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Everything posted by sfmmFREAK

  1. the black dahlia :: 9/10 i saw it on opening night last night with johnnie. that movie was very...graphic. lots of blood, sex, and most of all, LESBIANS! and that is an unbeatable combination my friends. the movie did get pretty intense in some scenes though.
  2. woo, i get to be one of the last people to ride the hollywood one, i'm going on sept 30th. i really did love that ride.
  3. i'm getting a slvr in a couple months. woot.
  4. my spanish teacher is a B*TCH!!!!! gah!
  5. Me and johnnie are gonna go see The Black Dahlia next week.
  6. aw its the song from jonny's funeral (not my friend JOHNNIE) all the windows in :: sufjan stevens
  7. its always sunny in philadelphia is SOOOOOOOOOOO funny! dennis- "dad, we have some sorta disturbing news for you" the dad- "you two aren't banging are you?" dennis and dee- " ew, no, dad, thats gross" the dad- "i don't want any retard grandkids" dennis- "i'm not having sex with my sister" the mom-"you two aren't having sex are you!?" the dad- "banging your sister is perverted dennis!" dennis- "I'M NOT HAVING SEX WITH MY SISTER!!!"
  8. my foot slid under a wire fence last night
  9. omg, its so sad because he left behind a wife and kids.
  10. this is mine. not really mutch, just bed, computer, chair, TV, and like a bunch of surf/snowboard/wakeboarding posters. the window tyler and johnnie in my room
  11. me and peter at the lake this is the attitude you get when you wake me up at 8 in the morning
  12. ^HA! i weighed myself when i got home and weighed 135! so THERE!
  13. DANG jacob, i take pride in knowing i kept you at a computer and made you do that! (and don't take this away from me!) i gained like 5lbs, DAMN COMPUTER, now im 1% more body fat then TOMMY. haha, fatty. jk. i guess i can't complain about my weight because i just lost 4 pounds. woo, i'm 134 lbs again! anyhoo, back to ranting, i'm getting super pissed by people doing $hit and not have the balls to admit it, so the blame gets carried over to ME! gah!
  14. omg! i love the new location of monster alley. that section is scary even in the off season!
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