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Everything posted by CoasterFanatic

  1. ^ Everything is going according to planned? Does that include the one-car, 12 seat, 60-100 pph, 4 hour waits, that we all had in mind.
  2. The MACK powered coasters are pretty neat. But, the closest one to you is probably in Toronto, CA.
  3. ^ True. I added the Old Town / Cypress day for the die hard credit whores. If that isn't your thing than an extra day at Disney would really be helpful. // We are all credit whores (some are just in denial)
  4. Avalanche Run Ice Mountain Bobsled Snowball Express Avalanche // Hey wait. I'm the smart ass.
  5. If it is your first time. 2 Day Hopper @ Disney 1 Day Universal 1 Day IOA 1 Day Sea World / I-Drive Attractions 1 Day Old Town / Cypress / I-Drive Attractions 1 Day Busch Gardens If you are a coaster fan, Busch Gardens is not to be missed.
  6. ^ Now that I think about it. They may be from 2000. 92/93 and 2000 were my two last visits before the G-trains. Wasn't RWB unpainted in 92/93? I can't remember.
  7. ^ I believe the pics are from 92 or 93. It was probably only running one train. Small crowd from what I remember. It was running excellently on this particular day. The one thing about Raging Wolf Bobs is that, if you don't have the speed going around those turns, it is just plain boring.
  8. ^ Then you have violated his Code of Conduct or whatever he calls it. He states that users are not use any type of ad-blocking software. // I don't like pop-ups. That's why I'm here.
  9. All this talk reminds me of RWB's glory days. Running a PTC with no shuffling and potholes. At least I still have my memories. RWB in it's Glory Days RWB in it's Glory Days
  10. ^ They are finishing the second-half this year. If any supplies and funds are left, they are going to give the Villian a little TLC. I have seen the Lexi (The PR Lady) speak twice and it really sounds like they are trying to massively improve the park.
  11. Too bad that you never visited the park prior to 1996, because this ride used to be pretty good. Over the last couple years, it has gone severely downhill. Even with the retracking, it was bashing violently last season. The G-trains are a little less forgiving on the body for the style of ride that this was delivering. We can only hope that they get this thing running back to "good" ride that it used to be. // Not a big G-train fan
  12. Hey. I'm supposed to be the smart-ass around here. // In support of correct grammer and spelling
  13. http://www.coasterfanatics.com Ridefest 2004 (Lakemont Park) PPP 2004 (Knoebels) Kennywood 2004 Busch Gardens 2003 Talon 2003 (Dorney Park) also check out .... http://www.geocities.com/coasterman_mike/VideoPage.html
  14. I went to CoasterBash in Pittsburgh on Saturday and just wanted share a quick run-down of the days events. Summer Flashback (Bill Linkenheimer) - Bill presented a short slide show set to music of all the groups events from last year New Coasters of 2004 (Ken Simmons) - Bill showed a short video featuring shots of many of last years new coasters. Sans Tsunami. Pittsburgh's Lost Roller Coasters (Paul Korol) - One of the most interesting discussions of the afternoon was a presentation by Paul Korol, documenting the history of many of Pittsburgh's lost parks. Most of the information presented was new to most of the ACE members in attendance, since not much is documented on many of these parks. Waldameer (Steve Gorman) - Steve ran through a short presentation reflecting on last season and some of the problems they had getting the Steel Dragon put together. But, of more interest to most in attendance, he spoke very candidly about all the problems the park has faced in regards to the "Ravine Flyer II" project. It does look like the ride may now happen (might!), but would not open until 2007 at the earliest. They will find out if they will get the permit to built the bridge this off-season in about 3 weeks. Guess the Ride Contest - KPconnection put together a collection of slides taken during the off-season of many of Kennywood's signature attractions. Everyone got a sheet of paper with a chance to guess all 20. The winner correctly identified 17 of them. I got a whopping 7. Hey, it was pretty difficult! Idlewild Park (Jeff Croushore) - Jeff, the new PR guy at Idlewild, made a 30 minute presentation with highlights including a short history lesson of "Rollo Coaster" and details of the newest ride, "Paul Bunyan's Loggin Toboggan", an Arrow flume from the now defunct Old Indiana Fun Park. Kennywood (Mary Lou Rosemeyer) - Kennywood may not be building a multi-million dollar ride this year, but they haven't kept that from letting them improve many areas of the park. This year Kennywood is: building a new entrance, going strictly POP, Completely overhauling the carousel, Completely refurbing the Racer trains (not replacing as was the impression from EastCoaster), and removing the Wipeout. you may ask how removing the Wipeout is an improvement, but it is to make way for their 2006 addition. In 2006, Kennywood will receive a "Screaming Swing" from S&S. But, this is no ordinary screaming swing. It will feature 2 - 16 passenger carriages swinging to a larger height, and most importantly, will be included with regular admission. Goldlen Kenny Award - Presented to Maggie Altman Season Review (Mike Matscherz) - Mike showed exciting videos from Lake Compounce and Lakemont Park. Coasting Through Kennywood (Dave Hahner) - The author of Arcadia's book "Kennywood", Dave Hahner presented a comprehensive slide show featuring the lost coasters of Kennywood. Included were many construction and hard-to-find photos. PKI Video - A short video that was originally shown at EastCoaster promoting the parks newest addition "Italian Job: Stunt Track". Ridefest 2004 (Ted Cromwell) - Yours truley presented a video documenting last years final annual event. Lexi Robinson (Geauga Lake) - Lexi, the PR lady at Geauga Lake displayed slides and a short video showing all the wonderful improvements that are happening at Geauga Lake. The biggest of which is a 26 Million Dollar water park the is being added to the Sea World side over the next two years. In all, CoasterBash lived up to it's reputation of being an extremely enjoyable event while not falling into the trap of being dominated by PR. If you ever get the chance, this event is a day full of fun for all ages.
