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Everything posted by michaellynn4

  1. Glad you had such a good time! Canobie was a pleasant surprise for us, too. We went on a whim since we were kinda in the area for a bigger family get-together, and we were seduced by its charm. Couple things: That seems to be the overall MO for Yankee Cannonball. I waited nearly an hour due to one-train operations. Still enjoyed it, though. I had the exact same reaction to the popcorn stand as you (I'm pretty sure all of us coaster nerds who grew up playing RCT have the same experience lol). Fun fact - they had plans a few years back to open a pretty cool-looking river rapids ride directly behind Untamed, but ended up cancelling them after the rapids ride accident happened in Australia.
  2. ^ From what I understand it's about how the LIMs are placed that warrants both trains facing the same direction.
  3. It was already stated a few posts above you that the park's Facebook page indicated the coaster wasn't being flat out removed. "”Last chance to ride MR FREEZE: Reverse Blast is Sept 11…but do you really think it’s going away? Not a chance! Stay tuned for more… “
  4. Let's not overlook that $14 "processing fee" that Six Flags is sneaking in there. More ways to squeeze out every drop of money, and something to not overlook when trying to make a baseline comparison of ticket prices across parks.
  5. I legitimately almost spit my drink out when I read that SFGAdv now charges $40 to park. That said, SF pricing looks like a steal when compared to the Jersey shore. Admittedly we were there on a Saturday, but I was spellbound by how much tickets cost. I wanted enough tickets for us to take our daughter on the Ferris Wheel and carousel, and MAYBE have enough left over for a solo ride on Great White, and it still cost me over $50. There's really no middle ground anymore for someone looking to just dip there toes in and do a few things and leave. It's either go all-in and get your money's worth or just find something else to do.
  6. Haven’t been on a coaster since Nitro back in October 2019… …until today. Rode Great White at Morey’s Piers during our afternoon trip to the boardwalk. Over 1,000 days without a coaster. Also was our daughter’s first time on any ride - took her on the Ferris wheel and carousel. Good day. Glad to be back.
  7. I'm a sucker for boardwalk-style areas in any amusement park. It's the Jersey in me. Can't wait to see the final product!
  8. Yea, I'm sort of in this boat, too. I've been much less active; I haven't been to any amusement park since pre-COVID and haven't really been clamoring to make it back any time soon. It started off because of social distancing, then it was because I needed to get my weight back under control, then it was because I had a daughter last year. All this time, though, I've been following everyone's experiences at nearly every park (save the ones already mentioned) and seeing the negative directions many parks have taken, and I've decided that it's just not worth the hassle. There are other things I'd much rather spend my money on at this point. I know the pandemic was rough on the industry, but a lot of these cuts and changes go beyond just trying to keep themselves afloat during hard times. Not mad about it, not gonna spam some customer service mailbox - just going to stay away for now. Maybe I'll reassess in a year or so as my kid gets older.
  9. My brother rode it a few weeks ago. He's a big MCU fan (and I mean BIG), and he loved it so much that he was fighting back tears at the end of it. So yea, I imagine it depends on what you're looking to get out of it.
  10. ^ That's what happened to me. Years ago I didn't account for how loose the pockets were on my work pants when I visited Great Adventure straight after work, and El Toro ate my work Blackberry. THAT was a fun one to explain. Never made that mistake again.
  11. It's incredibly unlikely, but theoretically possible. Running the ride in maintenance mode is how the accident on the Smiler occurred at Alton Towers, after all.
  12. Bummer to see the place close, but given the circumstances it makes sense. Glad I was able to visit it a few years back. Grizzly can die in a fire, easily the worst coaster trains I've ever experienced. Discovery Kingdom be over there like .
  13. Cool to see a Six Flags park that still has a paper map. When Great Adventure made the decision to go paperless this year, I assumed (wrongly) that it was chain-wide.
  14. Love the compilation videos!! This one brings back memories of our honeymoon. So much fun!
  15. Rodeo and Harley Quinn were both removed from the park map. Wonder if this is an indicator about both of their long term statuses.
  16. A couple years ago I was in practically the exact same boat - went to SA for work, hotel was right by Sea World, and needed to use Uber/Lyft. Only difference was I had a full day Saturday so I was able to squeeze both parks in. I agree with Bert - stick to Sea World. SFFT was fantastic but it's 15-20 minutes away (depending on traffic, which can be brutal at times in SA), and I needed a larger time window to enjoy it, and that was pre-Wonder Woman (I missed its opening weekend by one week - grr) and with re-rides on only Iron Rattler. I was able to use Lyft to Sea World with no issues (they dropped me off practically right by the park entrance in the parking lot and managed to fit everything with multiple re-rides on my favorites into a roughly 3-4 hour window (pre-Sting Ray, but should still be doable). Follow Bert's advice to get the Quick Queue so you can make the most of the visit. You'll have a blast!
  17. It's pretty minor news, but Harry over at GreatAdventureHistory is able to confirm the Liberty Square Gazebo, a longtime park structure, is being removed this offseason with a new seating pavilion next to Johnny Rockets coming in its place. It's held a lot of shows over the years but it's honestly outlived its purpose at this point and removing it is the right call.
  18. What I appreciate is the park highlighting each of the little additions / improvements they're planning on implementing. Oftentimes in the past, these would be just done in the background with very little attention or promotion, leading to them getting overlooked by most people.
  19. I was gonna suggest Shenandoah if you enjoy caves and natural wonders like that. Really beautiful.
  20. Never understood the restraint thing, either. Even at my skinniest, with plenty of room to spare anytime I rode Possessed, I wasn't even close when I tried to ride Wicked Twister. I'm sure it was a good ride to some, but after that it could die in a fire for all I cared.
  21. Should I see the original movie or read the book before I watch it in order to really appreciate it, or does it stand well enough on its own? Thought about putting it on over the weekend since its on HBO Max.
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