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Everything posted by sfmmFREAK

  1. ugh, its friday, and i'm at home on the computer. friday and wednesday nights are the nights i go out. i feel so pathetic. oh well, i'll go get some breakfast tomorrow with the friends. =/
  2. new OC tonight! its about time, i had to wait two weeks!
  3. low rise levis (lol, that rythmes) grey hurley T shirt white/red adidas campus shoes socks boxers
  4. my name is tommy, meaning 91928 lbs of pure f*ck you up. i have 10 toes and 5 fingers on each hand....of which i have TWO.
  5. my elbow still hurts from when alyssa tripped me in the levi outlet. i was walking away, and se grabbed by leg, and pulled it back, and fell on top of her and hit my elbow on the ground, and nearly took down the whole rack in the process, lol, it was funny.
  6. black hugo boss shirt volcom jeans plaid boxers diesel sunglasses nixon watch
  7. one of my stripper songs, lol strict machine :: goldfrapp
  8. i'm wearing armani code . i smell so good, i could molest myself, haha.
  9. black van heusen shirt abercrombie jeans von zipper sunglasses pukka shell necklace reef flip flops
  10. i'm chirstmas shopping...for myself, haha.
  11. i'm completely drained right now, i have zero energy
  12. a light on a hill :: margot & the nuclear so and so's woah, this song gives me goosebumps
  13. all out of love :: air supply edit :: quiet as a mouse :: margot and the nuclear so and so's
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