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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I think Scream! was the last SFMM coaster to be painted with regular paint. If they repaint it (same or different), it'll get the good, long-lasting stuff. Honestly, I've always liked the current blend of three colors and don't have any problem with keeping it the same.



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As I've said before, I give SFMM kudos for trying out an onboard sound system on a wooden coaster, but I also didn't think it would last because the vibration over time would kill it. And it did. Let's see what they do when Apocalypse comes to town.


Perhaps The Green Lantern could have been a Bizarro, being that the Zac-Spin is a rather odd coaster to begin with. Painted purple, it would have fit nicely in the spot they've picked out.



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^Agreed, but I think Tatsu was painted the same way. There are bits and pieces of Tatsu that look as bad as Scream does.

Rides painted with regular paint originally were: Goliath, Deja Vu, X, Scream, Tatsu, and Gold Rusher. Rides that have been "repaired" of color: Goliath, Deja Vu, and X.


I like to think of it this way: Riddler was built in 1998 and the paint hasn't been touched since. Does that tell you something about the quality of paint that was used for the rides half Riddler's age that look worse then Riddler's now?

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Ok, ok guys, starting to get out of hand. Lets deal with reality for a second.

Rides painted with regular paint originally were: Goliath, Deja Vu, X, Scream, Tatsu, and Gold Rusher. Rides that have been "repaired" of color: Goliath, Deja Vu, and X.


You forgot Viper.


I just want to ask for opinions.



1) Isn't it odd that people bash on such a great ride like Scream for being built on the parking lot? It's in the area that is made to look like a FairGround, Colossus was built on the parking lot too.


2) Should there be a fair themed area in the park in the first place?


3) Since there is, was Scream really the right choice of ride to place there, or should they have placed it somewhere else (or not at all haha)

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^^ Scream was a very last-minute ride. The park sort of backed into it when it was being built for another park and then they decided to send it to SFMM. I forget which park it was off the top of my head.


^ From what I saw yesterday: Log Jammer, Superman, Ninja (due to cold/wind), Sierra Falls , Thomas Town stuff. I also didn't see X2 run, but we didn't go to that corner so not sure if it was open or not.

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^^ Scream was a very last-minute ride. The park sort of backed into it when it was being built for another park and then they decided to send it to SFMM. I forget which park it was off the top of my head.


^ From what I saw yesterday: Log Jammer, Superman, Ninja (due to cold/wind), Sierra Falls , Thomas Town stuff. I also didn't see X2 run, but we didn't go to that corner so not sure if it was open or not.


It was supposed to be for sfne, but due to bad planning, they did not build scream. Sfne got Knight flight instead.

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