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Everything posted by sfmmFREAK

  1. CARS :: 8/10 it was pretty good, i liked it
  2. flake :: jack johnson edit story of my life :: social distortion
  3. "Many years ago, a group of kids were dancing in an abandoned barn on the edge of town. They were drinking. They kicked off their Sunday shoes. Everybody cut loose. Soon...Inevitably...Their feet became loose...Literally. Feet came off of people's legs.. We lost a lot of good kids, and a lot of good feet. At that moment, dancing was outlawed in this town forever." "So there's no...no dances, no proms?" "Well, we do occasionally allow our students to gather, and we play music, we call them stand arounds. In fact, there's a back to stand around tonight." "Stand arounds!? but dancing is my life..DANCING IS MY LIIIIIIIFE!!!!!!!" i love that movie
  4. grey hurley shirt with white and pink logo white hurley cargo shorts with grey logos
  5. dukes of hazzard: 8.5/10 i LOVE this movie! it makes me wanna jump a car.
  6. motion picture make-up artist (like horror movie make-up, etc)
  7. green hurley shirt brown planet earth shorts
  8. i do it every day, sometimes more.
  9. me and most of my exes aren't really on speaking terms
  10. they advertized the crap out of this movie at universal studios
  11. i love the OC. this season looks like its gonna be really good. i hated kaitlyn at first, but she's growing on me now. and i can't wait to see what ryan does to volchok (i hope he gets his face stepped on).
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