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Everything posted by PriestofSyrinx

  1. Yeah that loop screw looks kinda out of place... Glad to see you're still having a blast on this trip to the land of the rising sun! This TR makes me want to go and see how wired the world can be!
  2. This does not happen twice a year, more like twice a century. The rides I think that would be closed are Scream Machine, Mindbender, Scorcher, Mine Train, and maybe Goliath, (due to those two low parts by the park gate. Thomas Town is now 20,000 leagues under the sea. But the Carousel, Ninja, Superman, Acrophobia and Monster Mansion probably escaped most of the flooding due to their extreme heights. But the pics from the AJC show the entire parking lot flooded.
  3. Yes but Intamin needs to find a way to make those cables more durable, or well have another SFKK disaster (i.e. the girl that lost her feet) on their hands. That should be their main concern! It freaks me out that these cables have broken more within the last couple years or so. Like just a few weeks after the SFKK incident, THE SAME TYPE OF DROP RIDE some where in Spain (Pretty sure its at Port Adventura) the cable snap! Now I dont know the intervals between replacing cables, but something has to change with those Cables
  4. Well coaster designs are MUCH better 20 or even 10 years ago, By that I mean smoother transitions, better materials, better energy use, and better wooden coaster design. Compare Georgia Cyclone (1990) to Thunderhead (2004) and even Wildcat (1996) to Thunderhead (2004) then compare that to El Toro (2006) Also steel companies started to turn clunky prototypes into smooth machines of fun and/or terror Example: Intamin:Superman: The Escape to Top Thrill Dragster B&M: Iron Wolf to Chang/Riddler's Revenge But even great designers like Werner Stengle have fallen victim to poor judgement for record breakers: Such as Son of Beast, Steel Dragon 2000, and even Goliath (SFMM) to some extent... But overall, designs have gotten much safer, more creative, and better! Cant wait to see whats next!
  5. I opened this up thinking... I wonder if this guy is new to the game or something. Never judge a topic by its title. Those are some of the most realistic RCT2 shots I have ever seen.
  6. Hmm... SFGAdv Kingda Ka El Toro Nitro Medusa SFNE Superman Ride of Steel KD Volcano Blast Coaster Intimidator BGA Shriekra SFMM X2 Goliath Deja Vu (I rode the former one at SFoG) Riddler's Revenge and Flashback (if it was still there) Hershey All but wild cat and super dooper looper There might be more...
  7. Great Que themeing, heck great themeing overall! A very interesting line up of attractions. You dont see many people put in small footprint coasters, but it adds a a sense of greater atmosphere and realism. Bravo!
  8. For it was a great ride. I was very glad I chose BGW over Six Flags America. I will miss the Wolf, for it was my third favorite ride in the park (Maybe second with Alpie) Busch likes to kill the Arrow ( RIP Python, my first inversion coaster). Hopefully Loch Ness will stay around for a long while...
  9. Awesome report. Cant wait to hit up those parks some time! My friend also Said that the Boardwalk Bullet was too intense... Oh and Bonus points for A farewell to Kings on your Ipod.
  10. Lets see... T1. Maverick (CP) I love this for how much fun this ride is. It made me laugh all the way through the entire ride! The best steel in my opinion. T1. The Voyage (Holiday World) Probably the closest coaster to perfection as its gonna get. Mega air time, tunnels, NINETY DEGREES!!! The crown jewel in wooden coaster (or all coasters period) belongs to a family owned park. Whoda Thunk it! 3. Goliath (SFoG) Just what the Doctor ordered! A big ol' slide in and out of the park in the most comfy trains ever! The best ride of the south! 4. Millennium Force (CP) My Number one from 2001-2007, You just cant beat front row on this ride. Amazing height! Amazing Drop! Amazing Speed! 5. Griffion (BGE) Dont look Down! Only ride that scared me and made me laugh Simultaneously. Seriously, the Beer men know how to make nice rides. 6.Top Thrill Dragster (CP) 17 seconds of pure bliss 7. Expedition Everest (AK) Disney's Best ride of any kind in my opinion. Not surprised by the themeing as I was by the sheer intensity of the helixes and drop. 8. Rockin' Roller Coaster (DHS) My favorite coaster from 1998-2001. This ride still gets me. I notice something new everytime I ride it. Also AEROSMITH ROCKS! 9. Magnum XL-200 (CP) Well the Grandfather of the coaster race is still my favorite coaster to ride at night. Who doesnt love a great air time machine with a scenic view 10. Mindbender (SFoG) My Favorite at SFoG till Goliath. I cant belive how great this coaster still runs. Intensity, inversions, senic views and a pop or two of air time makes this a perfect coaster to round out my list. Honorable Mentions: Afterburn, Kraken, Kumba, Montu, Alpengiest
  11. Yes! Do that! Robb's just not blowing smoke here. Those five hours will be much better spent re-riding rides instead of waiting for just a few like Titan and Mr. Freeze
  12. This is a very serious mistake! Even with making up their mistake, They still broke the number one rule "DONT SCREW UP BIG NEWS!" I am really upset that the affiliate did not check up the facts before broadcasting. Its like saying " Michael Jackson was rushed to the hospital, so that must mean he's dead!" then later " Oh he is not dead". I only used that example because no one knew if he was dead or not for about four hours! Nick "When Something you do screws up what you love" Wells
  13. Or they could just stay at the Breakers, thats never a bad Idea... But Cedar Point still has a lot of undeveloped land, and the land that would free up once mean streak will be buh-bye. Either that or Disaster Transport. Personally, I'd like to see Mean Streak go under first...
  14. Best floater would be Goliath (SFoG) But best overall would be The Voyage. I sure do miss Holiday World...
  15. Inline for Goliath (SFoG) GP: So does this ride have any loops? Me: No, it just has many funfilled air time hills! GP: Well that sucks! All coasters that have no loops are so boring! I should be waiting line for Georgia Scorcher. Also at SFoG: GP: Why is this ride made of wood? Me: Because it was cheaper to build a large wood coaster back then. GP: Six Flags sure is cheap... One more from SFoG... (same conversation, inline for Scream Machine) Me: This was once the tallest coaster in the world. Gp: Goliath is the tallest, right?
  16. Arent those second set of pictures from the awesome movie Rollercoaster?
  17. Python Viper (relocated but whatever) Big Bad Wolf (soon to be) Deja' Vu (SFoG) And ,depends on the offseason, Son of Beast And for non coaster ride: Mr. Toads Wild Ride I still miss that ride
  18. It official The new coaster's name is: White Lightning 237 and five-thirds. With splashdown!
  19. That would be Laser Snake Horse on Fire. Thats it! Thank you But yeah, I think that Cedar Fair does these cheesy names on purpose, just so we know that this coaster is better than the coaster you would ride anywhere else!
  20. I just realized something... I thought that having the name with the ride height was kinda cheesey on Cedar Fair's part. But it wasnt their first time... Magnum XL-200, God! How cheesey is that name. But its better than Dimond Snake Horse something on Fire! (cant remember the fake name for Dimondback)
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