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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I don't think that they would test the old trains, and I can't think of a reason that they would.


If they really were testing the new trains, how did they look on the red track? I thought that the blue seats would stick out like a sore thumb, but not in a good way though.

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There are several reasons to run the old trains. After the big paint job, in case there were any problems you're ruining an old train, not the new one! Also, I believe there was also some maintenance done on the lift system. Again, why test something not relating to the trains with the new trains?!?!

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All I saw was a train of somesort cyclying the ride from the stoplight on Magic Mountain Parkway at Tourney Rd. I wish I could report more, but the construction at the intersection of the Old Rd made it impossible to get up close. I have a feeling that project is going to be a thorn in the side of the park's best efforts this season.

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^ Sorry for that. I mean the road construction going on at the intersection of Magic Mountain Parkway and The Old Road. So far anyway, it's an absolute mess and has caused several (albeit minor) accidents. The worst part is that the work seems to be picking up speed just as the park is getting ready to open full time for the season.


Just a reminder to anyone coming from the south any time soon, the off-ramp at Magic Mountain Parkway has been re-routed, so make sure to pay special attention to the detour, and exercise caution as confusion and poor lane marking are still causing problems.

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Keep an eye out for ads regarding Guitar Hero and Dance Dance Revolution competitions to be held at Magic Mountain during spring break.


More Entertainment Offerings this Summer:

WB Kids' Club Show at the Looney Tunes Pavilion - All year

Afternoon Celebration Parade (with a summer twist) - Beginning March 15

The Batman Begins Stunt Show (now in it's 4th season) - Beginning May 24th.

Evening Parade (with a "bright" new overlay) - Beginning March 24th

CSI Live! - Beginning June 13th.

Extreme skateboards, bikes, and blades doing demos during the summer as well.

....and lots, and lots of characters!


Lots to see this summer.



My name is William,

and I am SIX FLAGS!

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Old road is torn up, there is one lane each north and south, and the 5 offramp coming from the south going north is rerouted at a sharp 90 degree angle behind the denny's, but still has a high throughput because then you make 2 lefts and you don't have to wait in the northbound old road (single) lane that takes forever. Stick to the freeway but be careful, valencia is not going to save you any time unless you drive around by the mall down McBean. (Not for out of towners, you'll get lost maybe).


It's because they're turning the acreage in front of magic mountain into more businesses and eventually putting Magic Mountain Parkway through to 126 to the west. But the damage is moving the old road 50 feet west to expand the offramps and give marie calendars back their parking lot. They're covering up the drainage ditch and rerouting the road there. They moved the gas station into the hills there where the new road will be but it's way back there for now.


It's actually not too much worse going to/from magic mountain from the freeway.

The traffic lines for that are about the same as the old light there.

Just don't go north/south on the old road. You'll wait a while.

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^That intersection has been such a mess for so long. First for widening the bridge, and now to move the old road. I just don't know what you meant by this, could you explain better?


the 5 offramp coming from the south going north is rerouted at a sharp 90 degree angle behind the denny's, but still has a high throughput because then you make 2 lefts and you don't have to wait in the northbound old road (single) lane that takes forever.


Do you mean Wendy's? And are you sure you mean south going north? Cause this parts confusing.


But that'll be amazing to see the 126 connect right through to MM Parkway, and then maybe it won't be called that anymore? And for some reason all this time the roads just been a dead end, waiting to continue, when for so long its been destined anyway. That land all the way northwest to south of the park is already landscaped to build houses, which I'm sure will be there in less than 20 years. The people that own that land are freaking filthy rich.


God I hate getting old.

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^ Those "freaking filthy rich" people also built Magic Mountain.


I wasn't aware that Magic Mountain Parkway was supposed to be extended to the 126, but if that's the case, it'll just make it easier for me to get to the park because that's the way I come (from Ventura County).


But they are setting the area up for homes. Newhall Ranch (the development's name) is supposed to have upward of at least 25,000 homes at some point, and I'm sure many will back right up to the park.


And those residents will complain about the noise, no doubt.



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^^What he means is when you're on the I-5 northbound and exit at MM Parkway, instead of the choice to turn right or left onto MM Parkway, you are sent on that side road next to Denny's and the Holiday Inn Express. That dumps you onto Tourney Road. Then you make a left on Tourney, then a left onto MM Parkway.


I don't know what he's talking about but on weekends it has been backed up onto the freeway and with additional lights, and the horribly timed old lights it was a nightmare!


For people coming between 10am - Noon, I would suggest going one exit north, then coming back south on Old Road.

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Yep, magic mountain is pretty much boxed in,


The road path is i'm sure decided, but they'll never tell us until it's built. And 'those rich people' who built magic are NOT the same. LNR or Lennar, a french development company bought out Newhall Land and Farm and are building probably onto the master plan but with a much more careless profit motive than the family had (though probably not much, they just have the capital to finally build it all).


And they'll build things up to the park, and six flags has no interest in purchasing more land from them. I was told they were offered some a few years back. The new company is very cash poor, and more careful with their credit.


The connecting to 126 is my assumption since it'll probably go along the south side of that filmore valley area, but that's up to the county and the developers. But houses will come with noise complaints and that's just going to suck but will absolutely be.


All paths are good, Sharktums suggested path is good, but there are delays in all directions so just enjoy the excitement before the park, and ride some rides later. Enjoy.

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There seems to be no great way to get to the park until the construction is finished. Only thing I can say is go early. My last two trips I got to the area around 30 minutes before opening and it hasn't been that bad. Now leaving around 2-3p is a different story...lots of traffic headed toward the park.


Since we seem to be comparing routes...

From Vegas I exit the 14 at Via Princessa. Take that to Whites Canyon and then left on Soledad Canyon. It turns into Valencia Blvd and turn right onto Magic Mountain Parkway.

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^^ I have a feeling that this is going to be a huge hit because, for the older visitors, it will bring back memories, but the younger ones can have some fun learning about how the park evolved. They will have a new reason to visit Sky Tower (besides the view) and it will cost the park bearly anything. I know that I'll have a great time up there when I visit on Easter Sunday.

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Thanks for the video Jahan, I'm really looking forward to seeing this up there. I tried to do something like this at the Stratosphere Tower before I left there, but it never left the ground. Its hard to find construction pictures of the tower. I was thinking does anyone have pictures of MM while the park itself was under construction??



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