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Everything posted by CPSFMMCW

  1. so wait, is rougarou for the haunt maze or not? Or do we still not know?
  2. Boo Blasters on Boo Hill! I don't ride it every visit I go to Kings Dominion, but I do ride it often! Oftentimes I won't even be with anyone, I'll just ride it alone. Also, if the singing mushrooms count, then they're a bigger guilty pleasure then the boo blasters!
  3. Looks like an overall nice park. A GCI would be a nice addition to their current line up, and that should also give Russia a pretty awesome wooden coaster. GCI almost always delivers a really solid ride.
  4. I'm betting on mean streak and here's why: there's been rumors about CP doing that mean streak upgrade in 2016, and while they're only rumors, If they did turn out to be true, then we would most likely he seeing a new name. Which, if that is the case, then the King James name would only be around for 1 year. So it could be a case of "Cedar Point only wants the name around for a season" or it could be that they want the name around for a while, and so they could name a different coaster King James. If that were the case, then I think it'd be one of the smaller coasters at the park(not wilderness run). Just my 2 cents.
  5. ^ I think we decided that rougarou was gonna he a ride trademark, as CF doesn't really trademark seasonal attraction names(at least as far as I know).
  6. I was actually referring to the dark blue track. Yeah I knew about the teal track, but I wonder if it is in fact a coaster with inversions, where it could be going.
  7. So if there were first time riders on that train, and assuming they aren't gonna ride again cause they'll be too scared that another accident will happen, I guess that means they only got half the credit. That sucks.
  8. Sorry if we've already mentioned this, but when did that blue track show up? Any idea what coaster that could be for? And is it possible that that track that hasn't been painted yet is part of the same coaster as the teal track? Like could it be painted teal?
  9. I'm HIGHLY doubting hyper, as they really need inversions. I'm betting on a sit down.
  10. so for a second lets assume that the teal track isn't for carowinds. that begs the question "where is it going?"
  11. Found this in a Holiday World discussion. Thought it was kinda amusing. "I was there last week. they plowed out land and started putting concrete in for supports. It is two parallel lines. Meaning it is either a Strata Coaster (most likely) or a boomerang"
  12. I saw the rocket and the first thing I thought of was drop tower. I'm calling drop tower or star flyer. Isn't whatever is coming gonna include that 30 acre expansion? Is that suppose to be next year?
  13. I thought it was interesting how full throttle got a higher score than gatekeeper. But I thought it was even more shocking how high me freeze placed! I also thought steel dragons rating seemed a bit low.
  14. Well, it could still be that WMG style dark ride. Who remembers that Cedar fair trademark? Rougarou. Aka werewolf. I'd say a scary style fun dark ride where you're shooting werewolves would be teen oriented. It's be like curse of Darkastle but a coaster and you shoot the monsters!
  15. Glad you liked the park. Although i'm not sure where those rumors of KD being a dirty park came from...it's very clean and KD has done a pretty good job of planting flowers and trees and making it look appealing.
  16. I know, I was so happy about that! I got to ride it for the first time ever when I went on monday. I went to the park MANY times last year, but every time I went it was closed! (Although one time it was open, but it had like a 1.5 hour line, and I wasn't about to wait in that for a drop tower!) So I finally got to ride it. It was ok. The views were nice though! Perfect spot to observe the construction going on back by the drachen fire station. (I'm calling new train station btw)
  17. thats some top notch theming right there! simply incredible. love it!
  18. well if its for a ride, then it probably would be for a coaster or large attraction. Correct me if I'm wrong, but parks don't usually file the trademark if its a smaller ride. And as for the name, it seems like it would be a steel coaster for me. I dunno, it just sounds like a steel. And I'll second the thoughts about it being for CP's dark ride!
  19. I'm loving the new colors. Definitely the best looking drop tower. Just the fiery effect with the mixing of the red, orange, and blue just makes it pop.
  20. I doubt this is for a giga. fury 325 is for giga, and the new trademark is for a haunt maze. Although, heres a question. Does cedar fair usually file a trademark for haunt maze names?
  21. wow. Thanks for calling my video pointless. If you don't like my stuff, then why do you watch my vids? You don't have to be mean and call something pointless. If you have a problem with it, then just don't watch it!
  22. Intamin. More forceful, but I love that the S&S ones launch you up. Wish intamin shot you up, and then dropped you like they do! That'd be the best!
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