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Everything posted by FSUFanChris

  1. We just changed our visit from tomorrow to Friday. How bad of an idea was that when it comes to the lines?
  2. We're heading to the park on Wednesday. Are there any 'can't miss' flats or other rides, outside of the coasters? What can we expect for lines?
  3. We're heading to the park on Thursday. Are there any 'can't miss' flats or other rides, outside of the coasters? What can we expect for lines?
  4. I am heading to the park for my first ever visit on Tuesday and Wednesday. Any pointers? I'm certainly going to hit all of the coasters but are there any 'can't miss' flats?
  5. Wow, I came here to get some updates on DW for my trip next week but all this thread seems to be is a random 'off topic' thread?
  6. Both are no longer there... Flying Super Saturator at Carowinds and Dania Beach Hurricane at Boormers! in Florida. I only miss Hurricane.
  7. Thank you! That's exactly what I was after. I can snap the flyers at Carowinds and this sounds like the same similar method. Thanks, again!
  8. Today is the last day for the free bring a friend ticket with season pass purchase. It will open tomorrow and this whole thing was a ploy to get people to actually pay to ride Lightning Rod.
  9. I'm heading to the park for the first time ever on Sunday. I can't wait. Does anyone have any pointers on how to spin the Fly-O-Planes?
  10. The Coaster formerly known as Shockwave also had a support altered.
  11. We're heading to the park on Monday, May 23. When is Ninja expected to open?
  12. What's the chance this means there might be a buyer lined up and they are keeping quiet about it?
  13. CCook is twelve years old. He's been banned at the other forums for being too young to legally join a forum.
  14. That's actually not true. I called Six Flags Over Texas and asked and they said I must wait for Six Flags America to open back up which means my trip to Texas this winter is now canceled. Not to mention I live in NC. I happened to be in the DC area and grabbed a season pass membership while on vacation, never expecting I was going to have my wallet stolen. Now I am paying a monthly membership fee and no way to replace my card unless I plan another vacation to Washington DC.
  15. I lost my wallet. Can I go to any Six Flags and get a replacement season pass?
  16. How are the crowds? I'm trying to go Saturday? How about the day crowds?
  17. 1. Fury 325, Carowinds 2. Intimidator 305, Kings Dominion 3. Superman - Ride Of Steel, Six Flags America 4. Thunderhead, Dollywood 5. Afterburn, Carowinds 6. Intimidator, Carowinds 7. Volcano - The Blast Coaster, Kings Dominion 8. Wild One, Six Flags America 9. Mind Bender, Six Flags Over Georgia 10. Goliath, Six Flags Over Georgia
  18. Off topic: Who remembers when WLS rented out the entire park (in the 70s, maybe???), allowed all their listeners to get in free and Larry Lujack was going to give away something like $10,000 when he got to the bottom of some ride or coaster. My question is, what was the ride?
  19. Arrow trains are designed to keep your hands in the car. You will never see vests on arrow coasters with loops because the clearance ceiling is not enough. Next time you are on an arrow and about to do a vertical loop, notice that you could 'high five' the beginning and end of the loop if your hands were free.
  20. Carowinds had two (Skycoaster and Go Carts) and still have two (Skycoaster and Sling Shot). EDIT: Carowinds actually has 4 if we include the mini golf and the laser maze.
  21. Yea like why I gotta pay to get in the park and gotta pay for a ride never understood Well, let's see. Let's pretend it's free. They can get 2 people every 10 minutes onto the ride. That's 12 people an hour, or 144 people during a 12 hour day. Total. Coasters can get up to 1,500 people PER HOUR. So, 30 minutes after the park opens, they have to close the Sling Shot line because the people in the end of that line will be in that line for the entire 12 hours they are at the park. But hey, at least they got Sling Shot for free.
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