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Everything posted by TheArchfiend

  1. They call them "Dong Missles"... uhhh huhhhh huhhhh huhhhh. All Beavis and Butt-Head jokes aside, this is very serious. North Korea obviously doesnt care about anyone trying to regulate or keep them in check for the good of the world. I feel sorry for who ever feels their wrath if they have to push out whatever they have stocked up if an invasion on them becomes imminent. North Korea knows full well that they have no firends to their north, south,east, or west and that an invasion would lead to their downfall. It's just that they dont seem to care to awful much about taking as many people down with them; via whatever weapons they have stocked up, if they are to fall as a nation under invasion or even just harsher U.N. sanction or threats. Their obvious prolonged build up in military and weapons research speaks volumes about just what this country wants to do. Hell over a million people died in this nation over starvation in the past ten years because too much money is allocated to weapons exppenditures and the government has had virtually every sanction and embargo possible thrown at them. They could import food for their countries well being but that apparently isn't on the agenda. Expect gas prices to be well over three dollars by Sunday because of the fear over this whole N. Korea issue.
  2. Bumpty bump bump bump... Here be my page: The Archfiends GUARANTEED HAPPINESS MySpace Page!! *Guarantees in life are never a guaranteed. Allow six to ten weeks for delivery. 0% APR available through October. The preceding has been a paid commercial for Girls Gone Wild: sexy sex sex-a-lots.
  3. Ahhh... the first park I ever rode a coaster in. Loch Ness Monster back in '86. Good times. My home park Six Flags Great Adventure was so jealous. We weren't on speaking terms for many years because I whored out my first "real" credit to another park. Anway, good pics. I'm going to get back there one of these days. I think.
  4. I'm sure there is a very good reason why that bridge is closed. I can't think of why, but I'm sure it's a very good reason. I mean, it only offers new views of Toro and promotes better access throughout that end of the park. Ummm.... maybe it's still closed cause they want to uh.... crap, I can't even kinda think of a reason why it's still closed. But my gut is telling me that it's not reopening anytime soon. Sucks, cause I want to get to see that opposite side of Toro up close rather than just seeing a quick glimpse while on the Runaway Train. Hopefully it opens up tomorrow now that I said that. And I noticed how much of a dead area it became back by Medusa last year once they closed off that bridge for Toro's construction.
  5. Superman Ultimate Glide always has that long line and it just baffles me. It can be a crappy rainy day, and still people will wait for that slow loading monstrosity. I've gone on days where KA and Nitros lines both were shorter than Superman Ultimate Glides. I guess people love the trill of uncomfortably gliding at 35 mph after waiting 1 hour plus no matter when you come to the park. Yes, I hate this ride. Only type of coaster in the world where riding up front offers no advantage whatsoever and totally kills the pretzel loop (the only note-worthy effect of this ride I might add) expierience. End of whine.
  6. Of all the places I've lived, and there have been many, I'd say I loved Albuquerque, New Mexico the best. Two words... dry heat. Sure, not many people speak my language down there but the beauty of the land and weather make up for language barriers. Plus they have road runners and prarie dogs everywhere. EVERYWHERE. What more could you ask for?
  7. We can all learn from our buddies at Disney on this one. They don't seem to have this problem. But they have a lot more of these ---> $$$ buddies to help them out. I've always been for a parking lot "away" from the park (like a mile or two) and then some kind of constantly running transportation service to get from parking lot to park. They don't all have to install monorails as the costs are probably out of the range of projected future budgets for Six Flags parks. Hell, bring the people in on horse and buggy from the parking lot to the park for all I care. If it helps incidents like these from happening then it's worth it. The kids would love that anyway. Plus you could expand and build rides in the now vacant immediate to the park parking lots.
  8. This is yet another incident where Superman was nowhere to be found. He is really droping the ball in crime fighting these days.
  9. The roughest coaster would have to go to the only coaster to ever get me to physically throw up.... Hercules! Now I use the pieces of Hercules to burn in my fire place during the winter while I yell out a sinister laugh!
