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Everything posted by LoopLover

  1. I live in the UK so visit these parks often...My advice - Visit Alton Towers - It is probably the best overall UK park, it is pleasant and has a good variety of rides for different age groups. visit Blackpool Pleasure Beach - Even better rides than Alton but has a cheap and rundown feeling in places. visit Flamingo Land - It is a nice park in a nice area and Mumbo Jumbo is simply amazing! visit Legoland - Great park, however if you want thrill rides only, don't go! visit Chessington - Nice park, nice atmosphere. Hope this helps....
  2. See Everybody's Fine - Robert De Niro stars....it's very moving.
  3. Yeah. I am running all these ideas past her.
  4. I really enjoyed reading this report....the theming in this park looks better than the others. The rides look great too.
  5. ^I haven't seen it yet. Be sure to tell us all how good it is.
  6. ^Liseberg haven't changed their leaflet format for a while! It was the same layout in 2005! Nice stuff.
  7. My theatre repertoire this year- Les Miserables (Amateur Production in March) Peter Kay live at the Metroarena, Newcastle UK (February) Lord of the Flies at the Theatre Royal Glasgow (March) Jekyll & Hyde at the Kings Theatre Glasgow (June) Avenue Q at the Kings Theatre Glasgow (July) and a possible production in Washington over the Summer....?
  8. When I was there in August in was all construction walls and diggers! They were advertising it though.
  9. ^I know! but I got a few rides on Test Track with hardly any queue so I can't complain.
  10. Make sure you visit Epcot. There is so much to see and do (even if not much of it is rideable!) If you do go to Epcot though, make sure that you do all the rides and movies in the countries. Maelstrom is better than people say (excluding the weird post show movie) and the Fiesta Tour of Mexico is like It's a Small World without the themetune. Only my opinion. As for the queues, I have never been in February but when I was there in Summer I waited for over three hours to board Soarin! Enjoy your trip wherever you go!
  11. ^ Why not!? heh he. I really appreciate all of your input. My mum has given me one full day (This is usually her rule on vacation) for a theme park visit. I am willing to go to any of these parks as I love every park I go to. Busch Gardens stands out as my mum hates coasters and it sounds like there would be nice corners with trees and coffee spots for her to chill in? I am not too fussed about how many credits I get and am just looking forward to another park. However, It is a hard decision to make! Maybe I will see some of you guys there (Look for the guy in the Club TPR hoodie with the broad Scottish accent!) Thanks again.
  12. I much prefer the logs on the Californian version anyway! So just go there to ride.
  13. I'm quite enjoying school right now. Finding History and Religious Studies pretty interesting. Exams soon.....
  14. Thanks, I may be able to persuade my mum to take me to two parks!
  15. How far away is SFGad from Washington D.C.?
  16. I am visiting Washington D.C. this Summer and have a free day for a park visit. I am a Club TPR member so was wondering about which parks around the area have benefits and/or are the best to visit?
  17. The drops in the dark on Splash Mountain...heck..anything on Splash Mountain!
  18. Barnstormer at Loudon Castle......but...For the ride experience it has to be Extremis:Drop Ride To Doom at the London Dungeon.
  19. Love Glee! We are a series behind you guys in the UK though!
  20. Lovely image. It out of my price range also. I love it though and it would compliment a wall perfectly.
  21. I was surprised to see the UK numbers! I thought there were only about 15 people from our little island!
  22. I completely agree with you! The coasters at Alton have height restrictions and even in Nemesis case are dug into the ground. I think the reason that the public complain is that Alton Towers is in the middle of a forest in a country area. So the locals may just be moody people who don't like coasters.
  23. I have recently had the same problem.... I can't see online users and my messages take a long time to send, but that could just be a bad connection.
  24. I vote number 4! Plus, Now everyone with Theme Park Review merchandise and t-shirts has a vintage logo! pretty awesome.
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