  15. Point taken. Thank you again for the input. If it reopens on Thursday, I may get a chance, but Friday will most likely be very difficult. // We want to see the Disney Night Shows
  16. TTA (Tomorrowland Transit Authority) Any Train Ride Sky Rides Giant Wheels
  17. You have to at least give the Safari an E-ticket nod, and maybe even Kali. Animal Kingdom is definately a park built around the park-hopper mentality. Most people are history by 3pm and the park usually doesn't close much later than that. Everest will definately be a step in establishing this park as an all day affair. Now we just need longer hours.
  18. I didn't vote in the poll, because none of the choices really reflected the way that I feel about TTD. It seemed like a little bit of a setup actually. I have been on a few launched (including XLR8R, Hypersonic, Dragster, SR, etc) and i consider TTD to be a very good, powerful, fast and exciting coaster. The only drawback to me is that the ride seems to tame itself a little bit everytime you ride it. That means that technically every ride is the worst ride you ever had. TTD is a good ride, and the only thing that I can atttribute to it's constant bashing is sort of a regional-based loyalty to ones own coasters, which I definately understand. That, and if I drove clear across the country and got burned like so many others, I would probably have a chip on my shoulder too. // Hyper would also get my vote for most powerful launch.
  19. Well, we can only hope that they are prepping for Solace. If not, they can bet that folks like me will probably not venture clear across the country next year for the event. As for the restrooms, they have the same signs at Cedar Point. I noticed them last year. Not quite sure, but I bet it is to hide their secret unrinal numbering system. (Picture borrowed from CoasterDave who took it last year at Solace.) Knott's Numbered Stalls
  20. This would make for an interesting personal blog. Just enter everything that you eat every day. It could go like. Friday - 3.4.05 7:00am - 16oz coffee 9:00am - Twix Cereal Bar 9:30am - 8oz Decaffinated Coffee 12:00pm - Fish Sandwich, Cole Slaw, 12oz Coke 4:00pm - 11oz Tangerines and so on. I would be even funnier if you took a picture of each item.
  21. ^ I just got my second email from them. It kind of answers your question. BTW, thanks for your input Robb. We may just see what time it is when we get the car and what traffic is like. If it looks bad, we may just turn around and try it another day.
  22. As I look at it more, I am thinking that I will probably go to Sea World and just do Atlantis and the show then probably head over to Belmont to just look around and take a couple pictures, because the Dipper is not going to be open.
  23. (In my best Kreskin voice) I predict .... that there will be many Solace entries in the TPR video contest.
  24. I have been tossing around the idea of making a little trip to San Diego while we are in LA next week for Solace. We have some time the daythe day we arrive (Wednesday) and was wondering the do-ability of this. Arrive at LAX 11:30 Drive to and visit Sea World San Diego and Belmont Park SW closes at 5pm and Belmont at 8pm I am not really worried about the value of spending a couple hours at Sea World (we both have the platinum passes and have seen most of the other shows in Florida). This is the list of things I would like to accomplish. Sea World - Dolphin Show Sea World - Journey to Atlantis Sea World - Sky Ride Belmont - Dipper (couple times at least) Belmont - Carousel .. and then maybe a little walk on the beach. Am I crazy?
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