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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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So, they're upgrading this ride from Ghetto Scream! to Rockin' Scream! OK, good improvement. Yes sir, this park is on its way up!


I was in the Valley earlier. Maybe I should have dropped by the park, but I wasn't really feeling up to it. It's going to be cool seeing all that old stuff in the Sky Tower Museum. I'll probably remember it from when it was new.



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I think it's a beter idea with Scream. As for X......umm I mean X2 I think an even beter idea would be speakers in the head rests like on California Screamin. Probably too late now to even consider adding them but thats what I would like to see!!

While that may have been easier, that would've added precious weight to the trains, one of the biggest driving forces behind the changes they're making. I agree it would solve problems about being able to hear the music, but it just wouldn't be practical to add all that weight after working so hard to minimize the weight of the cars.

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The Hulks roar is just amazing. You can hear it clean across the park and when your up close you just get taken in by it noise and size.


I'd say from what I remember, Scream!'s roar is about as loud as The Hulk's.


That Scream sign does need to be replaced. Or taken down. Or something...jeez. Thing is, they've been looking like that for 4 years now!

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That Scream sign does need to be replaced. Or taken down. Or something...jeez. Thing is, they've been looking like that for 4 years now!


They should have known that thing was gonna fade from the start! You can't paint things bright blue and purple and hope its gonna stay that way especially with all the sun that little area gets. The faces on there look "printed" I wonder if they still have the artwork for them? Perhaps they should try something a little more simple?

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^I like it!


It allows the coaster to have a new upgrade feeling, with the same Scream! tacky-ness its known for.



Haha thats a good name! yea if MM re-did Scream i would get on it more often. But i like scream because its really smooth But it would be so awsome if they added tunnels and sound on the trains. Also they should re-model the waiting line. i'm a dumbo so i get poked with the thorn bushes that surround you!. Good Luck With The Future MM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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There are thorn bushes around Scream to get poked on? Other then needing some landscaping I've always liked Scream. Nowhere near my favorite rides in the park (I've always found the floorless concept to be a gimmick) but a decent coaster none-the-less. The only thing I'll say about Scream is that it always seemed like a very rushed coaster, something the park decided on last minute. I'll be interested to see if the music idea transfers over to X, I think with the proper music (assuming it works) it would be a cool effect.


Just please no more techno music on roller coasters!

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Techno works well for coasters, despite your personal musical preferences. What do you want? Some rap? Country? Metal? Trust me, you wouldn't hear the lyrics anyway, unless the trains are equipped with an in-train sound system, ala Rock 'n' Rollercoaster or California Screamin'. You would hear the beat - the bass... and what you have left is techno.

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