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Everything posted by CPSFMMCW

  1. ^ I think the reason they chose to feature some of those coasters was because they were already at a park for one of their coasters. If you noticed, a lot of the parks had 2 coasters from their park on the show. I could be wrong, but lets take la ronde for example. They were already there for Goliath, so they decided to include ednor also, even though its not a good ride. That was probably the same for Warner bros movie world in Spain. They had superman, so they included coaster express. Again, I might be wrong but it appears to me that that's how they did it. Tried to feature at least 2 coasters from one park.
  2. ^^ first off, at the rate Valleyfair is at, they shouldn't be removing anything! This park should only be gaining stuff at opposed to removing any coasters.
  3. I can check off NTAG off my list as of about a month ago...
  4. You cannot compare Disney and KBF because they are two different style of parks. I wasn't comparing them, one of the guys above was talking about how he liked the family friendliness feel at Disney better than at Knott's. I merely was commenting on that and saying well thats no surprise...
  5. Wild Eagle was a pretty big letdown UNTIL I went back to the park this past June and tried it out in the back seat. And man, I liked it a lot more there. Much more forceful.
  6. Well when you compare pretty much any park to Disney, of course you're gonna get better staff and family friendliness results at a Disney park...
  7. Eagle Scout here! Woo, Represent!! Unfortunately though, I never took the surveying merit badge, so I wish I could help by saying some of my own thoughts, but sadly I'm not much use in this area...
  8. After calling that number and listening to the direct mentions of Goliath and Medusa Steel Coaster, this definitely sound like an RMC woodie. Coaster enthusiasts will now run to fiesta Texas, as it would have two RMC's in one park! In all honesty, I hope it doesn't have any inversions. I hope it's an airtime packed woodie, as that is the major category that they are missing. But here's the reason why i'm a little skeptica about them getting an RMC. We already have the iron cyclone and iron colossus stuff going on. 3 projects for RMC in one year? To me, if this were to happen, then that would practically confirm to me that iron colossus won't open till 2016. That way you still get a woodie and a hybrid being built by Six Flags in one year. When you put it that way, it does make sense that they could have this project in the books for 2015.
  9. MM was good the past couple of years and was one of my favs, but last year it was just bad. It went from one of the best to one of the worst. I won't really miss it. Plus that photo thing before you er in the maze was really irritating. Maze of Madness sounds cool. And I still miss the asylum. I liked that one...
  10. I hate to say it, but your picture is way off. oh ok, my bad. Fixed.
  11. So let's say by chance this is a coaster. So if in fact hustler and motorama are removed(circled in red), then I could see an out and back put in that area(example in green). The area the Hustler is in could definitely be a station for the ride.
  12. hmmm...they have something up their sleeve and its bothering me. In a way, I could see it being a brand new coaster since Iron Rattler was just a revamp really. They added Goliath in 2008 as their last new addition, which was actually a relocation. So a brand new coaster actually would make a lot of sense. The question is, what would fit in that area?
  13. sounds like an awesome time! Man, I would've loved to be there...those behind the scenes tours sound like a blast
  14. I hate the restraints for the HUSS top spins. Or at least the crypt at KD. It is very uncomfortable and isn't very nice to my crotch. And even besides that the actual OTSR is very poorly designed. Not comfortable at all.
  15. storm runner- first thing in the morning. Travel to the back of the park first as the front will fill up fast (thanks GP )
  16. ^ taking into the account of the steel lift hill, I'd bet if probably be more. Maybe 11 or possibly even 12 million.
  17. ^ I've gotten that too. Some guy was like "hey look! It's that guy from one direction!"
  18. ^ my suspicion is that it'll come with the announcement for whatever they're adding for 2015.
  19. Cedar Point is making lots for guests to park inside the park. Much easier than walking from the parking lot outside of the park. This is a step-up for Cedar Point, and I hope other parks allow guests to park within the park. Lol. In all seriousness, I do think that a dark ride could still be possible. Those markings were in the area of the old pirate ship ride building, I believe. [EDIT] I stand corrected. The markings were by the pavilion, and that's a bit far from the pirate ship ride building. sorry, typo. Meant markings!
  20. ^^^ Which one is motorama? I'll tell you this park is baffling me a bit. When I see a balloon, I look at that as the height of the ride. But with the teasers in rockville, that says dark ride to me. So they're contradicting each other. But I don't think it'll be a coaster, as looking at the park map, it doesn't look like theres really room in that area for a roller coaster of that height(Now keep in mind that I haven't actually ever been to this park, so I could be wrong about that). But if they're removing 2 rides, then that would clear up some space, but probably not enough for a coaster. The idea of that condor style ride like the one at Hersheypark seems like a good idea to me, but I'm just trying to figure out how that fits in with the realty thing they've been teasing.
  21. I'm expecting the changes to mantis, but I believe it might've been Tony that tweeted out a photo of some markings in between Raptor and Blue Streak. Any ideas of what those could be for?
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