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Everything posted by DJeXeL

  1. Expedition GeForce and Millennium Force both snapped lift cables last year. One would assume Intamin uses the same vendor for their cables so that right there tells you that it was a defective batch of cables.
  2. Stock has seen a steady gain since Apollo deal fell through. It's at $14.52 currently. I wouldn't be surprised if it was up to $18 by the end of May. Definitely a good sign.
  3. Black Mamba's themeing is second to none! How is it as a ride? Is it as good as dare I say.....Batman Clones?
  4. ^This was probably because the lift is directly after the station so in the slight chance the pinch wheels weren't able to slow the incoming train enough it wouldn't hit the lift approach. (Pinch wheels just before lift) Just a thought. I'm a certified operator for a B&M with rain mode and all it does is slow down the pinch wheels bringing the train into the station from the transfer/station approach.
  5. Robb how would you compare El Toro to T-Express? Is there a comparison?
  6. You make a "reservation" for the attraction of your choice via the Flash Pass device so it will hold your place in line for you. During your wait time you can do other things (Eat, shop etc...) When it's your time to ride an alert will be sent to your device. Each flash pass enabled attraction has a dedicated entrance for FP users. (Usually via the attraction's exit) Once you reach the loading platform an operator will "scan" your FP and you will join the line on the loading platform. The Platinum FP offers the least amount of waiting and allows you to ride twice without getting out of your seat. Hope this helps. Flash Pass Info
  7. ^^There's a Wendy's within walking distance and a Jack In The Box a short drive away. As Elissa said, you will save $5 or so by leaving the park.
  8. ^That would be the smart way to do it. Busch parks purchase 4 trains for their B&Ms that can only run 3 that way they can have a train in rehab and still run at full capacity. Very smart.
  9. What's the max amount of trains the ride was intended to run? 7 if I remember correctly?
  10. ^Nice video. I'm going in June and can't wait to ride this beast.
  11. ^Nice diagram. A113 PM me and I'll be happy to answer any questions regarding shuttle loops and Intamin rocket coasters.
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