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Everything posted by DJeXeL

  1. One of my co workers here at my office is crying because they raised prices. "Why does Disney keep raisin prices?!" My response: "Because people keep going!! You're going to go regardless. You can't have kids and not take then to Disneyland. You're stuck and Disney knows that. Too bad. So sad. Disney has a good product and you get what you pay for."
  2. HaHa I love it! Tony your trolling is phenomenal. Keep it up!
  3. The artwork doesn't show a Pterodactyl, but a Pteranodon. Thanks for clearing that up............my day can continue now.
  4. Yes. They have no idea what they're doing. The TPR engineering consultants should really email the park asap!
  5. ^Would be epic if the pilot car of the trains is a Pterodactyl. (Yes, I had to Google the spelling.)
  6. Interesting. VM has always done braking systems but nice to see them branch out.
  7. I know they have done Intamin rides in the past: http://www.intrasys-gmbh.com/dl/atp_0106.pdf True. They worked on S:TE @ SFMM.
  8. ^That makes sense. Note how there's no Intamin coasters listed. Then again, Intamin's LSM stators are different in design now that I think about it so they might be supplied by a different manufacturer.
  9. Ah, yes. That's what I thought. They also supply equipment for most of the LSM/LIM coasters out there. TB305 be careful using Wikipedia. They will lead you off a cliff sometimes.
  10. B&M wouldn't be the ones supplying the launch system. They didn't on the original Hulk and they didn't on Thunderbird. Both of those parks contracted with another company to launch the train. Was Intrasys contracted for Thunderbird?
  11. ^^This is the first steel coaster to go through this type of refurbishment or am I mistaken?
  12. Tony is on a epic level of trolling. I'm still laughing at this.....
  13. To be honest, I expected to be replacing the trains and fair amount of the track (if not all of it), so for me at least, the scope of the project is about on par with what I expected. Anyone who has ridden Hulk over the last couple of years knows that it's probably become the roughest B&M coaster this side of Iron Wolf. I'm personally very happy about all of this. I actually really like Hulk a lot, but I've found it just not a good ride the last couple of times I rode it to the point where I don't think I've even bothered to ride it for the last year or so I've been at the park. This refurbishment is a welcome change, IMO! I agree. I'm glad USO putting TLC into the ride. A lot of aging B&Ms are going to need this treatment. IE: RRV @ SFMM.
  14. Most likely portions that were getting stress fatigue and/or needing to be welded consistently. RRV @ SFMM has numerous spots where track has been welded. This leads me to believe we should be seeing some shipments of track on their way from Claremont Steel.
  15. ^Agreed. He is a scary SOB though when he is in a part of a maze with the right amount of lighting and smoke effects.
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