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Everything posted by sfmmFREAK

  1. i think i just gained a couple pounds
  2. i don't play any sports now, but i used to play soccer, and do motocross. i surf and wakeboard but not competitively. i'm considering playing soccer again next year.
  3. circle circle dot dot :: jamie kennedy i love this song "you show me yours i show you mine, then we'll play doctor until nine"
  4. the novelty of the new year is wearig off super fast
  5. when i was at HH, i saw a guy inspecting flashback's trains and control panel. idk if its a regular thing or not.
  6. johnnie and me at magic mountain, not mutch to explain.
  7. every online quiz i take says i am manipulative and/or evil. GAH!
  8. you know what, first of all, where do you get off calling me and my friends jail bait skanks!? and my proud parents even thought it was funny, plus we don't have kids.
  9. *cough* biased *cough* the fact that sfft got best show and not universal or disney is just stupid.
  10. 1. i ate an eel head last night and nearly threw up 2. i wake board 3. i surf 4. i almost NEVER make eye contact with people unless i know him/her really well 5. i'm really stubborn and never think before i talk, sometimes what i say surprizes me!
  11. lmao, woo! you get to see me scream like a girl and get chased in circles by a clown, lmao.
  12. hahaha, but unfortunately for her, i couldn't find my camera.
  13. i'm friends with someone who is best friends with a person i despise.
  14. too many. the last clique i was in was hell though, it started with seven people and split up. and I was the one who got the knives in the back. so now that i made about 6 enemies, i'm with my back up clique (the surfers) woo, a clique i fit in to this time!
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