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Everything posted by map2

  1. Great Idea!!! The only hotel on Disney property was the Disney All Stars Sports during a school trip. It certainly was not the best, yet it was not the worst. I don't think the quality it is worth the 100 dollars a night. The room itself is equivalent to one of the motels on International Drive, except cleaner. The only thing your paying for is location and the shuttle service. I really want to stay at the Contemporary Resort. I don't know why, but the views of Magic Kingdom and the monorail just make it awesome to look at. The Polynesian I heard was very nice. I also really want to stay at either the Yact or Beach Club Resort. Just thinking about all of the slides makes me excited
  2. This is getting stupid, stop voting for a park, and then take away points from the park CalP 16 WOF 9 CP 21 SFOT 7 SFOG 27 BGT +15 SFNE -1
  3. CalP -16 WOF 10 CP 20 SFOT 7 SFOG +27 BGT 14 SFNE 3
  4. On Screamscpae (my computer still is unable to make links), it stated that there was a press release from Six Flags singling out SFMM. Theywere saying that SFMM is improving in customer satisfaction rates. These areas include ride safety, overall safety, Childrens Ride's??, Employee Service??, Character Presence, and non-stop entertainment offerings. To me it is very ironic that SFMM improves in all of the areas that it is criticized for in less that a month. At least this is a good sign for SFMM. Let's see if this link works www.srceamscape.com/html/six_flags_magic_mountain.htm[/u]
  5. If they don't really like riding rides, then why did they choose to have a party at Six Flgas??
  6. It's closing, NOOO! Ok I'm over it! Really it's like this HUGE arcade with lots of games that are more interactive. I thought the Pirates of the Carribean was awesome, but I also really liked Aladin and the Buzz Lightyear ride thingy. As for the Cyberspace Mountain, it's no different from the other roller coaster simulators, except you have to wait in a slow moving line for this. It's a nice place, but its so expensive to go to. The admission is more expensive than some theme park admissions. Has anyone done that Alein Encounter thing on the 5th floor? Ever since I saw the ride at Tomorrowland, I was terrified to do it. Yeah anyways, CityWalk has been taking away a lot of Downtown Disney's customers
  7. Ahh Vault, I had one a week ago, and it was SO GOOD! It tasted like Mounatin Dew except better, but afterwards, I was jumping off the walls!
  8. I see that your going to SFOG on a Saturday in July, it really depends on how early you get to the park. The extra hour or so you get may help you with the major rides (Goliath, Superman, Batman, Scorcher, Acrophobia)- but it definately depends on how long your ERT lasts, but DEFINATELY do Goliath and Superman first. Get Flash Passes (whatever is the best offer, they now have more than one of those offers) Once the park opens head for either Batman, Scorcher, Acrophobia, or Deja Vu-if its opened (since everyone will be heading towards Goliath or Superman. By lunch, your Flash Passes will be useful (last time I went on a Saturday in July- Batman was a 240 minute wait and Scorcher was a 360 minute wait). Unlike other parks, eating late lunches may not help. Once you've got all of this done, you can do all the other rides (the ones with Flash Passes) maybe try the water rides at night, or later in the evening. Hope this helps, and have a great time
  9. All of that stuff is not done at one time, you gradually do that stuff. SFMM really eeds to start with their superintendents, and not being so leinent, and actually care about their work. From there, the superintendents tell the employees what to do and what not to do. That shouldn't cost any money. Picking up the trash is also something else they could do, get people to clean up the park, that should not cost too much.
