chirp... oh well...) Should be a lot of fun! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chemical_echo Posted March 11, 2013 Share Posted March 11, 2013 My girlfriend hinted that I'll be getting Bioshock Infinite (PS3) for my birthday so I better finish the other games she's bought me that I haven't finished yet. Â That being said I just beat the Octoking in Duke Nukem Forever after around 8 tries. The ocotobrains that attacked you while trying to attack the big guy were a serious pain. Â The rest of my backlog will go on hold once I get Bioshock. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astrojack Posted March 11, 2013 Share Posted March 11, 2013 I've been playing Tomb Raider and I'm so glad they decided to reboot it. The controls handle a lot better then the previous Tomb Raiders. The action seqences are over the top and give Uncharted a run for it's money. I just wish the character development for the supporting characters was better, they are pretty forgettable. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SoCalCoasters Posted March 11, 2013 Share Posted March 11, 2013 Playing through my free copy of Bioshock that I received with my pre-order of Bioshock Infinite. Loving it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.J. Posted March 12, 2013 Share Posted March 12, 2013 33 hours into Kid Icarus Uprising, and I'm sitting at just under 90% complete. Â I use a decent Palutena Bow - valued at around 270 with some modifiers and 4 stars in Ranged. I've been playing chapters at 7.0 intensity to get better weapons to fuse with to make another one. I have yet to complete "The Lunar Sanctum", "The Chaos Vortex", "The Three Trials" and "The War's End" at 7.0 without getting finished (read: dying), which is really frustrating. Â I am seriously addicted to this game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
azza29 Posted March 12, 2013 Share Posted March 12, 2013 Just started playing the new SimCity. Great game! Haven't had any server problems and honestly I don't get the people who are complaining about the smaller map sizes, region-based gameplay and everything else that makes it different from the last game. It's not SimCity 4 and that's a good thing - crazy how much some people demand 'fresh' games but hate change! Â Anyway it's just as addictive as ever, I was up way too late last night, forfeiting sleep for the sake of my virtual metropolis! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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