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Everything posted by Trev32

  1. ^That badger shirt ownz, where'd you get it?? Trev"badger badger badger"32
  2. MSG'D!!! Trev"i need to stop visiting home star runner"32
  3. Sombody is being Fangoriously Devoured by a Gelatinous monster inside Star Wars king of the junge:The Mini series.... Trev"GAZELLE CARCASS!"32
  4. Can you change mine to Carmel Corn for prez! ??? Hehe, i love stealing things from SBemails. Trev32
  5. Anyway, i play soccer, and i skate. I'm pretty good a soccer, but i suck at skating (best non-variation trick i can do is a switch boneless)
  6. Okay, so a few days ago i was trying to grind with my skateboard and shot out and slammed my shins on the rail, and almost sprained my wrist. the next day i shot out on my skateboard again and my upper left lig is cut up and what not now. then i go to the Chiropractor so he can adjust my foot(it was really messed up) and found out that my right knee, my back and my neck were screwed up too. then at church tonight they make us get in a human pyramid thing (don't ask why) and i think my back needs re-adjusting now. Tldr:Okay, so a few days ago i was trying to grind with my skateboard and shot out and slammed my shins on the rail, and almost sprained my wrist. the next day i shot out on my skateboard again and my upper left lig is cut up and what not now. then i go to the Chiropractor so he can adjust my foot(it was really messed up) and found out that my right knee, my back and my neck were screwed up too. then at church tonight they make us get in a human pyramid thing (don't ask why) and i think my back needs re-adjusting now. Now time for the randomness, Star wars, king of the jungle! Carmel Corn for president please!
  7. Emo kids should be stabbed in the face. And so should their parents. Trev32
  8. LIEK OMGZORZ THE BACKSTR33T BOYS LIEK TOTALLY ROCK MAN!!!!!uno!!!!lollerskates!!eleven!!!onetwoonetwo! Trev32
  9. Right now i'm eating popcorn, it depends on what time of the day it is. Trev:yummy, popcorn"32
  10. ^has an avatar with a guy who has a me-hi-co shpaed head
  11. Zaneymon has the same exact birthday as my friend Jordan. and movieguy has the same b-day as my friend Dustin My b-day is September 18th. Haha, i'm not even three months older than coastercrazy88.
  12. Time for more stupidly wacky North Carolina weather! Firday: Warm and sunny, not much to report on. Saturday: cold, and rainy. Sunday:FREEZING cold, high winds, and it snowed a little! Today: Warm again
  13. When i was like 7 i was riding a friends bike and his brakes absolutley sucked, but to my misfortune i didn't know that. So i started riding down a hill, squeezed the brakes so i would stop, but the bike just kept goign faster and faster. Then i ran straight into a ditch and did an endo, with an extra frontflip.(not to mention i slid a few feet). it ended up knocking me unconcious for a sec, i remember hitting the once or twice, then the next thign i knew i was about 20 or so feet from the dtich looking up at the sky and my friends started yelling and starting running towards me and what not,lol. That was one helluva bump on my head. Another that happened was i went off a kicker and lid off my pedals and landed on the middle bar, that didn't feel to good. And i messed up trying to go off a kicker about 3 weeks ago and landed tilted and went straight onto my side. And about 2 years ago the brakes on my bike suddenly stopped working and i hit a bump and flew to my side and my stomach landed on the handlebars... AND i was trying to do a really tight turn about a year or so back and ended up sliding on Gravel, but that didn't hurt too much.
  14. I injured my foot and the bones are out of allignment. Trev"it makes a cool "SNAP!" sound when i walk"32
  15. There is a chineese place up the road from here called King Buffet (King is my town's name) that's pretty good, they jsut renovated though and it's alot worse than it used to be. they got rid of my favorite dish. (scallion chicken ownz j00) There is a place called Hickory Smoked Barbecue place that's pretty good too, but it's NOTHING like Outback Steakhouses ribs. And there is another place called P.B. Clarks that's supposed to be real good, ut i've never been. Taco bell still ownz almost every resturaunt though. Trev32
  16. Ok, now right up the road it's 2.15, about 5 minutes from here is 2.10, and about 30-45 mins from here is down to $1.99! Trev32
  17. If you want a place with the most screwed up weather, it's North Carolina. For the past few days and today it has been REALLY hot and sunny, today it thunderstorms and now they are calling for snow on sunday. And a few years back it was warm and sunny for a few days, then we wake up and there is 3 inches of snow on the ground. We always get odd weather like that. Trev" I DON'T WANT IT TO SNOW HERE!!! "32
  18. [corny tune] toy land, toy land, ah the wonders of tooooyland[/corny tune] Trev32
  19. ^LOL yours is funny. Trev"his has the word ass in it! no fair!"32
  20. ^If North Carolina has gotten snow near the end of april before, Ohio definitley can. Time for the random part of my post: I didn't wake up until 10:44 Trev32"see, homeschooling DOES have advantages!"32.
  21. Could you change mine to either a. "go make me a sandwhich" or "[/yourlife]"?? either one would be fine. Trev32
  22. ^haha, that has nothing to do witht he topic Anyway, And i though my siblings were the king''s and queen's of over-reacting....
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