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Everything posted by michaellynn4

  1. Great Adventure released a teaser this morning for the redone kiddie coaster.
  2. From what I'm reading in reports, it's assigned seating, but they try to accommodate seating requests.
  3. I also went in 2019 but didn't notice any line jumping at all. Must've been the school groups.
  4. https://themeparkreview.com/forum/topic/47267-yes-yes-you-should-plan-on-purchasing-flash-passfastlanetimesaverskip-the-line-etc-if-you-are-going-to-a-park-in-2021/
  5. It gets like that sometimes, always has. I grew up right down the street from the park, just off of 537 in Millstone (2.2 miles to the entrance, just measured it), and worked at that McDonald's from 2000 to 2010. There were plenty of times when 537 was a parking lot like that and caused traffic to back up all throughout the surrounding side roads. made for many nightmare-level crazy shifts at the restaurant lol. It's nothing new, too - anyone seen the photos from the Marshall Tucker Band concert back in 1981? It still holds the attendance record for the park. The park ran out of parking, and people just parked their cars on 537 and walked to the park. Here are a couple photos, you can find more at Great Adventure History:
  6. The weather is supposed to be a little spotty tomorrow with chance of showers around 30 after 11AM. It may be enough to keep a little bit of the crowds away.
  7. Early reports are very positive! Looks like another hit on our hands! Based on some vlog videos on Youtube, it looks like the park did a pretty killer job with the surrounding landscaping, too!
  8. I haven't been there in a few years, but doesn't Lake Compounce run their flyers at a glacial pace, anyway? That's how I remembered it, it ran so slow that it was almost impossible to snap even if it WAS tolerated.
  9. Jersey Devil Coaster is officially permitted to operate by NJ (page 65), so hopefully that means news on an opening day pretty soon.
  10. Yeesh. Makes sense considering the weather we had here on Saturday and Sunday (it was 47 degrees at one point by me on Saturday evening). Everyone wanted to take advantage of the one good weather day we had.
  11. That sucks, I hate when plans are messed up because of bad weather like that.
  12. There's still a chance they'll announce / market it, they've done smaller announcements midseason before. Guess it all depends on whenever work completes on it all.
  13. Joker's Jinx is underrated IMO, especially when sitting in the back row. You really whip through some of the final turns and the final corkscrew when sitting in the back.
  14. LOL I remember the uniform warehouse, too. I worked there for the 2001 and 2002 seasons, but at the McDonald's inside the park, so I technically was not a direct employee of the park. As a result, we had our own uniforms and didn't / couldn't use the services of the uniform warehouse. I remember being a bit jealous of it at the time, but that's probably just grass-is-greener stuff seen through the eyes of a teenager.
  15. I didn't have the best of weekends - I had a couple commitments where I didn't worry too much about what I ate. I was focused more on changing a couple other bad habits during the week, which I made a little progress on. Didn't cut certain foods completely out of the diet yet, but I definitely ate them less frequently. Noom has been a help, but I need to get better at doing it every day. I did like the first three days consecutively, then I forgot about it for a couple days. Overall down 3lbs, though.
  16. EDIT: Nevermind, thought it was similar to Caribbean Cove at SFGAdv Hurricane Harbor but I realize it sounds more complex than that.
  17. Wow, it's been so long since this park last operated that I complete forgot they were receiving one of these.
  18. I'm starting the process of getting back on track and making some serious assessments of my daily habits. I was already in a bad place before the pandemic hit, and quarantine / working from home exacerbated all of my worst tendencies. My weight / health paid the price - I'm at a point where I have trouble walking up and down my street without having to sit down and rest my back. I signed up for Noom earlier because I like the approach of focusing on the psychology behind weight loss and changing habits, rather than solely focusing on the food itself. I need some serious changes in my relationship with food, how I perceive it, how I use it, and fix a lot of the underlying mental issues behind it. I'm also trying to find a therapist that specializes in food addictions as well. Here's to another first step!
  19. Maybe the shorter version Six Flags is sending around is the better way to go, then. Maybe the fact that Dino Alive turned into a running joke among coaster nerds about how much space they were taking up from "MOER COASTARRRS!" is clouding my judgment a bit.
  20. This unfortunately is still true. For a long time it was COVID-related, but now it's mainly a need to have to make some serious progress on the waistline before coasters can be a realistic thing again.
  21. I guess, it just is something that doesn't interest me, and I'm surprised there'd actually be some demand for that. Was Dino Alive for Cedar Fair ever that well received?
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