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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I don't think that it makes sense to critizice this ride for its ride time, Six Flags had a few choices for Zac-Spin type rides and they chose the best one. (Does someone have a photo of the different Intamin Zac Spin designs available?)

Yes. Theme Park Review. Click "park index" at the top of the page.

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Well i braced opening day for GL.. and it was well worth it i love this ride... I waited about 4 hours for the 1st ride. Broke down for three then they kicked us out of line. but we got our name on a list so we got to go up the exit when it opened. 2nd ride waited about 30-45mins and got stuck on the brakes for about 2-3mins... Then right as i was going out the exit a ride op asked if anyone wanted to ride again and I stepped up and got my third ride.. Well worth it.. one of my new favs.. but it does hurt.

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I don't think that it makes sense to critizice this ride for its ride time, Six Flags had a few choices for Zac-Spin type rides and they chose the best one. (Does someone have a photo of the different Intamin Zac Spin designs available?)

Yes. Theme Park Review. Click "park index" at the top of the page.

Failing that, the manufacturers site tends to be a good place to see all the designs in one spot:



Since I last looked it appears they have come out with a 50m high version, which basically looks like a GL/Insane clone, but with some sort of malignant lump at the top....Actually, that whole new design resembles Mr Blobby actually.

Yes, even I had one of the rides with only 1 spins in our POV video (although I did ask them to try to perfectly balance the ride for that shot so I'd have a good POV without as much spinning.)


But from my own personal experience, having been on Insane during several visits to Grona Lund, Insane seems to have spun a lot more. And when you get a ride that spins a lot, it's an amazing, amazing, AMAZING ride.

Out of interest, where else does it tend to happen on the layout? I mean, for most riders the flip on that final sharp hump is a given, but are there any other 'sweet spots'?

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They used to have another concept page - there were 4-5 layers of track, and for each there was an uphill launch, after which you'd flip over a tight "turn" (what do we call these hills?), bump down, and then up into the next launch, etc. From the top, you had a drop all the way back down, into a last hill like the current models. I always thought that would be the best one of them - I wonder why it's gone?

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That does sound amazing. Can't wait to ride the current model. Just looking at it, there is quite a bit of potential for future designs. I wouldn't mind seeing it go higher of course, but also expand on the horizontal, incorporating a tad of traditional wild mouse switchbacks between drops to the lower levels. For the moment , i can see this model being placed into the other parks in the chain.

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Decided last minute this morning to go to the park. Arrived at 9:30, was about 6th in the discover line. They opened both lines about the same time and I ran as quick as I could to GL. Got on probably the 3rd ride out, inside seat facing away from the ride. All I have to say is WOW! The ride is so forceful, you don't expect it to be but you feel those drops. I think we flipped 1 or 2 times with a few partials and that was plenty. It's not the flips that do it, it's the forces you feel. The initial lift is quick and I had no urge to put my arms up, it's more of holding on like an oh shit handle The line got long quick so I decided to skip a second ride and hit up batman, that ride is still as good as I remember it from 95. Then went to Goliath and there was an issue and they had to take a train off the track. Rode the backhand then got out of the park. It looked like it was going to be nuts today!!! If you want a short line get a discover card and run to GL.

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I guess until someone in the US builds a Zac-Spin that actually spins, no one will really be able to understand just how much fun the spinning is while you're going through those intense positive G moments.


I don't know anyone who was on our Scandi trip who didn't prefer the insane spinning over the few rides we got where it didn't spin... Well maybe those who passed out, got nose bleeds, and vomited (it was THAT intense!), but I guess that's also why they won't run a Zac-Spin balls out in the USA!

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I guess until someone in the US builds a Zac-Spin that actually spins, no one will really be able to understand just how much fun the spinning is while you're going through those intense positive G moments.


I don't know anyone who was on our Scandi trip who didn't prefer the insane spinning over the few rides we got where it didn't spin... Well maybe those who passed out, got nose bleeds, and vomited (it was THAT intense!), but I guess that's also why they won't run a Zac-Spin balls out in the USA!


Gee- that sounds like SO much fun. I'm going to have to run right out and ride it...

(Just the video of the MM version made me seriously queasy...)

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I could only imagine Robb! Because I thought GL was PLENTY intense and fun even without the extra spins. Honestly, if SFMM ever decides to run GL unedited I'd be nervous about riding it, mostly because my stomach can't take high G forces any longer without serious nausea. It would be nice to see one of these rides run the way Insane does, but if this one never does, you'll get no complaints from me! lol

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I guess until someone in the US builds a Zac-Spin that actually spins, no one will really be able to understand just how much fun the spinning is while you're going through those intense positive G moments.


I don't know anyone who was on our Scandi trip who didn't prefer the insane spinning over the few rides we got where it didn't spin... Well maybe those who passed out, got nose bleeds, and vomited (it was THAT intense!), but I guess that's also why they won't run a Zac-Spin balls out in the USA!


Gee- that sounds like SO much fun.

It honestly really was. There were only three people in our group that had that happen to, and one of them kept riding it was so good.


Listen, even Elissa... WHO HATES AND REFUSES TO RIDE SPINNING RIDES ranked Insane as one of her top coasters in the world.


My comment above wasn't to make Insane sound less appealing, it was to show that the ride really is INSANE. But I'll be honest, most Americans are wusses and even if they ran a Zac-Spin in the USA like they do in Europe, they'd probably have to tone it down anyway...


The comments in this thread just prove that IMO.

Edited by robbalvey
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Why are we labelling a group of people that way? That seems odd. Especially on an enthusiast message board. Can you truly say that an entire group of 100s of millions of people are ________________, while a group of 9 million people are ___________ ?


And I swear I've read, at least twice in this thread, that they've stated that they are still in sort of a test phase and the thing will be spinning more in time....or am I nuts? I get that it's not spinning "as much as the one in Sweden" right now, but do we have evidence that the one overseas was spinning balls out from the get-go? Or did they also have a break-in/monitoring period (as MM seems to be doing)?


This all just seems, from BOTH sides of this "debate", to be over-reacting a wee bit.

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