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Everything posted by b&mforever

  1. I actually thought my ride on Chang this summer was the smoothest ride i have ever had. Never would have thought a stand up could be so smooth.
  2. The drop angle isn't going to make the speed slower. The speed is based on drop height.
  3. ^^^ Whoa. Now your losing it. I am not even that big a fan of Voyage but Voyage is a way better name than voyage. If you had been to holiday world you would realize that voyage is located in the Thanksgiving area of the park which is why it has the name voyage which is referring to the voyage that the pilgrims made.
  4. Yeah Apollos Chariot is a very good ride. I have the same reasons for liking Nitro so much. Theres tons of sustained airtime and its in the complete nowhere which makes for like pitch black night rides. Nitro and El Toro are probably my favorite rides. El Toro I find more exciting and intense, but Nitro i had so much fun with my Friends on it this summer and its an awesome ride so its also my favorite. 4 across seating rules.
  5. I sense a little fanboyism. And by a little i mean a lot. Umm the reason why they name all those rides the same names is because it saves money. Why make 5 different merchandise lines when you can make one line for 5 rides. Its not stupid its actually good business sense.
  6. I sense a little fanboyism. And by alittle i mean a lot. Umm the reason why they name all those rides the same names is because it saves money. Why make 5 different merchandise lines when you can make one line for 5 rides. Its not stupid its actually good business sense.
  7. Absolutely wonderful. I love this video. So fun and good spirited. Makes me wish i was there.
  8. That first trim looks terrible. It looks like its either a set of three or four brakes. Way more than what is typically used on trims. I hope that its not used. Come on B&M. I really hope that this is better than it looks right now.
  9. One question. Do you check the ballots for things like rate bombing and invalid votes. I saw a couple weird ballots that looked like they should have been voided.
  10. I only recall ejector air on the drop and the first camel hump on Maverick. No where else. EL TORO WINS this award by a longshot.
  11. The Schwartzkopf shuttle loops beat it in height, They are 137' 10".
  12. The only place the slowing of the lift effected was the drop in front seat. The lift never went 20mph its only like 5 mph slower now and in the back its just as strong. The rest of the rides the same except now the ending faster because the slowed speed allows it to take the first half smoother and not lose all its speed. That combined with the fact that its further broken in than before is why the ride is better this way.
  13. If you want good executed snapping ride a Batman. I had the best invert ride ever on one tonight in front row beating out Raptor, Alpengeist, Talon, and Montu. I guess after 13 hours of running they fly through the whole ride like no other. Don't underestimate those little beasts. The best second half after the mcbr would probably be Nitro and Apollos chariot. They are both extremely fun.
  14. Great American Scream Machine has one of the Best Paint Jobs. Photo From AmusementPics
  15. Strongest LIM launch would have to Be Chiller. Its been really strong this year. Strongest launch of any type is Dodonpa as most have said.
  16. The last time i saw land clear out like that it was for a B&M. I wonder if we may see one of those.
  17. GOod recreation but havem't they added a cross beam on the top hat since it opened.
  18. I have felt this a lot on Loch ness monster but Great American Scream Machine did not do that.
  19. Heres one i made. Pink Medusa This ones very Suttle. Any notice whats different.
  20. I Did not just use auto smoother as you will notice that the banking has changed to, the position of the nodes which auto smoother does not modify and that some of the elements have been completely rebuilt.
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