  10. Gee the sneak peak has only been out for a few days and you alreday hate it. Oh well I don't blame you. Anyways a lot of people put any kind of rap on here saying its the worst. To me I look at it like this, don't expect Grammy winning lyrics, or for that any kind of somewhat decent lyrics for a lot of the crossover rap, and you'll be fine. Try to just listen to the beat, or pretnd your at a party with your friends and dancing to whatever song plays. I mean don't get me wrong, stuff like D4L and Dem Franchize Boyz is trashy, but they never had much to talk about to begin with. Nowadays only a few rappers rap about something with meaning. Their paying more attention to the beat and not words (which is fine by me beacuse I listen to the beat way more than the words anyways). But what bothers me more than country is when people who think they can sing, but really can't put out #1 records. Keysha Cole-Love Rihanna-Unfaithful, S.O.S Pink- Stupid Girls Paris Hilton- Stars are Blind
  11. Yeah I was looking at the actual building itelf, and I'm pretty sure all of the queue is indoors, this now makes more sense on why they installed the CA version. There could not be a "forward" portion because it would interfere with the queue area and gift shop/exit area. Plus the queue would have to be indoors because it's weather would not be what we would call "California or Florida weather." I mean sure you couldswing the queue area towards the back, but it would be just as inconvenient as it is tacky to do so. I mean Disneyland Tokyo just does not have the space to push the whole tower back. I guess this is what the Disney Imagineers were thinking when they decided to build this ride. I do however like the building, I think it looks very nice.
  12. Ok I was on the intenet last night and decided to look up something about Tokyo's new Tower of Terror coming to the public later this year. I wish I could put a link, but right now my computer is not working right, I think you can get it on Wikipedia. I think a lot of you know that this TOT strays from the Twilight Zone idea. This TOT seems to pay A LOT of attention to theming (like Flordia's version, and to some extent the California version) Unlike the American versions, all of this TOT's queue is all indoors (I think, I'll check on that). So guests walk through the building, which is themed to a New York hotel called the Hightower Hotel. Basically to sum things up, The guests enter a screnning room (like the American versions) and Mr. Hightower appears and says some stuff, then he shows a picture of his idol, which is cursed, some sort of thing happens, and the lights go out but the idol is still there. You then enter to the vault area of the hotel (equivalent to the boiler room). But to me the coolest part is when you face a wall, and you don't see an elevator shaft, the doors open, and the cargo elevator appears. From there its like the California version where the elevator stays in the same shaft. To me this sounds very cool! I just need the link, but I think you go to Wikipedia, and type in Tower of Terror
  13. CalP 19 WOF 4 CP 19 SFOT -7 SFOG +22 PKD 5 BGT 13 SFNE 8
  14. I still have that fear to some extent. Roller coasters don't seem to be too bad, but drop rides (except for Tower of Terror and turbo shots) scare the crap outta me. Acrophobia is still too scary for me, and if I even get the chance to ride Drop Zone, I would definately turn it down. People tell you to close your eyes, but that does not help at all to me.
  15. Oooh, tough competiton between CalP and SFOG!!! SFMM +3 CalP 18 WOF -4 CP 15 SFOT 9 SFOG 20 PKD 6 BGT 13 SFNE 9
  16. The park itself is not ghetto, its the people who are ghetto who do not care and just trash the place like its their house. I do agree with you on how Six Flags will never be a Disney, but I do not think Sharpio is trying to make it a Disney. He's just trying to clean up the park and make it more "friendlier" so families can go there and spend money, which helps Six Flags' debt problems. If teens spent money as much as families do, then there would not be as much of a problem. It's sad, however, about this. Everyday on the news here, you always hear about violence. Channel 2, the #1 news station here reports only the negative things, and sometimes something positive (not often though). The news is either about a killing, a rape, a robbery, or some sort of arrest of a person, and then they'll get to the weather.
