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Everything posted by SFNE Fan

  1. In October. I saw the Empire State Building when I went to New York. When was the last time you went shopping?
  2. Hey guys! I found a cool music video yesterday. Here is the link. Enjoy!
  3. ^Yes., all it needs are some Six Flags themed rides and areas.
  4. Yes, The water coaster is great also (giving it some love).
  5. Granted, but they're useless. I wish the weekend was longer.
  6. My profile is the Wicked Cyclone logo (obviously). Well,it used to be.
  7. Granted, but your teacher tells you you have to finish all your future assignments. I wish I could teleport.
  8. They both have Vekoma inverts. Holiday Park and Hersheypark.
  9. I agree, but Star Flyers in the Six Flags chain are considered thrill rides. I think you should relocate it to the main park, and put a regular swing ride there.
  10. Granted, but all the rides are closed except for the kiddie rides. I wish I could get SimCity back on my computer.
  11. Granted, but it is terrible. I wish I could get to more parks this summer.
  12. Granted, but you're bad at everything else. I wish for better school lunches.
  13. Granted, but you get fat. I wish it was spring right now.
  14. Kiddie coasters. Would you rather have your cell phone set to disappear on the second ring or explode on the fourth ring?
  15. Granted, but it turns out to be evil and clones itself 1,000 times. I wish PARCC was easier.
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