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Everything posted by XII

  1. Wood #5. Coaster @ PNE Playland #4. Boulderdash @ Lake Compounce #3. Balder @ Liseberg #2. Outlaw Run @ Silver Dollar City #1. El Toro @ SFGAdv Steel #5. Fury 325 @ Carowinds #4. iSpeed @ Mirabilandia #3. Maverick @ Cedar Point #2. Superman the Ride @ SFNE #1. Expedition Ge Force @ Holiday Park
  2. Hard for me to come up with a list since I usually will divide all the non-coasters up into flat rides, dark rides, water rides, etc. I never thought about just lumping them all together in one list. But here's what I came up with for now. 10. Lex Luthor @ SFMM 9. Transformers @ USH 8. Radiator Springs Racers @ DLR 7. Acrophobia & High Fall @ SFOG & Movie Park Germany 6. Indiana Jones @ DLR 5. Tower of Terror @ DLP (Also at DLR before Guardians of the Galaxy) 4. Fritt Fall @ Grona Lund 3. The Amazing Adventures of Spiderman @ Universal Orlando 2. Test Track @ WDW 1. Tower of Terror @ WDW
  3. ^Lies! < Has been to Cedar Point V Works at Cedar Point
  4. The Beast (Neither of the B&Ms were built when I went) Parc Asterix?
  5. This sounds like a really fun ride and it'd be a perfect fit for Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park.
  6. Nope. I'm missing SeaWorld. Have you been to any of the SeaWorld parks?
  7. OMFG! WHY!? Why would you abuse the wristband, which was a bonus, like that!? We had Night ERT on Helix in response to the breakdown in the morning. So you could get multiple rides then (which was awesome). You had the Night ERT and you were able to get a bonus ride with the wristband. None of that was in the itinerary. All added on the spot because of technical difficulties in Morning ERT. And you have to exploit that to grab more for yourself!? It's people like this that make me a misanthrope.
  8. If you hate TPR and Robb so much, why are still talking about him? Seriously, if you hate the why its run, make a coaster site the way you want it and wish TPR was run. Do something productive and have some fun. I can't imagine hating someone who just runs a coaster site all day to be much fun.
  9. Great List. I will admit that I didn't know about a lot of the rides on this list. But they definitely look great (Well, except for the Thunderbolt clone). I definitely hope to get out to Asia sometime and try these rides out.
  10. ^ Anti-Six Flags < Completely forgot about this game thread until now V A regular poster of this thread
  11. Expedition Everest Would anyone pick Primeval Whirl? I feel like Animal Kingdom is too easy. Six Flags Great Adventure?
  12. 1. What is the name of your home park? Six Flags Magic Mountain 2. Do you own a coaster related T-shirt? Yes. 3. Do you enjoy Vekoma SLCs? Somewhat. I don't hate them nearly as much as others, and the rare smooth (OK, not smooth. But not nearly as rough as the others) ones are enjoyable. 4. Name the first 3 coasters that come to mind. Shivering Timbers El Toro Balder 5. One park you would definitely never go back to is... Mt. Olympus 6. Have you ever ridden a drop tower taller than 200 feet? Several. One is located right in my home park. 7. What is your favorite roller coaster? El Toro @ SFGAdv 8. When you go to a park three things you must have with you are... Phone, Wallet, Car Keys (Assuming I drove) 9. How many times did you visit your home park last season? I don't have the time to count and find out. 10. The first Intamin coaster you rode is... Superman: Escape from Krypton @ SFMM 11. Have you ever spent an entire day at a park alone? Yes 12. The independent park you go to the most is... Hmm. Hard to say as all my home parks are chains. I guess Lagoon. 13. Does B&M or Intamin make better hyper coasters? Intamin. Yes, the B&M ones are fun. But Intamin made Expedition Ge Force and Superman @ SFNE. Both are some of my favorite steel coasters. 14. If it was free, what upcharge ride what you jump on right now? Slingshot 15. What is the best food at your home park? Can I switch my home park to KBF for this? Because I can't think of what food at SFMM would be considered the best. I rarely eat at SFMM anymore. At KBF, Mrs. Knotts Chicken Dinner. 16. The name of the worst GCI you've ridden is... Gwazi @ BGT. I'm not sad that they got rid of it. 17. When you're not riding something at your home park where are you? I want to say someplace fun. But most likely, at home or out at work. 18. Favorite water ride in a dry park (flume, rapids, etc) Splash Mountain (Perilous Plunge was a close 2nd favorite ) 19. Do you get your photo taken with park mascots? Not very often. It's been a while since my last mascot photo. 20. Name one personal item you've lost at a park. Cell Phone 21. Name of the worst B&M invert you're ridden is... Patriot @ WOF 22. Name your favorite steel coaster under 125 feet tall. Maverick @ Cedar Point 23. Name your favorite coaster/ride manufacturer? Intamin 24. What waterpark have you visited most often? Six Flags Hurricane Harbor 25. The name of the fastest wooden coaster you have ridden is... Son of Beast *groan* 26. What is the name of the flat ride you've ridden the most? I have no idea. Uh...I guess...Supreme Scream or some other flat at Knotts? 27. Name a ride-related injury you have suffered. A wicked headache from riding f*cking Gouderix. 28. Favorite Halloween event at a park? Fright Fest @ SFMM because it's the only Halloween park event I've done as Queen Mary's Dark Harbor is not at a park. 29. Name the most recent Arrow ride or coaster you've been on... Matterhorn @ DLR 30. Name of your favorite ride that never leaves the ground (safari, train, bumper cars, etc) Kilimanjaro Safari @ WDW 31. What ride makes you laugh the most? Bumper Cars @ Lagoon 32. How many RMC's have you ridden? 5. Twisted Colossus, Joker, Iron Rattler, New Texas Giant, & Outlaw Run (Thanks for being closed Lightning Rod ). 33. Best flat that goes over 100 feet is... Tango @ Traveling Fairs (I'm assuming it goes above 100 ft) 34. When you are on your way to your home park what is one worry that you might have? It'll be too crowded to enjoy the park. 35. Favorite park that is NOT your home park is ___________. Europa Park. Favorite park period. That place is freaking amazing. 36. How many different parks did you go to last season? 8 Six Flags Magic Mountain Knotts Berry Farm Disneyland Resort Six Flags Discovery Kingdom Carowinds Dollywood Lake Winnie Six Flags Over Georgia 37. The indoor coaster/dark ride you ride most often is... Space Mountain @ DLR 38. When you spend the day at the park what do you drink all day? Tap Water 39. The name of the best B&M you've ridden is? Fury 325 @ Carowinds 40. Name three other forum members that will fill this out... If I name them, then they won't bother filling it out for the sole purpose of not listening to me.
  13. I wouldn't say that the Stand Up coaster was a failed concept. They had a good run, but sadly, there haven't been any new ones being built since 1999. I'm in the minority who really likes the Stand Up coasters. I've been on every single B&M one, and have tried one from Intamin (Cobra @ La Ronde) and Togo (Skyrider). I enjoyed all of them to some degree, though I will admit that I'm looking forward to the conversion to Patriot @ CGA. But I'd still love to see another great Stand Up coaster along the lines of Riddlers Revenge or Georgia Scorcher being built.
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