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Everything posted by sfmmFREAK

  1. this is the result of hairgel, two easily amused people, a lot of ketchup, and a camera.
  2. lmao, that was when i was getting high...off of armani code and trying on suits and going into lacoste. lol
  3. fun wth dick and jane american pie american pie 2 out cold
  4. here's a few pics from when me and tyler whent to USH yesterday: that'll do, pig giant monkeys scare me
  5. i was out until 11 last night, and i had to wake up early this morning. i'm so *yawn* tired.
  6. i'm going to a football game tonight with johnnie, followed by universal studios with tyler tomorrow. *does dance*
  7. at mm, do tatsu and X first, and at USH don't worry about the length of the line because it moves pretty fast.
  8. those twisted body slides HURT my back so bad. my favorites were the speed slides (venom drop, escape shute, etc). but what scared me was that when i whent on venom drop, i didn't go completely over the edge on the first try because i didn't push hard enough, so i had to look down and push a second time. the drop into the funnel on tornado was pretty awsome too.
  9. me and tyler get to go to universal studios after closing next saturday!!!! woo for no lines and free food!
  10. out cold :: 11/10 i saw this movie again for the fist time in almost a year, and it NEVER gets old no matter how many times i watch it! "This suit is really cramping my Hardy Boys. It's no mystery." "Eric Montclare: Welcome to your first random drug test!" "Pigpen: I don't have to write a test to tell you I do drugs... "
  11. there is no way wichita is angrier than LA
  12. Cry Wolf :: 9/10. i love how unpredictable the ending was.
  13. me and johnnie at the outlets (lmao, i have pizza sauce on my cheek) johnnie is secretly asian fire and ice eyes
  14. i got extra credit for eating a bug in science class (which i found out was a raisin, but the class didn't know that). it was so funny, we were talking about these bugs in science class then the teacher said "who is willing to EAT one?" and i was the only one with the balls to do it.
  15. i had to go to lunch with someone who hates me today.
  16. got a fat bruise on my ass in PE today.
  17. the weather is sooooooooooooooo nice here, and i'm about to go to the beach.
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