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Everything posted by michaellynn4

  1. I'm getting really confused as to the direction of this thread... Appreciate the paleo book recommendation though.
  2. Glad you had a good time. I've been trying to keep your experiences with your daughter in mind as we've navigated new ride experiences for my daughter. She, too, is tall for her age but still young (won't be 3 until mid-November but is already almost 3.5ft tall). Fortunately, she's very brave and likes to try new rides, but has stopped short of coasters. We went to Storybook Land here in NJ last week which had a ton of rides she could do, all of which she rode enthusiastically except for Bubbles the Coaster, to which she said to us "I think I need to be just a little bit bigger first". She keeps asking about coasters, though, and asks to watch videos of coasters every now and then, so I figure it's just a matter of time so long as I don't force it.
  3. Plans have leaked, you can find them elsewhere on the internet. Not gonna post them here out of respect for the rules and the Alveys' relationship with the parks.
  4. That's an... interesting layout. Looks like a lot of fun, though. Glad something will finally fill Volcano's absence.
  5. I was actually there yesterday with my mom and 2 year old and we made the same miscalculation. Ended up on the pier with GNE first and didn't realize it didn't open until 5 until after my daughter had already picked out with horse she wanted on the carousel. Ended up being fine, just walked down to the middle one anyway. THIS, however - with all the great pizza at the boardwalk (Mack's, Sam's, Franconi's, etc.), you really chose Dominos? I mean, look, I get how kids can certainly be (and mind you I'm playfully teasing you a bit here), but at some point parents have to prevent them from making terrible, life-altering decisions like eating chain pizza at the Jersey shore.
  6. And apparently had nothing else worthwhile going on over the last 18 months for a throwaway comment to live rent free in their heads like that...
  7. I like that these smaller model boomerangs have become more popular in recent years.
  8. Needs to be restated x1000 times, TBH. Maybe get a skywriter to circle above the park on clear days. I'm one of the "lucky" ones who got to experience this back in 2016, but I'm much more excited this coaster can actually manage some semblance of a normal operating cycle now.
  9. A little but nothing significant. The park shared some photos a while back on their social media pages.
  10. I'm just happy I'll hopefully never have to hear the stupid nickname ThighCrush ever again...
  11. We ended up renting a cabin a while back when we stayed in Pigeon Forge. Made it a lot more enjoyable. Wasn't significantly more than local hotels were, either. Another option to consider depending on how much time you're looking to spend in the area.
  12. I thought they actually did that already, didn't they? Or I might be thinking of Viper at SFMM.
  13. ^ Me too, especially as someone who's purposefully cut ties with nearly all social media. I totally get it, but it's depressing nonetheless. At this point I'm curious if Robb and Elissa keep it around simply because it's too painful to pull the plug.
  14. Six Flags / Cedar Fair is small potatoes compared to what's currently on FTC's plate. The worst case scenario of them possibly selling off 1-2 parks is honestly something they're probably going to do anyway simply to optimize operational resources.
  15. Every time we get the cliche "kidz jus don wanna wurk anymorr" argument, I'll always link the post I made a while back outlining all of the statistics about WHY kids aren't working anymore. From the article in the post: If anything, in the years since that post was made, it's only become MORE difficult for kids as the cost of college continues to skyrocket. There were lazy kids back then (I worked along side plenty of them), and there are lazy kids now. But you gotta look at the macro level and step away from the personal anecdotes when trying to assess contributing factors to large-scale issues.
  16. I'm fine with it if it means SFGAdv can go back to being called just "Great Adventure" like every true-blooded New Jerseyite does.
  17. Definitely rare nowadays to see any park add coasters in back-to-back-to-back years like this. Glad to see the family focus.
  18. My only experience with the ride was in the fall of 2016, and it was a blast back then. That said, with how it's been modified since then, and considering the significant downtime, a nice high-speed cable lift will certainly suffice. Anything to get it more reliable.
  19. It’s definitely nice to see Six Flags give their original rides some love and updates (SFGAdv doing the same), but I think what hampers this announcement is that there aren’t any visual renderings.
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