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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Opening Ceremony restarts today, the Warner Brothers Kids Club Show goes back to being a "water" show. The afternoon and night parades start back up. They added "Coming Soon" banners outside of Carousel Grill for Johnny Rockets, and outside of the old Buongusto for Cold Stone. Log Jammer was being tested friday evening and should reopen today. You will start seeing the confetti cannons from the parade all over the park again, and you may notice many new power outlets in planters, these will be for new parade/ "atmoshpere" lighting.

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in response to the Riddler's Station thing posted earlier, it has been redone an extreme amount. The last time I was there, I was dumbfounded by the amount of work they had done on it. There was new paint, the trash was gone and the lights that have the question mark symbol where re-instated (they were just plain squares for the past two or so years. I was amazed. I'm going next weekend and I hope to have a full report on the stuff thats happening at the park.

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^ I dont think that they "decided" to keep it in the chain so much as the park wouldn't sell! Now all of a sudden it's a new year, SFMM is still on their hands, and they have to do something with it! While they had some preliminary ideas in their head, nothing has really been developed.


I understand what you're saying. I even agree with it, to an extend.


But nearly everyone I talk to around here claims that they dont like taking their family to Six Flags simply because it's dirty! No lie! The employees are unprofessional, the midways are dirty, the maintenence is frown-worthy. It's not worth the 60 dollars!


I think this effort to "clean up the park" is a good FIRST step in sending the park in the right direction. If they stop here, then they are guarenteed failure. But if they pursue this, they have a chance to make something of this dump. Heh.



When I went to Bash, actually, I thought the park was extremely clean. It almost seemed high quality, seeing Ninja Painted, Walkways cleaned, Thrill Shot running, Batman's fans spinning again, sound in Batman's Queue, Riddler's station cleaned up, etc. There were a few impatient employees, but it was probably the most enjoyable visit I've ever had to the place!


I just hope it stays that way...



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They left out those rides because they didnt have the rights to use the names hence Superman The Escape being called "The Escape."


Oooh makes sense. I always though they named it "The Escape" because they couldn't fit "Superman: The Escape Track 1/2" within the name limit. But then I started wondering why they didn't put Scream in, and then also remembered Scream, I Believe was made after RCT2 was released.

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^^^^^So you tried to sell your wagon, eh?


^^^So I see they're still dancing around the one item that is expensive to fix: the neon lights against the back wall. Progress is better than nothing, but fixing that scanner light is nothing new. They fixed it 3 years ago too. Lets see if they fix it right away the next time it goes out...

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^ That car is a classic! How could I ever sell it? With it being worth way more than SFMM and all. Then again, not saying much. Ha-Ha, good times in the car. Like chasing down that hit and run on the Hollywood freeway. Or running over good friends. Ah, those days....


...I do have a new car by the way.

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oh man... i was hoping i would be able to ride that... im only twelve... but i'll take your word for it... i must of been a sucky, shaky and overall bad ride!


i hope flashback stays for the 2007 season! i'm going this summer, and i hope that X is closed!

sorry i said that!

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I drive from northern California about 5 times a year for two day trips to Magic Mountain because our local park Six Flags Discovery Kingdom aka Marine World just does not cut it. We were there in December and again a few weeks ago and the difference from last summer is night and day. I plan on taking the family even more now because I just had weight loss surgery so I can fit on more coasters. Someone made the comment a while back that they have nothing new and what their slogan for the year should be. How about: Six Flags Magic Mountain "We give a crap now, while at least for a while!" I hope it lasts.

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I keep reading about all the violence. For the last four years I have made the five hour drive 6 to 7 times a year with my wife and a 9 and 4 year old. We have never had an issue and prefer making the drive than to go as much to our home park SFDK. I guess we have just had real good luck.

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I got off work early yesterday, so we decided to go ride a few things before the park closed.


A few mediocre things I noticed:


-Stuff was closed on and off during the day due to the rain (Superman, Ninja, etc.) Right when we got to Superman it closed (stupid bad timing), and I never saw Ninja running.


-Stuff I saw closed: Log Jammer, Roaring Rapids, Tidal Wave (all bone dry), Freefall, Ninja, Superman, Deja Vu


-It really wasn't that crowded. Right when I got there at 1 pm 2 busloads of school kids from Mexico arrived too though. Apparently a lot of kids decided to skip school too.


-Also, Tatsu and X were empty (I got my first front row ride on Tatsu yesterday, it rocked... X hurt like hell) but Riddler and Goliath were jammed. WTF?


-The exchange student people from Thailand are back


-Yes, Flashback is still standing.


-I didn't go over towards Psyclone, so I don't know about Buongusto, but there wasn't a "coming soon" sign on Carousel Grill (maybe because of the rain, I dunno?)


I think that's about it. I was going to go tomorrow but I heard about a few events going on, and apparently USC is already on Spring Break, so this was probably my last trip until at least after Spring Break (ugh).

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To me, Magic Mountain has always had the reputation of being a lazy, cost-cutting park. Unfortunately there are some incredible coasters being managed and controlled by people who have this lazy, cost-cutting mentality.


There are more than a few rides that seem to have been nutered, but I'm not sure which rides are tamed for legitimate reasons (if they are designed that way), and which ones are done for maintenance purposes (to save money on maintenance in the long run) and overreactive safety reasons (so people in poor health who decide to ride don't black out and die and their family sues, bringing the coaster down to the lowest common denominator).


Specifically, are the brakes on Viper necessary? After that great first drop the rest of the ride feels like slow motion, especially that corkscrew at the end.


Are the brakes on Colossus necessary? Does it really have to slow down at the top of the lift hill?


Is the brake run before Goliath's massive helix finale necessary?


If these measures are taken for maintenance purposes, do they really save money in the long run?


Are there any other coasters you feel are not running in top condition due to cost-cutting and overreactive safety measures?


I understand that writing letters to companies and airing your grievences is lame, but has anything been done to convince Six Flags to change their policies, or has there ever been an official response to any claims, not just the brake issue (such as over the shoulder restrains on Revolution, Colossus' poor condition, running one train and making people wait 30 minutes for a ride even though there's no line, etc)?


Or would it be more productive to simply stop going to Magic Mountain and hope it gets turned into a housing project?

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