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Everything posted by DJeXeL

  1. That's something else. What exactly? No idea. If it would've been "Start block Time Out," those are an easy reset by maintenance in the PLC room. There's so many sensors all over XC, it's crazy. Each individual brake fin has a sensor on it. It only takes 1 fin to not come up or not go down in the allotted time to cause an RTL. That rides PLC is really amazing, it can tell you train position in the station down to the millimeter. It also knows which train is which.
  2. XC doesn't have a "Launch boost." The speed that was achieved during that test was Intamin and the Hydraulic control system's programmers way of testing the launch system and it's capabilities. Contrary to popular belief, XC usually doesn't short shot in the morning unless it's abnormally cold OR it had rained during the night and there's water build up on the track and inside the catch car trough which will cause enough resistance for a short shot. What does usually happen every morning however is the train won't clear the Top Hat in the allotted 11 seconds which will cause an RTL (Ride Trouble Light) an the train will stop in the Brake Block. The RTL has to be reset by maintenance which isn't really a big deal cause maintenance performs morning tests anyways so there's usually a 2nd mechanic or electrician in the PLC room to reset the RTL within a minute or 2.
  3. Had a fantastic day!!! Thank you to everyone involved in making WCB happen.
  4. Yes... but... You can never really tell. Last year we all talked about how much Dave didn't want a super loop. Valid point.
  5. Don't doubt it as there's a handful of parks that still use water effects with their Top Spins.
  6. A Frozen show is a welcomed addition. I'm glad the Toy Story show never came to fruition.
  7. I agree, it's not entirely impossible but I just don't see 1 in the next 4 or 5 years.
  8. The only flyer's CF has in their possession they inherited so I'm going to go with NO. CF doesn't seem to be a fan of the B&M flyers. Not sure why. It has been 6 years since the last 1 was installed in the US.
  9. You sir, are not a good man. Now I'm tempted to do a Fri-Sun Texas SF trip. I found a round-trip flight on Spirit Airlines for $110 and I've got some Hilton Honors points I've been waiting to burn up!
  10. I personally won't be spending money on Flashpass during WCB. That money can be used for more important items.......Beer!
  11. Didn't the park confirm an RMC conversion of Boss will not come to fruition? Did I miss something?
  12. I agree. I'm sure the park isn't just having the trains made by some guy in his garage.
  13. I just hope not buying from an "Amusement Ride manufacturer" doesn't bite them in the ass in terms of reliability and maintenance.
  14. Modifying existing ride vehicles and purchasing new ride vehicles are 2 different scenarios in terms of "approvals." Purchasing new trains just maybe wasn't in the budget until this year.
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