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Everything posted by bobafett

  1. IMLVAITNEIOSNN I came up with I LOVE INTAMINS but that leaves out 1 letter N. Maybe one of the letter N's doesn't belong or maybe I'm just stupid and should leave this puzzle alone and leave the solving of puzzles up to the puzzle solving pros which I am definitely not one of. Well it didn't hurt to try, but maybe my guess will help you out. If not just disregard my guess. Anyway, it looks like a great coaster and I can't wait to ride it.
  2. I look forward to these reports each week. When are you going to be hitting Clementon and Morey's Piers in New Jersey? Keep me updated so we can hook up.
  3. What part of Jersey were you in when that accident occurred? It looks familiar to me.
  4. What was that weird looking alligator water ride ? I've never seen anything like that before. A little insight please.Thanks!
  5. Ninja used to be located in WildWood,NJ on the old Hunt's Pier that was renamed Konko's Party Pier then it was renamed Dinosaur Beach from 1989 to 1991. Back on that pier it was called Kamikaze. It was an impressive sight to see on our little boardwalk. Due to mismanagement, the pier finally went under and it was removed and sent to SFOG and renamed Ninja. I will show you where it was located on the boardwalk in Wildwood when oyu cmoe to town Big Mike and also you give you a little history about the boardwalk and the piers that are on it. Great report! Looking forward to the next update!
  6. I really wish I could have went on the Matterhorn the last time I was in DL, but time constraints wouldn't allow it and my stupid sister wanted to go on Small World instead. Oh well, next time I go back to California I will.
  7. Hey Big Mike, let me know when you are going to hit Clementon Park in Clementon,NJ and Morey's Piers in WildWood,NJ because I would love to tag along with you and I can show a lot of great places to see and eat while down in WildWood,NJ. If you like pancakes I can take you to a place in WildWood called Samuel's Pancake House to get awesome pancakes and a great place in Clementon called Nifty Fifties where you can get the best milkshakes in the world! Just let me know and I will be happy to be your tour guide for the day in WildWood and Clementon. And if we need to take a break while in WildWood, we can make a pit stop at my summer home down there.
  8. Carnivals rock! You have to go to them just because they are there and it is never the same experience twice. Plus you can get some really great food at carnivals like funnel cakes because even if you make funnel cake at home it doesn't taste as good, it just tastes better when you buy it at the carnival. I love the carnies, the gypsies, and all the weird people that go with the carnival atmosphere. And I love going on the old rickety rides that they bring with them because we all know that the rides have been around since the beginning of time. I love carnivals!
  9. Try and goggle He-Man at Universal Studios, it just might find something for you. He-Man rocks and no you aren't dating yourself. I think it is great when adults still have an interest in their childhood. I still have all my Star Wars and Transformers(G1) toys from when I was a kid. Good luck with your search.
  10. Really nice montage my friend. You put alot of care and thought into your scrapbook. I love looking at old park photos.My family and I used to go every summer when I was younger. I haven't been there since 1986. I'll have to get there and check it out again.
  11. ^The waterparks just got some nice touch ups and they will be opening up that indoor waterpark next year. It will really change the way WildWood looks.
  12. Be afraid, be very afraid!Thanks for the nightmare inducing vision Robb ! And that noise, it sounds a little like a.....well this is a PG rated web site so I'll keep that comment to myself but all the other ladies on this web site might know what I'm talking about !
  13. This looks like a cool coaster, too bad it doesn't open up until next year.Oh well at least I'll be able to go on the Simpsons ride this summer.As texcoaster said it will be a good idea to wait and check it out along with the Harry Potter world and I can do that seeing as the karate organization I belong to holds it world championship every other year in Florida,so I'll be attending this year and in 2010. So I can check both of them out in 2010. I just wish that they would get rid of Twister cause talk about a lame ride !
  14. ^^Darksin, I don't know what the plans are for the Golden Nugget right now, I hope that they do reopen it.I remember seeing that on their website and taking the poll also. It needs alot of work and restoration and I believe they said it might cost too much money to fix up, we can only hope for the best.Right now the Morey's family is in the process of building a new coaster set to open up in 2009 or 2010 or 2011,I'm really not sure what year it is, but it will span between 2 piers, one of the piers is where the Golden Nugget is located. A indoor waterpark that will be open year round is also under construction and set to open in late 2009 early 2010 on the boardwalk.
  15. ^You didn't have your pizza at Mack's because they do not serve beer. I'm not sure where you had your pizza because I don't know of any places that sell beer but maybe there are that I am not aware of, but some parts of the boardwalk tend to get a little "ghetto". All in all, WildWood is a great beach resort, especially in winter. I love it down there in the winter. So quiet and tranquil.No hutle and bustle of the tourists. Not much to do down there though but it still is nice.
  16. Please do a report on your tilt-a-whirl, that would be so cool. Maybe a bunch of tpr members could help you get it up and running. I would love to help you but I live in Philadelphia so it would be kind of impossible.
  17. ^Too true, that is great pic of X2. Great report and pics. I liked the one of you and Bugs, he is my fav Looney Tune. It looks like you had a great time that day.
  18. Great trip report and photos. I love little parks like that. The Tilt-A-Whirls is one of my favorite rides. Keep up the good work!
  19. Down in WildWood,NJ the Golden Nugget is still standing but no longer runs. It was an awesome dark ride/rollercoaster. From the time it opened until 1996 it had a miners theme, then from 1996 to 1998 a dinosaur theme was incorporated into the ride. There is talk about restoring it and opening it back up but that is a rumor that has been floating around now for awhile. When I am down at my shore home and I go up on the boardwalk, I always take a walk back on Hunt's Pier to visit the Golden Nugget and remember how much I loved going on that ride. If you are ever in WildWood, be sure to stop and visit the Golden Nugget, it is fenced off but you can still get close enough to view the boarding area and other features of the ride. People who are from this neck of the woods will know about this ride and how unique it was.
  20. I hope you had the chance to taste Mack's Pizza while you were visiting WildWood. Thin crust and a tad greasy but what a taste! It is the best pizza in the world!WildWood is a cool little resort town, I love it there. We have a summer home down there. Lots of good places to eat off of the boardwalk also.
  21. I have to admit that JR makes a mean black and white malt(extra malt and whipped cream ). One time time out in California I believe it was in San Diego, we went to an ice cream parlor and I asked the girl for a black and white malt and she looked at me like I had lobsters crawling out of my ears . So I had to explain to her how to make a black and white malt. She thought it was the coolest thing. Poor thing !
  22. I don't know if it is because I'm getting older or what but i don't think I could do those flat rides like I used to, I would probably throw up all over the place. Anyway great photos and and you should have gotten an elephant's ear because they are good. It's funnel cake just shaped different and funnel cake is good! By the way, did you take those photos on your Iphone?Wow I'm impressed.They are awesome looking.
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