  10. Actually, it was during closing hours... "People are dying to leave our parks!"
  11. Well, after about 50+ rides on El Toro I must say that it just gets less and less spectacular the more I ride it. Don't get me wrong, it is a spectacular ride and I would reccomend any enthusiast to come to the park and ride it. I just am kinda down with; the incessantly long load times, the shortness of the ride gets very noticable the more you ride it, and the restraints are just flat out uncomfortable unless your like me and cheat to push your hips forward to prevent stapling so you can REALLY feel the air time of this ride. I don't see how stapling is necessary as the restraint would have to be obscenely loose for a passenger to be ejected out of the ride. To sum it up, I still have Nitro as my favorite coaster of the park. Sure, Toro offers elements and excitement that Nitro doesn't. But I wasn't getting annoyed/speculative after the first two months of opperation for Nitro. EDIT: One last thing... I feel that El Toro is lacking one of my favorite traits for a wooden coaster to have... ROUGHNESS!! It's nice that this ride is hella-smooth and all, but thats not what I ever remember about wooden coasters. I like my wooden coasters to be more like Hercules (R.I.P.) and less like roller skating on a Sunday afternoon. Maybe it's just me, but I like my head to hurt (just a little) from the brute rumbling force of a wooden coaster. Just my two cents.
  12. The movie Summer School had some coaster action in it. Don't know which park it was though. Probably one in Calif. as the rest of the movie was filmed there. Edit: The movie Fear with Reese Wittherspoon and Mark Walberg had a coaster in it as well. And boy what a coaster scene that was. I'd describe what happened in said scene but I would get booted from the boards.
  13. Three words... Tilt... A... Whirl!! Classic, always fun, and found everywhere. Good times had by all ages. It gets massive bonus points from me for those reasons plus it's a cheap ride to produce and easy to transport as far as ride transporting goes.
  14. His name is Max but I dont know what he is. All I know is that he has the power to control and/or destroy us all. I've seen him destroy entire cities in mere minutes.
  15. Hi. I've been reading these boards and watching these videos for almost a year now so I figured I'd start officialy dropping in with responses while I sit here in my office hard at work on important stuff like surfing the Internet for leisure I'm actually going to purchase some of the TPR DVDs as Rob and Elissa have done a fantastic job putting them together. Just trying to figure out which ones I want. They all look good and I'll probably end up buying all of them cause I'm a geek like that. Uh... A little about me: Names Jamie and I am an graduate from Salisbury University in Maryland with a BA in Political Sciene and a minor in History. I'm now back working in my hometown of Burlington, New Jersey which is a 15 minute ride to Six Flags Great Adventure. I've never been to Great Adventure but I hear they dont have anything decent in the entire park. P.S., I use a lot of sarcasm. I love roller coasters. LOVE THEM!! If I could pro-create with them, I would. The previous comment wasn't sarcasm. If you wanna know more about me, check my MySpace page. It's attached to my website link on the bottom of all my posts. Anway, hi. And 5 bonus point to all who know who my Avatar is and where it's from.
  16. On a somewhat related note... I'm currently in a debate with myself over whether or not I should start consuming eggs and egg based products again since I am very pro-stem cell research. What can I say, I have a lot of free time to think about stuff when I go out jogging. But I am finding myself in total hypocrisy to be against one and for the other. Color me a hypocrit
  17. Ahh... Very good point. The defense rests. You're slowly changing my perception of this argument. But not too much I don't eat spinach. It gets stuck in my teeth.
  18. The hypocracy lies in not being allowed to eat certain meats if we are supposedly carnivores. If you went into a public park and threw a hot dog on the grill is one thing. If you threw a actual dog on the grill, you'd get arrested. Why, becuase society has said you can kill this but not that. Why? Because we like this one more or value it more. I wonder where exactly the cut off for usefullness of an animal is before you can grill it? Its questions like that that are my cause for calls of hypocracy. Frankly, I can give two lilly pads less about others eating habits. I only care about what I put into my body for sustanance.
  19. No kidding. Was it an all out chimp or human that was produced? Or something more missing-link-ish? I'll start to get worried when scientists figure out how to splice human genes with soemthing like a lion. Something tells me that some guys in lab coats are trying that theory out as we speak. oh... um... back on topic.... uh.... How bout that animal testing. Crazy, man.
