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The SETGO Guys

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Everything posted by The SETGO Guys

  1. It's very purple, Heres a shot from the opening scene of the movie to compare. Still looks pretty good!
  2. First thing I buy with the money I get from a job! CLUB TPR BTW-That math puzzle looks pretty fun (I'm a nerd) -Zach (Hopes to be a Club TPR member soon)
  3. GOT AN INTERVIEW FOR AN INTERNSHIP!!!!! Update! I was invited back for a Carrer Practicum, YAY! UPDATE! I GOT THE INTERNSHIP!
  4. Congrats on getting on the news! It would be cool to see if people Join/Check out TPR because of it!
  5. In line for Gwazi when the Lion side breaks down (It gets stuck on the break run in clear view of everyone, Heck they even announced it) The man behind me says "I want to get out of here! This ride isn't safe! They ran it with people and it broke, were all going to get killed!" Honestly, are you that much of an idiot to think that these coasters haven't been tested like crazy and are safer than most things? Then, I ask my friend after riding Gwazi how he liked it he said "Not as much as a steel coaster, It feels like its about to go down!" Then he proceeded to ask me why there is no Steel on the coaster.....Um maybe because its a WOODEN COASTER! Oh well, the GP makes everything funnier!
  6. GREAT REPORT AS ALWAYS! Clearwater Marine Aquarium however has greatly evolved....they have a bit of themeing and Winter the Dolphin who will is the star of a movie coming out later this summer.....I need to visit the Clearwater Marine Aquarium too someday!
  7. Ursula looks more realistic, I hope this is just early tests! Great Progress as always!
  8. Disney Parks- -Magic Kingdom Busch Parks -Busch Gardens Tampa -Sea World Orlando
  9. ZERO-G! Pretzel Loop! and anything with Airtime!
  10. Not too many -EPCOT -Busch Gardens Tampa -Kennywood -Boomers Fun Center (DBH) (This Year has already had more parks!!!)
  11. It Represents the parks! The "Ball" (I hate to use that term) Represents Spaceship Earth(EPCOT), The Tree represents the Tree of life (Animal Kingdom), and the Sorcerers hat represents (MGM (Not DHS) Studios) I guess the "Ball" could also dual represent Magic Kingdom, but its not really a "Weinee" as its called by the Imagineers. AWESOME Trip Report! I really want to check this new meet-and-greet out! (And hoping the Tiki Room goes back to 1964!!!!!)
  12. Wow, looks like a totaly different park! So Fresh and new. I hope that we can see those paint jobs come back!
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