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Everything posted by FSUFanChris

  1. Who made the one that used to be at Carowinds (Wild Bull)?
  2. Everything at Disney is 199.5 feet and that is only because they would have to put the red airplane warning lights on anything 200 feet or taller. Disney thinks this takes away from the themeing. ie: Tower of Terror is 199.5 feet tall because they thought flashing red lights do not match their old hotel theme.
  3. Y'all will be fine. They will run all of the rides because there likely will not be any lightning with the rain. ENJOY!
  4. I'll ask again. What about this makes you think people will lose their legs? Show me where a launch mechanism can chop a leg off when you have a floorless train, yet completely miss the train's floor when you have a 'normal' train?
  5. If you are sitting in the two middle seats, and someone puts their leg out just a little bit to the side, then their leg is cut. Immature kids and teenagers are pretty much prone to do this. Look at this picture... what about a launch would cause these people to lose their legs?
  6. They run the rides unless there is lightning. No rain checks.
  7. let the speculating begin... http://www.kicentral.com/forums/index.php/topic/30844-red-track-spotted-at-batavia-steel-plant/
  8. I have never waited for any coaster (besides Nighthawk, of course) for longer than 15 or 20 minutes on a weekday at Carowinds so this will be really interesting to see how much busier the park will be with FURY. Also, I got to ride it at media day. It is easily my new #1 coaster. Amazing in every way. Here we are riding FURY 325... I lost my lanyard and at 1:48, you can see someone lose their phone (watch in HD) And here we are riding Slingshot...
  9. I think that is the exception rather than the norm. I am a programming assistant at a radio station and our facebook page has over 105,000 'likes.' We posted the Fury 325 pictures and it's been seen by over 650,000 people and counting. Currently, over 1,000 people have commented on it and I have read each and every one of them. Not one person mentions it being similar to Intimidator (because it's not). In fact, it's mostly, 'OMG, SEASON PASSES NEXT YEAR!!!!1111one"
  10. This. And right by the entrance of the park it would look even more intimidating. But that's what concerns me, due to the location they might silence it to be more "friendly". They can fill the supports with as much sand as they want, it's not going to change the 'roar.' Now if they filled the rails with sand, that's another story.
  11. You still don't get it, do ya? It's cool man... just do whatever "floats your boat."
  12. You genuinely don't see a difference in posting... "Hey guys, **** from Carowinds Connection posted the entire ride layout. Here it is..." and what you typed...? I'll give you a quick hint. You gave ZERO credit to **** (another poster who posted his knowledge publicly, unknowing to him that someone would plagiarize it as their own). You made it sound like you have the President of Cedar Fair calling you up when in actuality, you are just a member of Carowinds Connection and nothing more.
  13. WTF, dude?! You straight up copied and pasted this from CC. Instead of making it sound like you have an inside source who is calling you up with hookups, just tell the truth! This was posted on Carowinds Connection last week, everyone.
  14. You mean ***** from CC? Here's the deal everyone... IT'S NOT AN INTAMIN! IT IS B&M! The track that is ours is the teal track with yellow spine. Good night.
  15. It's legit. Geebs11 on CC just took them. Here's the whole album... http://imgur.com/a/FLTmj
  16. So many people taking CC posts and posting them here as their own.
  17. Again, being the same manufacturer is a moot point. Cyclone and Goldrusher are the same manufacturer. Nighthawk and Cobra are the same. Afterburn, Vortex and Intimidator are the same... must be the same experience, right? These are two different ride experiences. Just like Top Gun is different from Vortex.
  18. Because he doesn't ask permission to film POV videos, is my guess.
  19. Wait, what? I'm going to assume you've never been on Leviathan. This giga will be a completely different ride from Intimidator. Being the same manufacturer is a moot point. Cyclone and Goldrusher are the same manufacturer. Nighthawk and Cobra are the same. Afterburn, Vortex and Intimidator are the same... must be the same experience, right?
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