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Everything posted by DJeXeL

  1. Maintenance shed will hold 2 trains on 1 rail and the 3rd on the other.
  2. Ride queues should remain open until park closing. It's horrible guest service to close the lines early because the "line is long."
  3. To me a pre-lift doesn't matter. TC is a damn good ride but none of that opinion is based on the "WTF is going on here" pre-lift section.
  4. Sadly that has been the case on most of my visits to the park. I've seen parking lot trash cans looking like that 10 minutes after the lot opens which means the trash was there from the previous operating day.
  5. We don't have any control over media day, who goes, or who works it. That's all up to the park, sorry. EDIT: Sorry, I misunderstood the question. There's a good chance I'll come out for this one! Yea, a new RMC coaster always warrants a trip. Not sure where I'll be going on vacation next summer but I DO KNOW that it will include a stop in Tennessee.
  6. They will go on sale at some point early in 2016. $81 is still a good deal however as they are offering a free visit in 2015 for new passholders and for renewing passholders they are offering a free FastLane.
  7. I totally forgot about Fun Spot!! Thank you sir. I'll be sure to squeeze that in. Tickets aren't an issue necessarily as I'm a CM here at DLR. I'm hoping most of the Xmas offerings are available during our trip. I'll have more questions so I appreciate the help in advance.
  8. Pretty excited as the girlfriend and I just booked our flights for our 1st trip to Orlando! We will be there 12/05-12/12 in which I plan on squeezing BGT somewhere in there. Is each park a "whole day" park? AK closes early (5pm or 6pm) so I know it's not but what about HS, MK and Epcot? Thank you all.
  9. ^Lucky you. My 9 year old daughter wants nothing to do with roller coasters. Breaks my heart.
  10. It could also be a component on the chain housing or chain-trough nylon lining. I've personally seen those become an issue before when the chain starts making hard contact with it.
  11. Cam has been moved so you can't see work happening on lift. You can see the boom of the crane but that's it. Hope it's nothing serious.
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