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Everything posted by jarmor

  1. Wait . . . are people legit, prematurely, upset that this may not be taller than Fury 325???
  2. ^ I was gonna suggest that or even SFMM but I didn't what what his budget looked like. I've never stayed at Knott's a full day and I felt I got the full experience, personally lol.
  3. Not so much at knotts but just down the street is Adventure City which is home of a pretty unique Gerstlauer shuttle coaster. If you're spending 3 days at knott's then i'm sure you're not going to miss anything lol.
  4. The Slingshot ride on iDrive is 390ft tall and referred to as "The worlds tallest Slingshot ride" ... so how would a 300' tall slingshot be the worlds tallest? I think the current one shoots you up to 390ft but the towers themselves aren't that tall.
  5. This is like when Huss rides was offering the Land of the Giant's ride package but a version that actually happens lol. I like how they are having an ornate cap on the drop tower.
  6. Or when Fury 325 was in development/under construction. Carowinds even played around with the whole Greek thing and even had a Centurion t-shirt on hand for the announcement day.
  7. I'm a Universal type of guy but it looks like I need to make a trip to Disney Springs for some great food! All of it looks good, it would be hard just picking one place to eat! Do most serve tapas style dishes?
  8. Sorry to say but that is not true. The ride, as it was explained to me, was getting to the point where it was difficult to replace parts since it was pretty much made in house. Coupled that with low ridership (not capacity) and you have a good excuse for getting rid of it. The park already has low capacity per guest go they wouldn't just go get rid of a ride because the capacity is low.
  9. They did. I think it was her cousin Cleatus and you would board seats like the minions ride at universal.
  10. This is not a "family coaster". Sometimes it kills me to consider myself an enthusiast because if any new coaster doesn't blow the previous ones out the water then, for some, it was a waste. The coaster is fun, exciting and thrilling. Personally I never compare coasters because to me that's kinda silly. Like, why not go in and appreciate it for what it is and not because its better than "X" coaster or worst? What makes me enjoy riding coasters is to ride them because I love coasters and not to be critical and feel as if the park has to cater to my needs. Copperhead Strike is a great fit and balances out the coaster collection at Carowinds.
  11. Yesterday I saw people asking for the front and they formed a line on what appears to be an emergency landing and stairway near the front row. At first I was wondering how people got up there then I saw they would pass each other and get to the back. While nothing is guaranteed as there is still a sign stating as such, it never hurts to ask.
  12. Casually. Of course there is a greeter there but if you asked, chances are you will get where you want to be. But the train is so small it all feels the same everywhere on it.
  13. ^ The reason I took my glasses off. It definitely made sure no looser articles continued on the course lol.
  14. Carowinds website states cargo pockets are ok but I did see some phone flying out so only time will tell if it changes or not . . .
  15. Today was media day for Copperhead Strike and they rolled out the red carpet for this grand event. One of the first things you notice upon entering the area is a new Ice cream shop. For some of you long time Carowinds visitors, you would think something seems familiar and from what I hear it is the return of the blue smurf ice cream, now what a granny twist. One of granny Byrd boys . . . As usual, the park's GM and others make comments and lets the world know how excited they are for the new addition. The park held a first riders fundraiser for Make-A-Wish foundation and they presented them with a check. Lets go check it out! I have to say, it seems the park wasn't kidding when they stated they were focusing more on the guest experience and making things immersive. Take a look at some of the elements in the queue. Didn't take any inside the station (there is a strict loose article policy) but here is a shot of the station. Now on to the coaster! Hands down this is will be a well photographed coaster as the midway wraps around it. They were only running 2 trains today as the crowds didn't really warranted the 3rd one. Soooo . . . my thoughts. Overall it is a really good coaster. I have ridden Manta at Seaworld San Diego and this is like an amp'ed version of it. A totally different ride but still the same smoothness and comfortability of it. The jojo-roll will definitely remind people if they have loose articles and it is taking at a low, but comfortable pace. The launch barn is a highlight of the experience. For the regular park guest, they will be amazed and probably have never experienced anything of it's caliber. For those of you who have been on Mystic timbers I hear it's similar but better at carowinds. It's a lot going on that barn in a short period of time and you are bound to miss something. I recommend riding it in multiple rows to take in everything. Now, the coaster. As expected the launch isn't the most powerful but it does the job. The loops on this coaster are pretty round so I was curious to see how they rode. You get some strong G's going into the first one and immediately some serious hangtime. Before you think you're about to fall out you rush back down and over a real sweet airtime hill that give some good jr. ejector airtime. The helix leading into the second launch was pretty strong, G wise, but the surprise element is the drop into the second launch section. No soon as you catch your breath from the drop, you enter a launched hill. I have to say I was expecting a lot from this element as the thought of a launched airtime hill makes you think extreme airtime but you really don't even feel like you're being launched. Not a bad thing by no stretch, as you feel yourself accelerating but it felt more like an actual car ride vs a coaster. Then its up into the inverted top hat which also had some hangtime. The little turn into the second loop was like butter, forceful and smooth. The second loop didn't have much hangtime as the other elements but it was still fun. Now, here is where it gets wild. Once you enter the diving turn through the first loops the ride feel like it lets loose. The twisted hill after that was the surprise element of the coaster for me. Felt like an intamin coaster for a moment and the momentum didn't let up until the stretched out turn leading back to the station. Just as you're thinking it is over you drop down into a parting shot airtime filled drop then it's up into the brakes. I have to say, Copperhead is a very fun family coaster and it seems it is what the park was missing. On to something as equally as exciting, the gliders! I can say they feel the same and not altered as far as ride length or ability to snap! I also really like the new ride base wrap. The whole area looks really nice and ties in with the theming. I can't wait to see what else the park has in store in the future . . .
  16. Ummm. . . Either someone didn't do their homework or this color combo is the standard for stand-up coasters in the south lol.
  17. Agreed! the An-ti-ci. . . . . . PATION! Man, that will probably be the best hour of the day to just watch the tower. I wonder if they will have a sign stating such or just go for it.
  18. Season Passholder night has been officially ANNOUNCED and one thing that stands out to me is . . . So, if any of you are Season pass holders and were on the fence about heading to Season Passholder Preview, I think that's incentive enough.
  19. Why? They just told us about a very immersive, one of the most immersive attractions and you're worried about height and length lol?!? Also, I wonder if they are standing in part of the ride/queue? This should definitely be one of those attractions that have a different feel between riding in the daytime or at night. I can't wait!
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