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Everything posted by CoasterFanatic

  1. Cool photos of spaceship earth. i have been stuck on that thing many times, but never evacuated. Longest was maybe 10 minutes or so. My biggest goal the whole time I lived in Florida was to get stuck at the top of the lifthill in Space Mountain. That way, you could ride the entire course with the lights on, while also being the only car on the track. I came really close one time (broke down as we were strapped in waiting to procede to the tunnel), but I never actually acheived my goal. I did get stuck however on the TTA inside the mountain with the lights on, and got a couple nifty shots.
  2. Too many favorites to name just one ... Haunted House - Camden Park Haunted House - Knoebels Wacky Shack - Waldameer La Cachot (Defunct) - Kennywood
  3. Some possible trips: Silverwood Mt Olympus/SFGA Texas SFoG/Lake Winnie Definate trips: KennyKon PPP/Ridefest SFGadv Hershey Solace/Bash Dollywood Holiday World/PKI and of course CP
  4. Kennywood, but you could say I am in the middle of it all. Kennywood (36 miles) Idlewild Park (71.9 miles) Geauga Lake (75.2 miles) Conneaut Lake Park (84 miles) Memphis Kiddie Park (93.3 miles) Erieview Park (98.1 miles) Lakemont Park (115.1 miles) Waldameer Park (118.8 miles) Cedar Point (131.8 miles) Williams Grove Park (189.1 miles) Six Flags Darien Lake (205.6 miles) Hersheypark (207.5 miles) Paramount's Kings Island (208.1 miles)
  5. I remember the site well. Would have loved to have gotten that domain back in the day.
  6. I will foloow Robb's lead: Fav Theme Park: Epcot Fav Amusement Park: Knoebel's / Kennywood (TIE) Fav SF Park: SFGAdv (by default ... haven't been to a good one yet) Fav Paramount Park: PKI Fav Disney Park: Epcot Fav CF Park: CP Worst Park: SFKK
  7. Pitfall - Kennywood If you are on the River side, the elevation difference is insane.
  8. Volcano (PKD) would probably get my vote. It just looks like poop. I guess it is getting painted this year, so we will see.
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