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Everything posted by sfmmFREAK

  1. for the windows in paradise, for the featherless in Ypsilanti :: sufjan stevens man that song has a long name
  2. jeez, God forbid a kid bumps into another kid, or gets a bruise. Its not gonna scar the kid for life. man, i think tag and dodgeball should be REQUIRED at that age.
  3. white hurley board shorts...thats about it, haha.
  4. tengo la camisa negra :: juanes lmao, we listened to it in spanish class, and now i actually KNOW what he's saying now.
  5. tommy: h/o johnnie: ok tommy: my computer is farting johnnie: LMAO! johnnie: my grandpa's does all the time
  6. i just threw up in my mouth a lil' bit...
  7. fright fest with johnnie, alyssa, melissa, and mark on saurday!
  8. running up that hill :: placebo update: can't come down :: embrace (aw, this song is sad)
  9. wow, now you can hide from missles...in LUXURY! for some reason, i can picture this in the next episode of cribs.
  10. i haven't read those books since 6th grade, its about time the series ends.
  11. OC season 3 comes out on DVD in one week and 3 days!!!!
  12. i was about to buy a pair of shorts that i wanted for a long time, then i found the same exact pair that i forgot i had in the back of my closet. it was so awsome. ::edit:: i feel better now
  13. 1. i read GQ magazine, there, i said it 2. i have never been in snow 3. i like USH more than disneyland, oh yeah, you heard me 4. i have been known to spend over $100 on a pair of sunglasses 5. i cringe when i hear cardboard rub against styrafoam.
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