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Everything posted by mikeykaise

  1. You picked the right time to go because when the water park opens and depending on what's going on at the Exhibition Center/State Fair grounds it can be a mad house with very slow operations.... * The Dutch Clogs ride if I'm remembering right was originally from Kings Island and brought here when KI retired the ride * Yes, our wonderful water rapids ride is set to a sewer plant/ice manufacturing plant from the original Penguin villain DC theming from the Six Flags Era * The amphitheater where they are doing the new Birds Show (not necessarily brought in from Herschend, believe it started last year after COVID) used to be home to a Hollywood Stunts type show with motorcycles, cars, and pyro * Yes, KK is definitely the place to be if you're into plane spotting, in the water park on the tallest and only drop slide you're almost eye to eye with the pilots. They actually had to coordinate with the airport and FAA to have a Crane Window so they could put the drop box and upper level in for that water slide * Thanks to Six Flags we lost our best coaster in Chang not that I'm bitter or anything.... as well as a crazy mouse that was themed to the Roadrunner and Coyote which was a fun coaster too * The park was such a mess after being shuttered for 2 or 3 years after Six Flags had their tiff with the Fair Board - they did no winterization on any of the water park attractions, tall weeds and some tiny trees had grown up in between the lumber openings on Thunder Run, and Wicked Sisters aka Storm Chaser was an awesome dueling coaster that hadn't been touched even longer and pretty much was written off. Ed hart and his company spent a whole lot of cash just getting the park back into what it is today - it's the 2nd time he stepped in and saved it but he absolutely hates coasters and refuses to ride them... lol * At one point the Kochs were in talks to save the park and reopen it but they bowed out of the deal
  2. I love seeing a first timer's screams of terror turning into giggling like a child, it's fun to watch and hilarious all at the same time.
  3. ^ I agree with you, the Ride Op was just following her guidelines and it was the man who chose not to listen. I'm sure it made it worse on her when the son got upset and started crying because his father left him, as a parent I wouldn't have left him especially if the son was young. I could see how it might be a little hard for the op to handle and process everything that happened, who knows what the guy was going to do after he got off and refused to listen.
  4. Next time you're in the area and if you have time, I highly recommend checking out the ballpark in Huntington, it's where they filmed part of A League of Their Own: https://www.roadsideamerica.com/tip/51781
  5. Were there cameras following him, maybe they were doing an Undercover Boss episode for the next season?
  6. That's disappointing that they started closing rides even before the rain hit, one of my best rides was on Voyage and halfway up it started pouring, Voyage in the rain with slippery track is so much goodness but man rain drops sure do hurt going that fast... lol I agree the grandma in Turkey Round-up has always been creepy. The other big thing I miss seeing is Ms. Pat Koch being out in the park with a broom and dustpan helping to clean the park up. I was always super impressed by that! The other back entrance you mentioned is to the overflow parking lot, you can park there and go through an underground walkway and meet up with the main parking lot and main gates.
  7. one of my favs, he had so many great roles and played such a good bad guy.
  8. Lines can be slow moving and sometimes long but the main thing that people go to the park for is the water park because they have closed down a lot of the pools around the city, only 4 are open and 1 is indoor: Louisville Parks Aquatics features three outdoor pools, 30 spraygrounds and spraypads, and an indoor aquatics facility, the Mary T. Meagher Aquatic Center.
  9. Not wanting to be insensitive or sounding like skin color is a thing for me, but come on 19 young children dead at the hands of a gunman, this, this is what we should be filling the streets in protest over! I'm sorry if this offends but I'm just being honest.
  10. yes, if you're going to HW just for the coasters the best thing to do is stick to flats until the water park opens because when it does the crowds disappear from the dry side and waits for the 4 awesome coasters are best up until it closes then the lines will go back up.
  11. Any word on Holliwood Nights this year, this is about the time of year for it.
  12. no, they showed a very quick shot of him actually falling. I was shocked that they would even show just that part. I agree with you, people are so sensitive about everything now days but you're right 100%.
  13. I just can't believe CBS National News showed him falling, totally not needed, and looks like the maximum wight from manufacturer is 285 or 287 lbs I think they said. In today's sensitive environment telling someone that they weight too much could be bad too, it's a fine line for parks nowadays.
  14. I think you're right, there's definitely like a main path and it has two different openings.
  15. The central time zone doesn't start until you get 30-40 miles south and west of Louisville, the whole city is on EST year around with Daylight Savings Time. I don't recommend going too far west of I65, around the airport is fine but the NW/West side of Louisville are rougher parts of town.
  16. Love the track colors, the support columns doesn't look right against the sexy gray/red combo of the track.
  17. the best part of the tunnel was it was a nice spot to go and get cool under when it was hotter than the devil's balls. There's very few spots left now to go and cool off now.
  18. Kentucky Kingdom - do not head to Storm Chaser if you're there at opening that's pretty much where everyone goes first. I would head to Thunder Run or Kentucky Flyer first and then check out the line for Storm Chaser or Lightning Run. Be Prepared for slow dispatch times on all rides and waterpark being very crowded anytime during the summer. I'm not a fan of SLC's but I've heard T3 can beat you up.... also another good coaster for the first one of the day would be Roller Skate.
  19. well at least Six Flags didn't just up and pull out and leave things abandoned and also take two rides with them, they could easily do that at one of the less maintained parks... lol
  20. I know both of my kid's trips to HW were in May... the lines weren't horrible, it just depends on how many schools show up that day.
  21. this is becoming the norm, I did my Computer Science Bachelor's degree totally online and never stepped foot in a classroom while working full time.
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