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Everything posted by FSUFanChris

  1. I went this past Saturday and didn't wait longer than 25 minutes. Sunday should be better.
  2. No, Their Gigas will always be too far spread out element wise and not able to handle such quick transitions at such high speeds. The thrill factor will never match up I believe. We shall see though. For now, Ill stick with my baby lol I have never heard someone who has ridden Fury say something like this. How many times did you ride it? Which seats?
  3. ^^ Thanks for that. It's cool to get a little insight into it all. For me, I understand that these things happen so I was joking around with the ride-op who came over to check on us, trying to ease the tension on the train. Everyone got off laughing and there wasn't any kind of extra commotion. I was completely content with continuing to enjoy my day at the park. I wouldn't have let this affect my views on the experience but when they took care of us the way they did, it really made me appreciate the park even more.
  4. My friend Matt and I got stuck on the final brake run of a Vekoma SLC for 30 minutes at Six Flags America. When we got off, Six Flags was waiting with a tray full of ice waters, gave us 'Exit Boarding Passes' to use on any ride in the park for all three of us (not just the two who were stuck) as well as a free combo meal at almost any place in the park. Once we chose Johnny Rockets, I got in there and handed my 'free pass' to the teenager working the cash register and she looked genuinely confused, having obviously never seeing the coupon before. She calls her manager over and her manager immediately recognized it and explained everything to the employee. She then proceeds to tell me I can get whatever I want on the menu. Not, pick an item, any item. This was, pick whatever you want. I ordered a combo and a shake and she tells me to have a seat and she'll bring it out to me. She came and checked on us after about 5 minutes just to let us know she hasn't forgotten about us. I'm still unsure if this royalty treatment was a great gesture to prevent another overreacting 'Roller Coaster at Six Flags get stuck!' story or because I survived my first SLC.
  5. We're heading to the park on Sunday. It'll be my first time. What should we expect for lines? We plan to get there at opening.
  6. Give them a call. I couldn't find anything on KD's page, but CP's page says this (I bet it's the same)... Yes, you may upgrade a Regular Season Pass to a Platinum Pass at the park's Season Pass Center by paying the difference between what you paid for the Regular Pass and the cost of a Platinum Pass at the time of upgrade. The Season Pass Center will open in mid-April with limited hours. The Season Pass Center will be open during regular park operating hours once the park opens for the season on Saturday, May 11.
  7. I don't think you quite get the whole concept of renting the park. I very much doubt BMW would pay Carowinds a bunch of money for tickets for each one of their employees only to encounter a park full of people.
  8. I'll be taking my first visit to SFA on Saturday, July 11th. I know 'Theme Parks 101' mentions never going to a park on Saturday but it's literally the only day we can go. How bad will the lines be in the early afternoon? Also, I am stoked right now. For years, anytime I mention roller coasters around my Grandmother and Great Aunt (both live in Florida), they talk about how they used to drive up north on US 1 to Massachusetts to visit old friends and they would all go to Paragon Park and "ride this HUGE coaster". That coaster was called "Giant Coaster" and I just realized last night that coaster is now Wild One at Six Flags America.
  9. All rides will (should) be running and you won't need Fast Lane.
  10. Thanks for this. I'm heading to Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge this weekend. I'm going to try the first two and skip Goats on the Roof.
  11. I think it's BMW that rents the park out, for what it's worth.
  12. ^ I suggest hitting Fury 325 once or twice for the ERT and then sneak over to Nighthawk so you can be first in line when the park opens. If you choose to try and ride it at any time other than right when the park opens, it will be a 45+ minute wait. And I think I am being generous at 45 minutes.
  13. If you don't plan on going to Dino Alive or using the exclusive ride time in the morning, then only get Gold for one of you. Get Silver for the other. You only need one for the free parking and discounts.
  14. Did they do the 5 year reworking of Thunder Road? That didn't work out too well.
  15. They have a test seat at the entrance before you even step through the queue. Just try it out first, but you should be fine.
  16. Bumper cars, mini-golf, action fx theater, and possibly white water falls are all gone after this year.
  17. Carowinds just announced the closure of Thunder Road. July 26th will be the last ride.
  18. Is Hard Rock Park the last big investment park to start from scratch in the US? That one cost $400,000,000 if I recall.
  19. It's been pretty mild but this Friday, the park closes at 6:00, FYI.
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