those twisted body slides HURT my back so bad. my favorites were the speed slides (venom drop, escape shute, etc). but what scared me was that when i whent on venom drop, i didn't go completely over the edge on the first try because i didn't push hard enough, so i had to look down and push a second time. the drop into the funnel on tornado was pretty awsome too.
out cold :: 11/10
i saw this movie again for the fist time in almost a year, and it NEVER gets old no matter how many times i watch it!
"This suit is really cramping my Hardy Boys. It's no mystery."
"Eric Montclare: Welcome to your first random drug test!"
"Pigpen: I don't have to write a test to tell you I do drugs... "
i got extra credit for eating a bug in science class (which i found out was a raisin, but the class didn't know that). it was so funny, we were talking about these bugs in science class then the teacher said "who is willing to EAT one?" and i was the only one with the balls to do it.