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Everything posted by DJeXeL

  1. If the GF and I had to cram 2 parks into 1 day during our trip in December, which 2 parks should we choose? I was thinking Epcot and AK??
  2. CH had that minor stalling issue on first turn. (Did we ever find out what happened with that??) Other than that I think most of it's issues are electrical in nature.
  3. B&M Vs. Intamin debate is worse than Chevrolet Vs. Ford debate. Geez people, they both make great coasters.
  4. I don't know if it "ended" except in the way that anyone's relationship ends when they don't regularly buy products from someone any more. However, clearly, if we just want to list issues at just Cedar Point, we could go on beyond that: flume boats that sink, can't be fully loaded, and then overturn; Wicked Twister being welded at 2AM because the tower shakes so badly, Maverick's barrel roll that wasn't. Cedar Fair still bought rides. Cedar Fair hasn't bought an Intamin ride since management changed and seemed to have put a premium on capacity and reliability. If they see something that tickles their fancy, I'm sure they'll be interested. If not, they have others to turn to in the industry now. They'll be fine. To use the popular car analogy, B&M builds Mercedes. They run smooth and fast. They're an aspirational item for most, but common place for those with money. Do they look the most exciting? Not really. They're always about 3 years ahead of everyone else building sedans when you compare an E Class to anything else out there, but at no point do most people look at their cars and necessarily ooh and ahh. Intamin builds Maseratis and Alfas. They go as fast or even a little faster than a tricked out E or S Class, they're a bit rarer to see, and they're much more aggressively styled. You might miss someone in a Mercedes; you won't miss them in a Maserati. They're often more fun to drive. They also break down more often because, look, you're buying a Maserati. That's what they do. And that's why those brands have moments where they can break into the US market and sell some product, and often end up back out of the market when people start to think, "Gee, a Corvette is better and $30,000 cheaper..." I can agree with you. My bottom line was that CF will purchase from Intamin should the need arise for the project at hand.
  5. You have no clue what you're talking about. CF's relationship with Intamin has not ended. If that was the case they would've stopped purchasing from them after MF had it's lift cable snap, and after TTD had it's cable issues.
  6. Agreed. Scandia Screamer looks sketchy but it is actually a pleasant surprise with some nice pops of air.
  7. ^He like a little "push-pull" action "outside" in the "back." Guy's posts never disappoint whether his sexual innuendos are intentional or not.
  8. This X 568,997,447. Never understood all of the hype behind Magnum.
  9. This really depends on the programmer of the ride's control system.
  10. I have had better customer service and on-time flights from Spirit and Frontier than on Delta.
  11. Hammerhead was a good ride minus the restraints that smashed the man bits.
  12. ^I agree with you however I wouldn't say the show sucked necessarily, but it was without a doubt getting stale.
  13. Unfortunate, however it is good that the park is upfront about it and not stringing guests along and having them think it'll be open "any day now."
  14. I don't know about any of the other parks doing it besides SFSL (I also don't know of any other parks doing the HR Reserve program besides SFSL either), but it couldn't hurt to contact them. Looks like SFMM has a similar program in place.
  15. I agree, It won't happen simply because of "the human factor." I was just stating that the ride's control system will let it happen. Loose articles and riders that don't fit in the restraint system are the biggest issue at the majority of coasters.
  16. I've had times where I have parked in the fair parking lot so you would assume it's crazy busy but when I got in the park, V2, Medusa, Roar would all have 10 minute waits. Not sure why but this park is very deceiving when it comes to crowds on midway vs ride queue lengths. Maybe it's just me.....
  17. On pretty much every coaster (with a lift), once the lift is clear you can dispatch the next train. I know for a fact that Tatsu and Scream will let you dispatch a train the second that the lift is clear. Any B&M built after 2003 has a "Creep mode" on the lift will help prevent a "block setup" by slowing the lift chain down to near-idle (but not quite) speed so the previously dispatched train has had time to clear the MCBR.
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