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Everything posted by Trev32

  1. ^i really hope you've been acting sarcastic..... Trev32
  2. awww!!! she's so cute!! I've had two hampsters, one was eaten by my old cat(well, here upper body was) and another got out of it's cage, and tht was the last time i saw it. i want a new one!!
  3. awww!!! she's so cute!! I've had two hampsters, one was eaten by my old cat(well, here upper body was) and another got out of it's cage, and tht was the last time i saw it. i want a new one!!
  4. 8/10 Sanddust: actually, she's not a dalmation. The vet said she was a "Bird Dog" whatever that means.... And she's too small to even be a runt dalmation, she's only 19 inches tall. here's abby again..... (i don't have any pics of my bird)
  5. awwww 8/10 here are some pics of my dog, Abby.
  6. Stave it off, 1 2 3, and now you can count to three! Trev32
  7. One fine day in the middle of the night, Two dead boys got up to fight. Back-to-back they faced each other, Drew their swords and shot each other. A deaf policeman heard the noise, And rushed to save the two dead boys. A paralyzed donkey walking by, Kicked the copper in the eye, Sent him through a 9 inch wall, Into a dry ditch and drowned them all. If you odn't beleive this tale is true, ask the blind man, he saw it too! Trev"oxy-moron!"32
  8. ^has an avatar of a coaster at my home park \/ wishes his/her name was Prometheus the great
  9. Or maybe he switched because black was "in" at that time. Trev32
  10. ^misspelled "dunno" \/ is not emo? Trev32.
  11. Elissa: Lol too bad, they let you get as many as you wanted. Random part: We are family! Trev32
  12. Do the math. Lol I needed to come up with a name when i wanted to join Jon's site "Carowinds Connection", so i just took my name and added a 32. Trev32
  13. ^Is younger than my friend jordan by one day
  14. There were two muffins in an oven..... Trev32
  15. Theme park review, A.K.A land of the messy desktops. Anyway, i would take a picture, but 1. i dont' know where the camera is and 2. i don't know how to get it on to the PC... Trev32
  16. Can't you just make it to where everybody could change it themselves??? lol it would be a whole lot easier on you. If not.... can you change mine(again) to "CERREBELLUMED!!!!!!11!" please?? Trev"needs to stop visitng homestarunner.com"32
  17. Hey cool, Jonathan finally joined. Anyway, i wanna get Green Day's American Idiot, but i don't have any money. Other than that, nothing is really that appealing. Trev32
  18. I cut my elbow skateboarding, and i can finally ollie off a Picnic Table w/ my sk8board. Trev"my elbow is all bloody and what-not now"32
  19. No book can beat Strong bad's "No two people are the same". But in the distant world of reality, i don't read any books at all. Trev"down with reading!"32
  20. How do you tell what member number you are?? Trev32
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