  20. First, thank you for the response... Totally agree, and I know all about the cultural views of one country towards animals; such as dogs, to the next. However, my point moreover was that in most all other facets of nature (non-human)the predator goes after prey when it's hungry no matter how "useful" that animal is to them or not. I love dogs and would never harm one as much as I wouldnt harm a cow, BUT if I had to live off the land and the only food available to me was my servant-companion dog, then it's time to cook ol' Sparky. Because that is what nature would do. I agree that dogs are far more useful to us than say, a rooster. But I just find it still hypocritical if one wanted to eat a dog or even open a establishment that served dog and was shunned for doing so. I wont eat there but many can if they wanted to. In our society these people who cooked or ate dog would be burned at the proverbial stake. Unless they kept it low key like some places do. And one point that I meant to that original post that I now remember was the hypocracy in killing an animal such as a cow but being furious over animal testing on just as equally an "worthless" animal for cosmetics, chemical companies, etc... You're right and I was only directing that to the current U.S. public/commercial cultural that selectively designates which animals are eaten and which are not. Ok, slow down bub... You read a tab bit too much into "all life". To explain a little more clearly for ya, I cheerish all living animals bigger than micro-organisms. I'm realistic, not insane. And yes, I know I may have stepped on an ant or two unknowingly. And I kill weeds and cut down/back trees taking up their fair share of my property. But thank you for the elaborate response none-the-less You havent heard why I became vegan, so how can you decide my foundations are weak? Little judgemental are we? I became vegan first 9 years ago for health/wellness reasons, then I have evolved; about two years ago, into the "animal hugging hippie" that I am today. Never said life was equal... Just pointing out that I cant bring myself to kill one animal over the other cause society deems it to be. That simple. I havent shown what is hypocritical!?... certain animals are killed and eaten yet others are not all because one society to another says so or doesnt. We (meat eaters) call ourselves carnivores/omnivores, right? Carnivores = Eats meat. Majority of U.S. population = Only allowed to eat certain types of meat. Thats not hypocritical at all? I just pointed out exactly what you said is the definition of hypocracy. And once again, I dont consider all life to be equal as I agree with your perception of the dog to man relationship creating a dogs superior staus in society to that of a cow or lesser animal. I just wont eat an animal, period. Thanks again for the response. You come off ten times more educated than most people who voice a response to me on this subject. Eventhough you probably think I'm a total pin-head
  21. Well, as a vegan of now 9 years I must say that this testing actually doesnt bother me. I dont wear leather, fur, makeup, otter skin shoes... etc. I just have no problem with those who do or groups that test on animals for research means. Humans are carnivores with intelligence. Yet we are the only carnivores that discrimate on what animals we eat. Example: We eat cows and chickens, but not dogs. Why? Is it because a cow is ugly and puppies are cute? Is it because we don't have cows in our backyards to "moo" at the burglar before he breaks into our house? I find it all so hypocritical that humans (not all) select which animals to consume and which to cherish. In any other facet of nature, the carnivore eats whatever it gets it's teeth on when it's hungry. If a cow could make a jacket out of human skin, it would. And if a cow could test products on human beings to gain research knowledge, it would. I choose to be vegan because I value all life and will not just go along with a society that says eat this living thing but not that one! To me, eating a cow/steer is saying it serves no other purpose but to feed or make clothes so it is providing a good by killing it and consuming it. By that extent; is it okay to kill off a severly injured or very mentally handicaped human? Can we do tests on them in their debilitated state? Can they produce goods for society in a working environment like you or I? Are they doing much more than consuming resources such as time and money from tax payers/family members? Now, I'm not for the killing of mentally or severely handicap individuals, just trying to point out a little hypocracy in our society.
  22. Well from my brief time with MySpace (4 months), I've noticed that about ten zillion people have had their likeness mocked, copied, stolen... etc. on a MySpace page that isn't them. Not saying it's right, but it is almost out of control to try and stop all of it at this point.
  23. Superman Returns 9/10 My points have been made by previous posters so I won't repeat. I just want to add that Kevin Spacey will get nominated and WIN the Oscar for best supporting actor as his role as Lex Luther stole the show. I honestly was skeptical and kinda unsure on how he would do in this role when I first heard he was cast as Lex. He was phenomonal. I know movies such as this that are summer blockbuster/action movies rarely get cred from the academy. This however, will be one of those few exceptions cause I feel Spacey was THAT good.
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