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Everything posted by FSUFanChris

  1. I'm a 38 also and I just got back from Great Adventure. I could ride everything. Come to think of it, they don't have VR. And Superman doesn't have seat belts. I would assume you meant America, but surely you didn't spend TWO full days at SFA? I think you misread his post. Sounds like two days at Gadv, now at SFA unable to ride Superman. Ah, of course. Makes sense now.
  2. I'm a 38 also and I just got back from Great Adventure. I could ride everything. Come to think of it, they don't have VR. And Superman doesn't have seat belts. I would assume you meant America, but surely you didn't spend TWO full days at SFA?
  3. But entering a thread and expecting everyone to have the same exact thoughts and reaction as you is reasonable and not entitlement? Got it.
  4. I'm shocked at the crowds. Season pass holders can bring a friend for $25 this weekend so I expected the crowds to be crazy.
  5. I'm the same way. I'm sure there is a much better way for handling it, but it just pisses me off. So, let me get this straight. Her grandson/granddaughter jumped in line. Instead of scolding her grandchild, she scolded you? smh
  6. Sounds like it's more for sponsorship / advertising purposes more than anything.
  7. See I know there is more of this than we read about.. i know LR is clearly hurting Dollywood right now so I really hope it's open fully soon I know my girlfriend and I have cancelled three separate trips to the park. The first time, we decided to go to Six Flags Over Georgia and Lake Winnie. The second time, we went to Carowinds. And for the final time about 10 days ago (right after the recall was announced), we frantically changed plans at 4am the last day possible to cancel hotels without penalties, and the day before we were trying to leave. We then traveled to Busch Gardens, Hersheypark, and Six Flags Great Adventure instead. We both have a Dollywood season pass and we have yet to use it once. I know, I know. The park is wonderful without LR. And it is. We just want to make sure their new ride will be open before we travel the 5 hours to go to the park.
  8. YOU may have paid for parking twice, but that is certainly not the case.
  9. Yes. No dessert is too far to travel for. Penguins heard about chocolate mousse in Turkey and were like, "Damn, bro, we GOT to go."
  10. the lodge was comparable to a Holiday Inn. . so if he's staying overnight anyways, yeah staying at the lodge (which makes parking free, gives you the hour extra the day of, and an opportunity to buy cheaper tickets). yeah, I recommended the Lodge. Maybe it was the dates I looked for a quote but when I looked it was in the ballpark of $400/night for the lodge for the cheapest available. We ended up booking elsewhere for $85/night. Who knows, maybe the time he is looking will be a good time? that's shocking for the Lodge (for the higher end Hotel Hershey, I could see that). we paid less than $140 a night, and if you stay mid-week, it's even cheaper. but yeah, with the new "waterpark" opening at the lodge, and they ARE in the High-Season (the Summer) now, the weekend price does seem to be hovering between $220-$280 a night. Still reasonable (depending what level of comfort you want in a hotel). but maybe out of Jamor's range. For Thursday, July 14th, it's $299.99. No thanks.
  11. So when I visit this park, I'm supposed to assume two penguins wobbled all the way from Antarctica through deserts and into the Middle East to walk onto an ark built by a 500 year old man? Got it.
  12. We just returned from our trip there. Hit me up on fb if you have any questions. You will only have to pay for parking the first day if you do their preview day. Also, message me about a discount ticket.
  13. I wish this thread could turn into a full Lake Winnie discussion thread, thread title change and all. This little park is incredible and deserves a little attention.
  14. I have a quick question. I know while Six Flags Over Georgia opens at 10:30, a few of the rides actually open at 10:00. Is that the case at Great Adventure? If so, what rides? Thanks!
  15. After visiting Hershey Park, I can now easily say that SkyRush is my new number 2 coaster, second to Fury 325.
  16. I realize I am preaching to the choir here but I think the pleasant surprise of my first ever trip to Busch yesterday was Curse of DarKastle. I knew zero about the ride before walking into the building. Every Park needs a dark ride like that, in my opinion. And I'm not even a dark ride fan. Oh, and whoever said Europe in the Air is terrible was spot on. Ugh.
  17. Thanks everyone for the input! It's much appreciated. One last thing. I saw someone above mention that the last row is the best for Skull Mountain. How about the other dozen coasters? Are there any 'must ride' seats? Also, aside from the drop tower, what flats are 'can't miss'?
  18. Pretty bad I figured but how bad? Instead of 10 minute waits, we're looking at 30 minutes? More like instead of 30 minute waits, you're looking at 1 hour+ across the board. Sound like we need to do Flash Pass. We don't have the budget for the $75 or $115 option. Is the regular $45 option even worth it? We figured we could be waiting in line at one line while virtually waiting for the other? Anyone have any experience with all three versions?
  19. Pretty bad I figured but how bad? Instead of 10 minute waits, we're looking at 30 minutes?
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