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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I won't ride X2 in any seat but the front anymore. The second two rows are OK. The last half of the train seems to just make my body hurt the rest of the day.


Finally, someone who lives by the same "X2 Rules" as me.


Ahhh, gotta love that last sentence there. Let's quote it again, just in case anyone missed it.


The last half of the train seems to just make my body hurt the rest of the day.


Yup, sums it up quite nicely.

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I was at SFMM yesterday and noticed something interesting...the "other" elevator at Sky Tower was operating (the one that faces the back of the park, not toward Tatsu). For whatever reason, I was under the impression that they wouldn't run that elevator again just because there isn't enough demand for it. Maybe as a backup, though.



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^^I wonder if it is a requirement to either A.) keep the operating license for both elevators or B.) keep the back elevator in operating condition by running it ever so often. I imagine it would be better to have it fully functionally so it could be used as a backup. But like you, I thought they never would use the second elevator again since I havent seen it run in like forever.

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Another couple of notes: It appears that all of the speakers on Terminator have been removed from the trains and replaced with that criss-cross patterned metal. Strangely, that actually adds a bit to the overall theme of the trains.


Also, on X2, some of you may have noticed that there are variations in the soundtrack depending on which train you ride. (Or you all know and I've just been comatose. ) On Monday, I noticed that one line, a squeaky voice that says, "Whose idea was this?" is heard on Train 1, but not Train 2 (I don't know about Train 3). Personally, I haven't noticed any others, but maybe some of you have. For whatever reason, I just found that interesting.



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^I'm betting the change in the soundtrack is merely a case of the sensor on the train not connecting with the one on the track and that part of the audio getting skipped over. But hey, it creates a new experience every time you ride!


I think they should've left Terminator's speakers in to make it go faster though, that'd at least get some use out of them!

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hi there

I plan to visit SF MM at November 6th this year. I know, questions about how crowded it will be are annoying but, what are you thinking about get a flash pass (gold or platinum) at this time of year? Is it wasted money or still necessary if we want to ride all rides in one day?

And what'll be the better choice, gold pass or platinum pass?

thanks so far


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^ It shouldn't be too crowded. But then again it is a Saturday. If you want to ride everything about once, a flash pass probably won't be needed. If you want to get some re-rides in and don't mind spending more cash, then go for a gold flash pass. I mean if you're coming all the way from Switzerland, I would assume you would want to get re-rides. A platinum one is probably not going to be worth it at that time of year.

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Hi everyone. I'm the group leader of a students spanish group here in L.A., and we are going to SFMM this sunday (July 11th). The point is... it is the same day of the soccer World Cup finale, and that's somehing really important for us. But, as we already got the tickets, we are wondering if there's a chance on watching it on SFMM, if there's someplace where they will retransmit it.


Thank you in advance

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^That's a really great question!


When we were in Europe all of the big parks we visited on World Cup match days would have various places setup to watch the game. The USA is really not into soccer though so I'm not sure that SFMM has this setup, perhaps you should call guest relations and see if they will be prepared. It may be something they haven't even thought of yet but would be open to though!

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^^I actually visited the park on the day of the last World Cup Final. And I don't remeber them playing it anywhere in the park. Its not like Soccer is that big in here in the states. You could always check out the computers in the Cyber Cafe.

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^Remember, your in Southern California, also known as North Mexico. The geographical local and indigenous population would scream otherwise. Perhaps they are showing the games on a huge screen in the theater? It would be a nice break from the heat of the day. MM could serve ice cold Cokes and McDonalds hamburgers as they are the 2 largest officially licensed sponsors of the World Cup.


Guy "This is a win-win for everyone involved." Koepp

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Hey guys. thanks to all. I called guest relations and told me there weren't going to show the match inside the park I'll have to bring a radio and hear it up. Do you know which radio may retransmit it???


Thanks all.


Apart from this, i'm wondering how much would a taxi cost from burbank (woodbury university) to six flags, as the local group leaders has set the price as 100$ and i find it far more expensive than it should be. I think that, as we are an small group (with me 4) we can call a taxi and go there by our own.



Thanks again!

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Unfortunately the topography of the Santa Clarita Valley creates a weird radio vortex making it rather difficult to receive most any radio station, including 710AM. I'd say your best bet is to watch/get updates online from inside Cyber Cafe. Best of luck!

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Hey guys! Just came back from the Mountain today...it wasnt too packed with most of the ride being 20-30 minute waits while a few being walk-ons... Got on Terminator once, Riddlers twice, Batman twice, Scream twice, Goliath twice, Revolution once, Viper three times, X2 once, Tatsu once, and Ninja once...Superman was the only ride closed (interesting on how they blocked off the entire section starting from the Laughing Dragon rather than just the enterance)... It was a good day overall for me

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^I'm glad I got one of the credits then! That's too bad though since I wouldn't mind riding it again. At least it's such a simple ride that I know exactly what I'm (not) missing.

I'm curious about what will come of this...could be very interesting!

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So what is everyone here thinking? New coaster, honestly just new maintenance? Since the plans changed at Great America and Great Adventure, I could see the plans changing here too. Maybe they use the existing structure and build something like kingda ka, but faster and taller? I always thought that would look impressive up there on top of the mountain. Just my two cents

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Okay well I went to the mountain friday too and as you know Superman was closed but here is my trip report of my day. So first it wasn't crowded at all that day which made me happy cause I didn't have to get a flash pass. And I overheard a funny conversation with the GP and it went like this:

"They added a new roller coaster this year"

"Really? What?"


"That's new? I thought that was already here."

"They changed it"


"Yeah. They made it bigger and faster."

I thought it was funny. But first I went with 3 friends and 2 of them were chickens and didn't go on anything, not even Colossus, so I wanted to go on Tatsu first but they made me go on roaring rapids first, and I got SOAKED only my waist down got drenched. But when we went on Tatsu and we got back in the station, my shorts were still drenched and dripping, everyone thought I pissed myself! I was like it's water! So they had to clean the train because they thought it was pee. It was embarrassing!!! So next we hit Terminator then when I said let's go on Riddler's and I showed it to them the chickens were like no I'm not ready let's go on Ninja. So we went to Ninja and it broke down right as about we were going to get on. Just because this is getting to long i'm going to speed this up. So after we hit Goliath which was like a walk on almost, then Ninja again because the chickens wanted to go on and right as about to go on it broke down again! I was so mad because I didn't want to go on Ninja. Then after we hit Riddler's, Batman, Scream, then made the trek all the way from scream to X2. It was funny because my friend was screaming for her life on it. The audio was messed up on our train, right as we got out of the station the "Goinnng dooown" and sabotage came on and when we hit the lift it just stopped, and one of the fire cannons weren't working and the ride got a tad bit bumpy. Oh well I still loved the ride and still is my favorite ride there. So to end the day we went on X2 and Tatsu again and got the most delicious funnel cake and left around 9. So here's my ride count in order:

Tatsu: 1x

Terminator: 1x

Ninja: 1x

Goliath: 1x

Ninja: 1x (2x total)

Riddler's: 1x

Batman: 1x

Scream: 1x

X2: 2x

Tatsu: 1x (2 times total)

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