  17. SFMM 3 CalP -17 WOF 5 CP 15 SFOT 9 SFOG +20 PKD 6 BGT 13 SFNE 9
  18. SFMM 6 CaLP 18 WOF 4 CP 13 SFOT-9 SFOG+18 PKD 6 BGT 13 SFNE 10
  19. ^^^When I went, I was surprides that these systems were not already installed. When I went, there was not much of a wait, so it wasn't too bad. I was just rrying to imagine the lines during a Saturday in July
  20. The fastlane is a rip off at SFMM. When went in 2004, they only had fastlanes (q bots at the time) for aselect rides, where the line was moving, but they did not have one for X, whcih was stupid because it was a 3hr wait, when we get there. There was this guy standing right before you get on the ramp that was supposed to releive the wait, but only made it worse. While we were waiting the ride breaks down for 30 mins, starts operating for 10 mins, and breaks down for 2hr. I asked one of the ride ops whats wrong with the ride and he says "I don't know , why are you asking me?" While waiting in line we see Goliath breakdown 3/4 of the way up for about 45 mins. But when I FINALLY got my chance to ride X, it was so AWESOME, even thouht it sucked waiting for a reason that could have been prevented. But the weirdest thing was that the ride ops were handing out tickets at the entrance, and there was a guy taking the tickets up before you get on. If any of you have seen this before, do you know why they do this
  21. So I was in Houston a few days ago, and I noticed an advertisment for the "largest indoor amusment park in the world" at Reliant park. I decided to check it out and left my parents while they went to a seminar across the street. I walked into the Astrodome where they held the Katrina victims after evacuating them out of the Superdome in New Orleans. Me and my parents walk up to the ticket counter outside and see that the admission is $20 just to get inside. I knew my parents were not going to ride so I told them I will go inside and do a few stuff, instead of wasting $40 to do nothing. I asked one of the ticket people whats inside, and they say over 29 rides and attractions for all ages. I walked inside the aging Astrodome and was very disapointed in what I saw, a few cheap rides that were put together and a very old rickety ferris wheel inside an old stadium. It gave me the creeps just looking at it. I headed towards my first ride, Spinout, which was the best ride of the hour that I sspent there. I t flipped you upside down and then spun you around in circles while you were inverted. I then get off and reluctantly get on one of those Looping starship" thingys that all fairs seem to have. I'm strapped inside and then the thing starts moving, while were in the air, I hear the whole car squeaking. I suddenly become freaked out and I'm ready to get off. We are then held upside down for about 3 seconds, and all the while I could hear the whole car squeak. Once I got off that ride, I made my way over to one of those spinning spaceships where the floor drop. I was surprised on this because I expected the whole floor to drop, but the seats just rose so my feet were off the ground. I then went on Spinout again and then left. Out of the "supposed 29 attractions" there were only about 15 there. Of the 15 there were only about 8 that were opened. There was this dropping ride, but I did not feel like getting on it, and then I saw one of those "flipping ferris wheel, zipper" thingys, and I was making my way to th enterance, but found it was closed with security gaurds and a parent standing in front of it. At least there were not many people there, only about 30 people. All and all I was very disappointed with the park,and thought the advertisments were false. But I then realized there was no way they were getting an Astroworld in such a small area. Speaking of Astroworld, when I went to a concert later that night, I saw the remains of Astroworld from the Reliant Stadium. I never realized how small the park was until looking at the land.
  22. I'm pretty much always with my friends when I go to theme parks. I talk to the people within my group, and sometimes one of my friends will strike up a conversation with someone else in line and sometimes I'll end up talking to them. We usually talk to people who are a little older than us or a little younger than us, if we do talk to others in line. Usually people 13-18. I have, however, a few times been on rides by myself. Then I do not talk to others, unless they say someting to me, then I'll respond. One time me and my friend thats a girl (not girlfriend) were talking, and these two kids say that we are a cute couple. We ignored them, but they kept annoying us the whole way to the station. One time during a 5th grade science trip to SFOG, we met this kid at SPUF, and he pulled my friend's hair and called us rich stupid brats because we went to a private school (even though he threatened to beat us up if we didn't tell where we went to school). That was the longest 1hr wait ever.
  23. no i don't, because i have a cell phone and aim screenname, why would i need this? plus i don't want a bunch of people i don't know telling me to be their best friend.
  24. Im going to Houston too. Im not so sure, maybe do "regular" fun things like go to the movies, go to a mall, arcade, etc. I know it doesn't sound too exciting, but thats the only thing I can think of. Plus they have Waterworld (if thats the name). SF is thinking on closing it, so you might want to go there (although im not sure if its any good)
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