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Everything posted by michaellynn4

  1. My Eagles are Super Bowl champions!!! Didn't just win - CRUSHED THEM! GROUND THEM INTO THE DIRT! Make Hurts pass? FAFO!! Cooper DeJean PICK-6 on his BIRTHDAY?! #NotASafety SILENCE THE DOUBTERS!! Fly Eagles Fly!
  2. Not really worried about DDD, but man, I really hope they have a truly solid plan for upcoming changes and new additions. They're gutting some really big / important stuff from this park.
  3. Are we incapable of putting more than one sentence within a single post?
  4. Fun addition that looks like a supercharged version of the Ripsaw ride they removed a while back. Side note, Alton Towers, more than any other park, seems to pride itself on selecting ride names that would find perfect homes within Roller Coaster Tycoon scenarios.
  5. I somehow overlooked SFoG also not opening this ride up last year. Got marginally excited for a second there. That'll learn me. That said, the rename is a slight improvement.
  6. It was my favorite coaster when we visited the park, but that was 2013 and with a much younger, fit body more capable of taking a beating.
  7. I would've liked to have visited Drayton Manor, but I fear if I tried to cram one more amusement park into our honeymoon while in Great Britain (already had BPB, Alton, and Thorpe on the schedule), my wife would've sought to annul our marriage the moment we landed on the tarmac at JFK. Mind you we also already did Efteling and Walibi Holland in the Netherlands during the trip, as well. Looks like you had a great time!
  8. My attitude is there are about 15 active posters still left on this forum, so anything that’s going to drive content is welcome at this point, regardless of how many dead horses are beaten in the process.
  9. The more reason to stop giving them your money. It’s a lot more freeing than you think.
  10. Green Lantern officially being scrapped, not relocated. From Coaster Spot on Twitter:
  11. Bummed about it as well, but it was anticipated. The cables need to be completely replaced every ten years or so, and there was apparently discussion about removing them the last time the cables were redone due to the cost factor. Plus it already cannibalized all remaining parts from other Six Flags sky rides that already had fallen, like SFNE's. That said, if the company was remotely interested in anything other than the bottom line like some other parks, I'm sure they would've been able to figure something out. Another reason why I'll gladly give my money to other parks in the meantime if I absolutely need to scratch my coaster itch.
  12. The only real way an opinion can matter is when it affects the almighty dollar. I haven’t been pleased with Six Flags for some time now, so I haven’t given them a dime since 2019 and don’t intend to for the foreseeable future, depending on how the next couple of years go post merger.
  13. Personally second-hand responses like that don't hold much weight with me - much more likely that if they DID get a response from someone, that person was also misinformed. All of this is definitely just wait and see, though, agreed.
  14. I think Bert's take is the most likely - a reworking of the ride that keeps some of the original coaster intact. I think that Green Lantern also being referred to as "retired" is most likely just poor wording on the part of PR.
  15. Let's go ahead and actually link the press release info for reference: We'll just have to wait and see. RIP Sky Ride, though. Was inevitable, but bummed to see it go nonetheless.
  16. Hear hear. I imagine it may change a bit for us back in the other direction as our kids get older and gravitate towards the larger stuff, but all depends.
  17. Great Nor'easter rides great for an SLC now, but granted that was a ground-up rebuild. Time will tell with this one I guess.
  18. Funnily enough, I get that way, too. For some reason I do it with animals more. Every time I see someone petting a cat in an older movie I immediately default to remembering that cat is long gone by now.
  19. It's a restricted video. Hosted on a page that limits access. Appreciate you clarifying the content in your second post, but this is why it's always recommended to post a description / summary of a link's content up front within the forum in case the link is restricted, behind a paywall, or deleted. EDIT: I see it's no longer restricted, thanks.
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